MackCollier asks
15 years ago
what's the deal with having to sign in to Plurk so much all of the sudden?
latest #11
Tim Jackson
15 years ago
Not happenin to me brother... but then I never sign out.
15 years ago
not happening to me on reg website but all. the. freaking. time. on mobile
15 years ago
that has been happening to me! I used to be signed in all the time and now I have to sign in several times throughout the day.
15 years ago
glad to know it is not "just me."
Teeg says
15 years ago
it's not happening to me unless I restart my computer. It would get old fast if I had to do it all the time though.
MackCollier says
15 years ago
Odd. It's happening about once a day to me the last few days.
15 years ago
it probably has been happening 3-4 times/day. I haven't been on plurk as frequently, so thought I was getting bumped off for inactivity.
15 years ago
Hm weird Mack - not happening to me either.
jenniferC has
15 years ago
had to sign in a zillion times, both on laptop and on blackberry. This has happened before, then magically resolved itself.
Stinky wonders
15 years ago
if you sign in from one location, you're signed out from all your others.
15 years ago
I didn't have to sign in at all this weekend, but I had to sign in last night when I got home and then again this morning at work
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