desigu has
15 years ago
entered a photoshop contest. vote for my entry here What do ya'll think?
latest #6
desigu says
15 years ago
right click and open picture in new window to see it larger.
electric_goldfish says
15 years ago
it's very good and I like the theme - your edges are a bit soft on the people.
electric_goldfish says
15 years ago
(I am not saying that in a mean manner, btw.)
desigu says
15 years ago
no offense taken. i'm happy with the outcome, and it was a fun project to work on. after i lose, I'm going to upload the robot to
desigu says
15 years ago
ps. thanks for replying electric_goldfish you're like one of the only people who ever does. :-)
electric_goldfish says
15 years ago
NP, I love talking design. :-)
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