grandcamel shares
16 years ago
Credit Default Swaps explained - Simplest explanation yet for how this monstrosity was born.
milktoast thinks
16 years ago
the simplest explanation is you can't give money away for free and not expect problems. Remember Batman and the joker dropping cash?
16 years ago
Somehow 70 trillion was played at the craps tables and nobody thought this was odd. We need to get our pitchforks and torches dusted off.
16 years ago
felt the bailout was just like war with Iraq. "We don't know what we're doing, but just trust us." *shakes head in despair*
cjkaminski has
16 years ago
a hard time reading stuff like this with all the extra politico-speak thrown in text.
16 years ago
episode 365 of this american life gives a good, fairly political neutral, background on CDS. What a crazy house of cards they are!