13 years ago
Guess who has a date for tomorrow night
latest #12
13 years ago
It's you but Who? How? What? When?
13 years ago
Good luck :-)
13 years ago
I'll say more after tomorrow, she's hot as hell but looks ain't all. If I'm lucky enough
Bitey says
13 years ago
Looks are a damn fine start in my book. But you will never know until there's a meeting, and talking, and hopefully kissing.
Bitey says
13 years ago
Who can really tell before that first really intense kiss?
13 years ago
I have nothing that needs to be done until tonight. I'll be climbing the walls soon. We've met and talked before but there's always been
13 years ago
people around. Not sure how ready I am to jump into anything serious yet. Not to sound like a total douche, I know I'm up for other things
Bitey says
13 years ago
But there's something to be said for totally hot chemistry too - for however long that lasts.
Bitey says
13 years ago
I say road test, experience, love, and enjoy. Let the future take care of itself :-)
Bitey says
13 years ago
And good luck :-)
13 years ago
Thanks man, I'm sure it'll be great. Not really on the clear on what I'm getting myself so worked up for.
Bitey says
13 years ago
Dating is freaking stressful. I can so relate.
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