Gilbert has
14 years ago
a present for Eva. In fact, he wrapped it up and left it right in front of her door. He's hiding in the bushes though.
latest #144
14 years ago
just got home from choco- *grocery* shopping. She isn't expecting any mail though, how odd! She'll just stand by the door and open it, now.
14 years ago
's such a *thoughtful* person. He bought her a week's worth of granny panties! ...and maybe put some nicer stuff down there in the bottom-
14 years ago
of the box. Lady stuff. And beer. But the beer's in the bushes with him.
14 years ago
definitely looked horrified for a moment there. But you know man, that's a dead giveaway; who else would give her *granny panties*. She'll-
14 years ago
just pick a pair up and... "Ha. Ha. Funny. That bastard." Man, those are huge.
Gilbert is
14 years ago
going to employ his stealth ninja skills again to creep out of the bush and get right. up. behind her. "EVA! Whatcha got there, a box-
14 years ago
of white flags?"
Eva will
14 years ago
effectively shriek, drop her groceries bag and nearly drop the, erm, lovely present and then whip around to hit him in the face with said_
14 years ago
panties she was holding. "You're an ass, you know that?" She's not that upset. Maybe. It'll be better when she notices the lady stuff.
14 years ago
squawks, clearly not having anticipated *that* sort of pantyshot. He laughs obnoxiously but bends down to pick her grocery stuff up.-
14 years ago
"You get me anything good?"
14 years ago
would be yelling at him or something, if she wasn't so used to Gilbert being, well, being Gilbert. She does appreciate that gesture though,_
14 years ago
even if the so-called grocery mostly consists of different types of chocolate. "... No. You don't deserve it, hm."
14 years ago
holds onto the bag and grins. "I might just keep it. Y'know, as thanks for that awesome present."
14 years ago
squints, reaching out to try and grab the bag from him. "That takes the whole meaning out of gift giving, y'know. And. You gave me panties."
Gilbert gives
14 years ago
it back but just because he has to walk over to the bushes to get the case of beer out. "I gave you tents! And beer. And there's uh...-
14 years ago
there's normal stuff in there too, y'know. Normal girl stuff. Y'know. Underwhateveries. An' shit that smells good." He's trying to-
14 years ago
apologize for something, okay? GEEZ.
14 years ago
doesn't get that, man. You try and get home to a present that turns out to be granny p-- wait. There other stuff? Give her a second, she's_
14 years ago
going to shove her house keys in his hand to look through that. "Ohh- oh, nice, *nice*. Didn't know you had it in you." No, really, she does
14 years ago
appreciate it. Even if the first impression wasn't so good. Jerk. Jeeerk. "So what's the occasion, prince charming?"
14 years ago
would have brought her chocolate too, but he figured she had enough of that. "I'm Mr. Right. Somebody said you were lookin' for me. Hey,-
14 years ago
hey, what has 142 teeth and holds back the Incredible hulk?"
14 years ago
can prove him right on that without trying. Just look at that bag, for one. She'll snatch the keys back now to open the door, but stops_
14 years ago
halfway through that. "... *Excuse me*?"
14 years ago
couldn't possibly grin any wider. "My zipper." Hold on, he has more. "I wanna bag you like groceries?" Actually, he was bringing her this-
14 years ago
stuff as a thank you for when he was sick. This is just a very roundabout explanation.
14 years ago
nearly drops whatever she's holding. There's that sudden, growing desire to hit her head against the doorframe, but she can suppress it_
14 years ago
for now. "Are you- Gilbert are you hitting on me?" She's just plain confused now, man.
14 years ago
shrugs. "I dunno. Why? Is it working?"
14 years ago
looks just as confused as she is, now. So she'll just leave the door open for him; smart move, always. "Of course not."
14 years ago
follows her in and slams the door, as is habit. "Should I try again? I got some real winners."
14 years ago
"Seventy percen of the time, they work every time."
