Lorie H hates
16 years ago
virus writers. Currently cleaning/repairing PC #6 of super-annoying "Antivirus 09" infection. (As if Anti08 wasn't bad enuff heh) Macs ftw!?
latest #6
Scottley says
16 years ago
Several Teachers were hit with that today and luck me, antivirus doesn't grant rights to teachers to remove any viruses....
Scottley says
16 years ago
It's days like this when I'm glad I live on the Mac Side..... I can just work with out having to spend all my time troubleshooting.......
Scottley says
16 years ago
Don't forget the Hallmark Virus......
Scottley says
16 years ago
We got hit with the Anti-VIrus 09 virus, then once that was fixed, the Anti-Virus 08.... Grrrr!!!!
Lorie H says
16 years ago
Oh yes, me too! First 08 for me, then 09, then the bugged MS Vista "patch" grr.. lol. Oh yes, I do love macs on days like those. hehe
Lorie H says
16 years ago
oh btw! Would so appreciate it if you could help me get mine up & running with clean OS anytime you cud spare. I know ur very busy tho!
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