blackrosefail just replied to Illu, should I ignore them or take this opportunity to icly be an ass to them? >3>
latest #13
>> I'm wondering the same thing. They replied to my Mammon post but so far I've decided to perhaps ignore them.
Just ignored them when they bugged TYL!Yamamoto. That wouldn't have gone anywhere
Didn't know you played Mammon.
He's a recent addition to the pile.
Only tossed him up on DM (last night I think?) and romance dressing and a meme for the hell of it
lol you could practically play a whole cast at this rate.
XD; Not whole... I still have issues with the main guardians
Except... Adding TYL Yamamoto recently as well. But I can't pull off the younger one
Squalo, Bel, Mammon, Fran, Mukuro, Byakuran and TYL!'Moto are the only ones so far
...Maybe Chrome. But I would do horrible things to her and I shouldn't touch that muse *ever*
lol yeah that's probably not a good idea.
I decided to just ignore them anyways, they'll move on.
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