13 years ago
My company's IT department has blocked the PLURK website (angry)
latest #29
creamlinguine says
13 years ago
How can they do that...Now I can only plurk at home or outside office (annoyed)
kokoni_tweety_bunny says
13 years ago
oh no, evil guys (angry)
fatfatcats says
13 years ago
creamlinguine says
13 years ago
Yeah, they are eeevvilll... :-(
kokoni_tweety_bunny says
13 years ago
can only see you in the evening
creamlinguine says
13 years ago
kokoni_tweety_bunny: i think was still ok the past yr. I guess less pple r using it then
kokoni_tweety_bunny says
13 years ago
its too bad, you guys should not let management know about this site
creamlinguine says
13 years ago
renewable: (annoyed)Don't u think they are evil?? Our productivity was not affected bcos we are plurking...
creamlinguine says
13 years ago
kokoni_tweety_bunny: i think they prob have been taking note of what we were doing on the internet.
but you still can use other website plurking
紫色司迪麥 says
13 years ago
creamlinguine says
13 years ago
rtcoeiav: 我相信不只是我在噗浪吧。我们外国的分公司可能也有人噗浪.
kokoni_tweety_bunny says
13 years ago
i guess your company already block facebook and twitter?
creamlinguine says
13 years ago
of course. Long ago...
kokoni_tweety_bunny says
13 years ago
maybe they will block ebay too
kokoni_tweety_bunny says
13 years ago
cause lots of people are betting online
kokoni_tweety_bunny says
13 years ago
so awful, don't like that
creamlinguine says
13 years ago
Do they bet online? I've not tried eBay thou...
kokoni_tweety_bunny says
13 years ago
sorry, not betting...
kokoni_tweety_bunny says
13 years ago
they buy things online
kokoni_tweety_bunny says
13 years ago
creamlinguine says
13 years ago
they din block
kokoni_tweety_bunny says
13 years ago
oh, why's that?
creamlinguine says
13 years ago
beats me, they allow shopping?? haha, but not chatting
creamlinguine says
13 years ago
it's so strange, what they are thinking
kokoni_tweety_bunny says
13 years ago
maybe your managers were shopping too, haha....
creamlinguine says
13 years ago
i bet those directors were doing that to go Kokoni, talk to u tmr. Have a smashing holiday! Dun clean too hard ya~
kokoni_tweety_bunny says
13 years ago
goodnight (wave)
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