Si (Hadoc) shares
13 years ago
had a Tuna niscoise salad a few hours ago, and now I have the egg burps sopmething terrible What up with that
latest #9
13 years ago
Bwahahahahahahahaahahahahahahaha! I love you so much. (heart_beat) And if you ever had the egg burp, you know that it's funkaaaaay
13 years ago
This totally makes up for your unresponsiveness to my sexting attempts earlier this afternoon.
13 years ago
Okay. Scratch that last remark. I literally just got your reply. (evilsmirk)
Si (Hadoc)
13 years ago
wow... I sent that reply hours ago. Bloody O2
Gareth says
13 years ago
:-& ugh uncle sex is wrong.
13 years ago
Puts the egg burps in perspective, don't it?
13 years ago
brienkenai How else are we gonna get you a cousin? (evilsmirk)
Gareth says
13 years ago
omg if the two of you have a kid the very fabric of the universe will rip in two...from top to bottom at that.
13 years ago
I think a perfect mix of your Uncle and me would probably wind up being a soccer hooligan
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