14 years ago
"think positive". why am i lucky?
latest #11
jundee722 says
14 years ago
1. i am not sterile. i have 3 kids.
jundee722 says
14 years ago
2. i had a good life growing up, i dont need to work my ass out just to be able to attend school.
jundee722 says
14 years ago
3. i had a father. i had good times with my father.
jundee722 says
14 years ago
4. i can name at least one good friend. and that is even enough.
jundee722 says
14 years ago
5. i can still plurk, even for a few minutes. that means my fingers are working well.
jundee722 says
14 years ago
(LOL) that's it. 5 for now. good morning!
14 years ago
5 very positive things. :-)
jundee722 says
14 years ago
YES. thank you holly. i really appreciate your dropping by.
14 years ago
Thank you. You're sweet. :-)
jundee722 says
14 years ago
I have 39 friends here. but only few give replies. I seldom plurk so thats okay. Better few than many...(I dont know how to continue) (LOL)
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