Iceland is
14 years ago
practicing riding his broom. It's so much easier riding a hippogriff instead.
latest #94
Andorra was
14 years ago
looking for Freyr outside of the school when she noticed him on his broom, wonders if she should call out to him or keep quiet until he will
14 years ago
_notice her.
Iceland is
14 years ago
trying to see how fast he can go. He's planning to join the Quidditch team if he can. He decides to take a little break and lands at the_
14 years ago
shore of the lake.
14 years ago
notices that he landed, runs over to him and practically tackles him, "Freeeeyr, there you are! I've been looking for you since ages!"
14 years ago
nearly falls into the body of water by the surprise tackle. "L-Laia? You have? Sorry, I was.. a little busy lately."
14 years ago
pouts, "You probably were, I mean, I hardly even saw you in classes!" smiles, "You've been practicing, eh?"
14 years ago
blushes a little, he was not about to tell her that he transformed into a cat. "Um, yeah.. But I still haven't tried out for the team yet.."
14 years ago
blinks, then grins, "Ah, that's cool! What position would you play at?"
14 years ago
looks a little worried "Seeker. But I don't know if I'm actually that fast.."
14 years ago
chuckles, "I bet you'll be good, you'll just need practice!" grins, then tilts her head, "But, still, what else have you been busy with~? I_
14 years ago
don't mean to be nosy or anything.. Just curious~ I mean, you can't be only busy with practicing."
14 years ago
can't lie nor tell her the embarrassing truth. "Um, learning counter spells and such with my cousin." He tells her. It's not a lie since he_
14 years ago
really was trying to learn one certain counter spell.
14 years ago
blinks a few times, "Oh. Well, you're not busy anymore, are you? I'm kinda bored without you." pouts.
14 years ago
shakes his head. "Other than practicing, no. Hey, wanna have a race on brooms?" He asked for fun, wondering if she's ridden one before.
14 years ago
blinks a few times, "..Race? Em, sure." smiles nervously, she only flied on the broom once..
14 years ago
transfigures a rock nearby into a broom and levitates it to her. "Have you ridden a broom before?"
14 years ago
grabs the broom, nods slightly, "Yeah, once..." pouts at that, she'll surely lose to him.
14 years ago
rethinks the race. "How about I teach you instead then?" He offers instead.
14 years ago
blinks, then nods and smiles widely, "Sure! That would be great!"
Iceland wonders
14 years ago
where he should start. "Um, do you know the basics?"
14 years ago
nods, "Yeah.. A friend helped me with that~ I'm not just that good at flying, I guess."
14 years ago
rides his broom. "Maybe you just need more practice, like me.."
14 years ago
blinks, then sits on the broom and takes off to the air herself, "..Well, yeah, probably.. I don't think I'll be as good as the quidditch_
14 years ago
players though." pouts a bit
14 years ago
slows down to wait for her. "Me neither.. But it's worth a try right?" He tells her, though he sounds disinterested.
14 years ago
catches up with him, then huffs, "Y-you're still a lot better than me, I bet you'll be like those world known quidditch players!"
14 years ago
chuckles. "You think so? I haven't even tried out for the team yet, though."
14 years ago
grins at him, "You should so try out for the team! I bet you'd be a part of the team before you know it!"
Iceland is
14 years ago
surprised to hear that. "I.. I guess I will. But I don't really like the captain all that much.. He's kind of.. strict."
14 years ago
blinks, "Well, all captain's are strict," grins wider and flies up to him, nudging him with her foot, "So.. What are we gonna do?"
14 years ago
sighs, "That's true, but there's just something else about him I don't like." He looks at her, "Do you still want to race?"
14 years ago
blinks, then waves her legs a bit, "..Em, sure.. I guess we can do that.. Are we gonna bet on something or a normal race?"
14 years ago
raises a brow. "Up to you.. You don't have to race if you don't want to, you know."
14 years ago
raises a brow too, "Hey, I want to race though! I'm not that confident on it.. But I want to racee~"
14 years ago
nods and smiles. "Okay. But do you still want to make a bet?"
14 years ago
blinks, then grins widely, "Sure! What are we betting on?"
14 years ago
hums in thought, but can't come up with anything. "What would you bet anyways?"
Andorra thinks
14 years ago
for a moment, "Em.. Probably something cliché as homework for some time or something.."
14 years ago
puts on the goggles that were resting on top of his head. "Hm.. How about... one date?" He suggests, not looking at her.
14 years ago
blinks a few times before blushing, "..A-a date?"
14 years ago
nods, still looking away. He kinda wonders why he even suggested that...
14 years ago
smiles, still blushing, "S-sure, I guess~"
14 years ago
looks back at her, surprised and happy, but mostly surprised at her reply. "R-really? So.. If I win, you'll go on a date with me and if I_
14 years ago
lose... You won't..?" He reassures.