14 years ago
's going to drop the groceries on the kitchen counter, but Gilbert should know by now that he's free to crash wherever. Yeah, she's just _
14 years ago
that nice. "Ha ha, real funny. You've gotta try harder, boy."
14 years ago
brings the beer in to set in tue refrigerator first. "Harder like how? Do I gotta dipkiss ya and stuff?"
14 years ago
snorts, finally taking her time to dig through that er, thoughful present. "That's a bit too romantic for you, no? Just be smooth. I dunno."
14 years ago
scowls. How can he possibly get smoother than he is now? He's already the epitome of smooth! He grabs a beer to open and takes a few steps
14 years ago
closer. "Eva, baby, that's sounds like you're wantin' me to hit on you."
14 years ago
can also add that he has a highly inflated ego but that would probably just go all the way over his head. She crosses her arms. "You're
14 years ago
putting words in my mouth, honey. But what if I did, mm?"
14 years ago
calls it *confidence* and hey, if she was as awesome as him, she'd be the exact same way. He leans in and smirks. "Then I'd be putting more
14 years ago
in your mouth than words."
14 years ago
can't be as awesome as him man; no one can. Or that's what she would say, just to humour him. She smirks as well, head slightly tilted back.
14 years ago
"Yeah? I'd like to see you try." And fail. Imean,hi.
14 years ago
totally blanks. "Wait what. Really?"
14 years ago
nearly starts laughing. "Duh, of course not."
14 years ago
deflates and takes to his beer again. "Goddamn tease."
14 years ago
snorts, reaching over to an open box of chocolates on the counter. "Really. Really? What else did you expect?"
14 years ago
somehow manages not to comment on the excessive amounts of chocolate Eva seems to possess. He hoards beer. She hoards candy. They-
14 years ago
would both end up with potbellies if it were physically possible for nations. "You to swoon and fall into my arms?"
14 years ago
would point that out for him if he said anything - about hoarding beer. But she can't read thoughts yet, so she's happy just munching on a -
14 years ago
piece of chocolate. "Hey, I could do that." She shrugs. "It just wouldn't seem very authentic, y'know?"
14 years ago
snorts. "Authentic? That part doesn't have to be authentic. You can't fake the other stuff with me though. I'm too good!"
14 years ago
arches an eyebrow. "Are you, really? I wonder, hm." Goddamn tease suits her perfectly, yeah.
14 years ago
might go a little red in the face. That's his pride, woman. "Hey, I could prove it to ya. If you weren't such a fuckin' prude, I mean."
Eva is
14 years ago
quite amused - well, up to the point where's she's called that. So she huffs. "Oi! I'm not a prude."
14 years ago
swallows the mouthful of beer he just got in a hurry. "Aw, fuck, yeah you are. I had to talk you into wearin' that one outfit, and all-
14 years ago
you were doing was sittin' pretty on the bed, not parading around downtown. Example one."
14 years ago
rolls her eyes - though deep down she'll grant him that. But still; stubborn. "Yeah but at least I wore it. Example two?"
14 years ago
doesn't have to think too hard. "You're resistant to pickup lines. Even good ones!"
14 years ago
... Dammit, he has a point, there. She huffs again. "Huh. You have a point there." She pauses. "But I thought you liked a good challenge?"
14 years ago
"I *do*! Just not at the expense of my dick. Make me food."
14 years ago
snorts. "It's for a good cause-- and no. Don't feel like it, boy."
Gilbert is
14 years ago
about to raid her refrigerator, but that stops him short. "...a good cause? Blueballing me is for a *good cause*? Which one, the
14 years ago
save-a-ho foundation?"
14 years ago
doesn't mind it if he raids the fridge - there are leftovers and it spares her the trouble of cooking for him. "Hey, no; Ididn't mean it
14 years ago
like that." she shakes her head. "Tell your ego that I'm sorry. Or your dick; whichever."
Gilbert will
14 years ago
return to that then, and probably make a mess in the process. "Why don't you tell my dick you're sorry? I think you owe it an apology.-
14 years ago
A really long, sincere one."
