i can't buy the new truth demo
there a demo in store somewhere ?
I wanna know what the 10L item is
it's padma hair but maybe just 1 colour ... ?
i can't find the 110L pack or a demo in store
oh I thought the Padma hair was the one out for 110L for the fatpack.
idk, maybe i'm just blind lol
so 10L for one and 110L for all ...
what's the special hair ?
ohhhh.. where is the 10L item?
are all the items supposed to be out? Or has it not officially started?
it looks simple enough but i dont want to go to other stores just to find truth. ill wait for someone to blog it. lol
AHA! I found the 10L Truth item, it's at callie cline, and it's tank tops
I think there's supposed to be a kiosk at each place, cause that's how this one is
Ok the hair is 110L, you can buy it at any one of the places. The Truth 10L item is at Callie Cline, and it's more tank tops lol
I'm pretty sure you can get the hair at Truth, but I haven't checked yet. And basically the 10L items are at out of the associated stores.
So in this case, Truth's 10L item is at Callie Cline.
actually, you can buy the hair off the kiosks, you just click their store and it's in there.
Yes you can buy any of the 110 L items at any of the places. Except Glitterati's because hers is not out yet
/me is so confused *bangs head*
That is in every store. Around the outside are the 110L items for all the stores. In the middle of each is a 10L item from one of the stores
But not the store that you are in at the time.
... silly me just wanted to go to THE store and buy THE item lol
and you guys wonder how i have such a small inventory ...
Lol the hair is at the store, the 10L item is not hair. Just more tank tops.
i got it but then i crashed lol
ty all for your assistance
idk, i didn't get to open them
I don't know what all this is. An event?
Why is 10-10 a big deal? 10's are the worst!
i don't really like the hair or the tanks
... dammit !
i haven't seen them. i'll see if i do it when i log in later
i kinda want to work on store stuff but we'll see
I like the hair. The tanks were only 10L so I won't cry if I hate them
It's not an impulse buy if you think about it for 8 hours first...