13 years ago
it's snow....
latest #10
arieswh говорит
13 years ago
arieswh говорит
13 years ago
Kathie_snow говорит
13 years ago
da (((
arieswh говорит
13 years ago
News say it will be a cold winter this year.... :-(
Kathie_snow говорит
13 years ago
heeehe... colder than usual? How it's in your place now?
arieswh говорит
13 years ago
arieswh говорит
13 years ago
It is said that uk may has the coldest winter since 1963, but I doubt they say this every year
Kathie_snow говорит
13 years ago
hahaha... then how about global warming? ;-)
arieswh говорит
13 years ago
They will find some way to explain it, no mater how (goodluck)
Kathie_snow говорит
13 years ago
i believe so! LOL
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