Eva will
14 years ago
try her best to force him to clean up that mess, then. Never mind that she will probably end up doing it herself. "Oh boo, should I
14 years ago
kiss it better now that I'm at it?"
Gilbert gives
14 years ago
up on food. He'll just steal a piece of her chocolate off the counter. "You should. Tongue kiss it. That'll make it perfectly better."
14 years ago the hell do their conversations always wind up so dirty? This is like surpressed sexual tension or something. Yeah, totally.
14 years ago
's going to let him get away with stealing chocolate this time. Be thankful she didn't flip and go off on a bitchrant about having to ask
14 years ago
first. And hey, some people talk about politics, others have dirty conversations. Perfect way to bond. "Yeah, let me think about it. No."
14 years ago
would listen to her rant, then take another piece just because. And he has no politics and would only get bored listening to hers anyway.-
14 years ago
"Think harder. ...hah, harder."
14 years ago
won't bother, precisely because of that? If her complaints are to fall on deaf ears, she'd rather shut up. Usually. She rolls her eyes. -
14 years ago
"... You're so immature. You know that, right?"
14 years ago
grins and attempts to pinch her cheek. "And you love it, I know."
14 years ago
tries to bat his hand away, huffing. She doesn't put much effort into that, though. "Oh yeah, totally. Here, let me proclaim my undying love
14 years ago
for you." And then she just attempts to flick his nose. Yeah, proof of love, can't you just tell.
14 years ago
flinches a little, more out of surprise than pain. "You're going about it totally the wrong way."
14 years ago
sticks her tongue out at him for a second; yeah, that's mature alright. "Am I? Then *please*, teach me the proper ways, oh mighty one."
14 years ago
rolls his eyes. "Well firstof all, you're too damn far away. You gotta get right up close."
Eva will
14 years ago
humour him, for the sake of it. She steps closer, bringing another piece of chocolate along. "Better?"
Eva will
14 years ago
humour him, for the sake of it. She steps closer, bringing another piece of chocolate along. "Better?"
14 years ago
smirks. "Bribing me with that? Even better. Now, you gotta look straight at me, all deep in my eyes and romantical and shit." He'll help
14 years ago
with that by reaching up and moving her chin.
14 years ago
snorts, but she'll leave out that it's for her, not him. But oh hey thanks for that; watch her pull an adorable smile like she probably saw
14 years ago
in a movie or something. "Like this?"
Gilbert is
14 years ago
trying his best not to crack up. Really. Ignore the grin. "Exactly. Now go ahead and tell me how wonderful you think I am, how you can't
14 years ago
picture yourself with anyone but me, how attractive I am, how awesome I am at everything. Y'know, basic stuff. Go ahead."
14 years ago
can't tell him that seriously, you know. See, she nearly starts laughing right then. "God forbid my brother ever hears that. But ah.." She
14 years ago
pauses, trying to look serious. And failing, for all she's worth. "Prussia. *Gilbert*. You handsome, nay, perfect nation I think about
14 years ago
every single day." Hold on, this could be more theatrical. "How I wish you could hold me in your arms and take me away from all these
14 years ago
brutes and-" And what; she's not that creative. "You truly are, as they say, awesome. And how I love you so." Wait, wait-- okay there,
14 years ago
she didn't laugh. { lol SORRY I can't even-- }
14 years ago
*does* laugh; there's no way he can't. He never thought in a million years that the poor girl would actually comply. Hold on, if they're-
14 years ago
getting theatrical, he's going to grab her around the waist and practically squish her to his chest. "Oh Eva, *darling*, love, light of my-
14 years ago
fuckin' life. *You complete me*."
14 years ago
could have just punched him instead, you know? But that would be slightly unpleasant, mostly for him. Oh wait, wait, don't mind her-
14 years ago
apparent surprise, it's either that or she'd laugh-- no, wait, she's laughing now, too. Good job, Gilbert, good job. "Oh! That's much more-
14 years ago
than I'd ever hoped to hear." ... Ha.