14 years ago
chuckles, "Alright then!" grins and shuffles a bit on the broom, trying to get into a comfortable position, "Where do we race to~?"
14 years ago
looks around. "Um.. From the shore of the lake, around the owl tower and back?" (I forgot what the place with all the owls was called >>; )
14 years ago
blinks, then grins, "Alright, sounds good to me~"
14 years ago
nods. He flies to the shore of the lake and waits for her there.
14 years ago
follows, staring blankly at the lake, thinking about any difficulties that there could be on the way of the race.
14 years ago
slightly wonders what she's staring at and looks in the same direction too, confused.
14 years ago
blinks, then looks back at Freyr, grinning, "Let's do it~!"
14 years ago
smiles, feeling his competitive edge rising. "Ready?" He asks her as he positions himself.
14 years ago
winks at him and sticks her tongue out, "I sure am!"
14 years ago
narrows his eyes behind his goggles then looks straight ahead. "Okay, GO!" He yelled before taking off.
14 years ago
jumps at the yell, then quickly takes off and catches up with Freyr. Leans forward, trying to catch more speed.
14 years ago
leans forward as well, catching more speed. He makes a mental note of when to turn as he sees the castle up ahead. He's glad he has goggles_
14 years ago
with the wind whipping past him.
14 years ago
winces as the wind starts hurting her eyes, looks at Freyr and then forward, noticing the castle up ahead. She made a mental note to take_
14 years ago
goggles the next time she'll race with somebody.
14 years ago
chuckles and goes faster, knowing his goggles gives him some advantage. He spots the tower up ahead and readies himself for the turn.
14 years ago
huffs, hearing his chuckle and narrows her eyes, trying to notice what's up ahead. Doesn't spot the tower and instead of turning, flies_
14 years ago
straight forward, then notices as Freyr turns. Curses and starts to chase after him.
14 years ago
would've laughed if she crashed into the tower, but then again, that'd be bad. He does his u-turn around the tower and heads back towards_
14 years ago
the shore of the lake.
14 years ago
grumbles something under her breath and leans forward, still chasing Freyr. She wasn't going to let him win easily!
14 years ago
looks back to see how far she's away from him. He seems to be safe for now. However, he leans closer to his broom, trying to increase his_
14 years ago
14 years ago
can see that she'll lose, but leans closer to her broom, trying to catch up. She was *so* close to being faster than him and winning!
14 years ago
can't let her win, simply because of his competitiveness. He kicks the side of his broom forcing it to accelerate, even if it was just by a_
14 years ago
14 years ago
narrows her eyes, noticing what he did, not noticing an owl flying straight at her, "W-wah!" shouts when she suddenly dived, dodging the_
14 years ago
bird. Everything was against her today..
14 years ago
quickly glanced back. "Are you okay?" He shouted, as he slowed down to make sure that she was alright.
14 years ago
looks up for a minute, grins, "I am!" leans forward and catches more speed. She still had a chance to win!
14 years ago
hesitates for a moment before accelerating again. He regains his original speed within a few seconds and can see the lake up ahead.
14 years ago
looks up for a moment, notices that he regained the speed he had. Curses under her breath and kicks the side of her broom, trying to_
14 years ago
14 years ago
can see the shore and victory in front of him now. He leans closer to his broom and continues forward.
14 years ago
notices the lake and shore, ever so close to them. Kicks her broom again, ignoring the wind hurting her eyes, and leans forward even more.
14 years ago
notices her catching up, but he was almost there! He couldn't gain anymore speed now, so he just closes his eyes and hopes for the best_
14 years ago
outcome as they pass the finish line.
14 years ago
slows down a bit, looks up at him. She was curious why he suggested the date earlier. Chuckles and grins to herself when he passed the_
14 years ago
finish line, "Heeey, congratulatiooons~ You woooon~" shouts and waves her arms.
14 years ago
lands at the shores and looks back at her. "T-thanks!" He replied, a little shocked himself. "S-so about that bet.." He says, nervously.
14 years ago
lands next to him and chuckles, realizing that he's nervous, "Yeah, where and when~?" smiles at him.
14 years ago
scratches the back of his head as he looks at the ground. "Um.. How about tomorrow? You can choose where if you want..""
14 years ago
chuckles, "Well, you won, you decide~ Everything's fine with me..~"
14 years ago
looks around them. "Um.. What about that town then? Hogsmeade
14 years ago
?" * (stupid keyboard)
14 years ago
smiles, actually excited about the idea of a date, "Sure!"
14 years ago
blushes and looks to the side, "O-okay. I'll see you then.." He hurries off, not wanting her to see how red his face was.
14 years ago
chuckles slightly, "Alright, see you tomorrow!"
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