14 years ago
nuzzles the top of her head. "You can hold on to me if you're gonna start swooning. Now you gotta follow that up with a real-
14 years ago
romantic kiss. A *good* one."
14 years ago
wraps her arms around his torso like she's hugging him. Yeah, she'll swoon alright. Well, no; she snorts. "Don't the guys usually do that?"
Gilbert is
14 years ago
totally there to support her if she gets overwhelmed by all this masculinity. "Uh. Yeah, okay!" Hey. He's usually the girl in these-
14 years ago
situations. Leave him alone and concentrate on him trying to make a move.
14 years ago
's totally going to have that happen to her, yeah. And see, now she's smirking; yeah, that's almost kind of cute of him. Almost. "Well?"
14 years ago
makes a face. "Aw, shut up." Here, see? He's going to attempt to demonstrate a romantic kiss. And *not* laugh.
14 years ago
can at least grant him that he's not that bad. She would show him a nice, romantic kiss but she's trying not to laugh at his boldness.
Gilbert is
14 years ago
never bad! Here, look, he'll get serious about it and try harder.
14 years ago
wouldn't know, you know? But hey, sure thing; don't mind her hand on his hair. Success, Gilbert, she is not laughing now.
14 years ago
would grin if he could. As it is, he's pretty satisfied with this part. Trying to back her up so her back's against the refrigerator seems
14 years ago
like a totally logical thing to do next, too.
14 years ago
would also find it logical to get him to stop that, but that's kind of out of her mind right now. He better enjoy the fact she's complying,
14 years ago
right now; it doesn't happen all too often.
14 years ago
very much enjoys it, probably more than he should. He'll thank her for that later. This is enough for right now though, so he pulls back-
14 years ago
just a little bit. Just an inch, enough to smirk while getting his breath back. "Eva, do you rent or own?"
14 years ago
's face is probably a few shades redder than she hoped, but that seems perfectly understandable right now. Which doesn't mean she doesn't _
14 years ago
want to wipe that smirk off his face; well, maybe when she regains her breath. "I don't own, sweetheart."
14 years ago
rolls his eyes. "*No*, you're supposed to say rent or own *what* so I can say those wings, you angel."
14 years ago
snorts. "My apologies. I meant rent or own *what*. Better?"
14 years ago
huffs and lets go. "No, no. You've ruined it now."
Eva gives
14 years ago
him a blank stare. "You've gotta be kidding me."
14 years ago
stares back. "You did. Make it up to me."
Eva is
14 years ago
confused, now. "H-how?"
14 years ago
shrugs and crosses his arms. "I dunno. Better figure it out. You totally hurt my feelings
14 years ago
14 years ago
huffs, reaching over to the closest box of chcolate. She all but shoves it in his face. "Eat some sweets; put a smile on that face."
14 years ago
sticks his tongue out. "Beh. You get that quote off a Hershey's commercial?"
14 years ago
rolls her eyes. "I was being sincere, actually. But hey, 's your call." She picks a piece of chocolate and shrugs. "If you don't want it.."
Eva is
14 years ago
actually pretty selfish with her chocolate. Don't expect her to share too often. "Guess I'll have to find another way to make it up to you."
13 years ago
can't resist chocolate bait. He does have a pretty bad sweet tooth. So he'll take that piece she has and pop it in his mouth. "Yup.-
13 years ago
Candy ain't good enough."
13 years ago
arches an eyebrow, seeming somewat amused. "It's not? What else d'you want then?"
13 years ago
would actually settle for beer, but he's not saying. "Dunno. Guess."
13 years ago
would think he can just go get it. He did bring beer, after all. But oh well. "Boy, I don't guess. You should know that."
13 years ago
just grins. "Make me a sandwich, for starters."
13 years ago
snorts, staring up at him with her hands on her hips and everything. "Tell me honestly;" She smirks. "Do you expect me to actually do that?"
13 years ago
looks at her very evenly. "Of course I do."
13 years ago
kind of laughs at that. "Riight. You can do that yourself. And make me one, while you're at it."
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