14 years ago
[[Soap Opera]] Seborga was sitting on the coach relaxing waiting for Sealand to arrive to his apartment. They had been planning to see each
latest #104
14 years ago
other for a while now, but every time something had gotten in the way;he was hoping today would be different.
14 years ago
((For Sea<333))
14 years ago
Peter dashed up the stairs of the apartment complex; he had no time for elevators! He dashed up to Sebo's door, ringing his doorbell about
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50 times.
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After the doorbell had rang more than 10 times he knew it could only be one person... Peter. Sebo got off the coach and half-ran to the
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door. He opened the door without hesitation.
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"Seboooo~~!! I missed you sooooo muchh!" He squealed, glomping him in the process.
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Sebo hugged Peter back also squealing in excitement upon seeing him."Me too I'm so so glad you were able to come over today!!!"
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The boy carelessly walked in the apartment and flopped onto the couch, not caring about manners. They were best friends afterall. "How've
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you been for all this time~?"
14 years ago
((Does Peter know that he's in the mafia already, or not?))
14 years ago
14 years ago
((Oooohhhh dramatic, much~))
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He closed the door and proceeded to sit on the coach too."I'm well just really busy," he said trying to avoid this subject as best
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as he could he didn't really want Peter knowing much about what he did.
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((starts playing dramatic music))
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"So busy you don't even have time to hang out with meeeee~?" he said, trying to sound like he was joking. It was true that Sebo was always
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busy with something whenever he asked to hang out.
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Sebo was too caught up in his own thoughts to notice Peters joking manner."I didn't want to-a not hang out with you but things came up."
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Seeing as the atmosphere got deeper, he got up and headed to raid Sebo's fridge as usual. "S'alright, I understand~!" he chirped, however
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curious as to what his friend was actually experiencing.
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He was glad Peter didn't press anymore questions."Hey can you also grab me-a some nutella and bread." He felt a little guilty keeping
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a secret like this from his best friend.
14 years ago
"Mmm, sure~" He grabbed a jar of nutella from the cabinet along with two slices of bread, then headed to the fridge to pour himself some
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milk. *Uwaa, his fridge is packed!* He dug through all the food stored in Sebo's fridge in awe. Buried way at the back, he saw a mysterious
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black object hidden behind the immense amount of food. He stuck his arm in, trying to feel what exactly it was. There's... a handle-like
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thing... And, is that... a trigger? He carefully pulled the object out, trying not to knock over any food. *...A GUN?!* He dropped
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everything on the floor in fear.
14 years ago
Sebo thought Peter had just dropped everything because he had slipped or something, but when he walked over and saw the horrored look
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on his face he knew he had found the gun.Sebo grabbed the gun in his hand knowing that if someone else had found this weapon he would
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probably have to kill them to keep them quite. This was Peter though he was his best friend and there was noway he was going to go that.
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So he took the amo out from the gun and threw it across the room."Peter I swear I can explain this."
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Peter slowly collapsed himself on the floor, sitting down and looking up at Sebo. "I'm listening."
14 years ago
((Sorry, I had to skype with my grandma because it was her birthday. She can talk for frikkin' EVER.))
14 years ago
((It's okay I had to go to sleep anyways))
14 years ago
"Okay-a do you want to sit on the coach, this is going to take a while to explain." He said wanting to make sure his friend was comfortable.
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"O-okay..." He slowly made his way back to the couch, bringing the jar of nutella with him.
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"You have to know that I only didn't tell you this to protect you."He swallowed nervously before continuing on."The-a first thing you need
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to know is that I'm in the mafia." He waited in silence to see Peters reaction.
14 years ago
Peter had been eating the nutella straight out of the jar, licking it off his fingers as he always loved to do. He nearly choked on it when
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he word "mafia" was spoken. Peter jumped out of his seat. "M-mafia?! For MY protection?!! B-but you're so YOUNG!! Why-- What kind of trouble
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am I in that would make you have to join the MAFIA?!!"
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He couldn't help but laugh a little. "No I got involved with the Mafia on my own. I choose not to tell you for your own protection."
14 years ago
((....I KNEW THAT.))
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He knew that if anyone where to find out the Peter knew he would be killed. That was the last thing Seborga wanted.
14 years ago
((Did you?))
14 years ago
((........no. I misread the post LOL))
14 years ago
"Why would you want to join the mafia?! Okay, yeah, MAYBE they have super awesome outfits with the suits and the hats and all that but
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isn't that superrrrrrrr dangerous? What- Wh- Just WHY did you join? And please don't tell me it was for the fashion."
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"I'm-a not quite sure why I joined it was mostly because of the debts I had to pay off. This was the only way I could see."
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He paused letting him process this there were so many questions still to answer.
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Peter blinked and took another scoop of nutella. "Well... Are you... Umm... H-happy there? Nothing too bad and stuff?" All he really wanted
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as for Sebo to live a happy life. He wasn't quite sure if the mafia would allow him to do that...
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He paused thinking about how to word this,"Umm-a I wouldn't use the word happy, but sure, I like it there. I barley have to do the dirty
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work since I'm the bosses right hand man.You should stop worrying though." He hated to see someone get this upset over something he did.
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"Okay then. If you're fine with it, then I'm fine with it. Just next time, don't keep secrets from me, kay?" He playfully poked Sebo's nose
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with a nutella-covered finger, leaving behind a brown dot.
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Sebo tried to lick the nutella off with his tongue, but he realized that wasn't to going to happen. So he wiped it off with his finger
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and ate it."Okay I promise I won't just as long as you promise you aren't going to tell this to *anyone*.
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"Of course I won't! I'd never do that!!" Peter felt proud, being the one to guard such an important secret.
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"Pinky promise," He held out his pinky.
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"But this also is a pinky promise not to hide any more secrets, kay?" Peter linked his pinky with Sebo's, completing the promise. "Now it's
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official." He smiled.
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"Alright then," He smiles back proceeded to take the jar of nutella out of Peters hand. It was horrible having to watch him eat it.
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"...Sorry. You know how I am with chocolates and sweets!" he laughed. It was great being back with Sebo like this.
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"Don't worry I just wanted a bite." He went into the kitchen grabbing a spoon so he could eat the nutella.
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Also he picked up the gun that was on pieces and put it back in the fridge before going back to sit on the coach.
14 years ago
"Umm, Sebo?" Seborga had already shared his secret, so now it was time for Peter to share his. There's no way he could break a pinky promise
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"I... Uh... have something to tell you too..."
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He sat down next to him."Sure-a tell me anything it can't be as bad as being in the mafia."
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Well, that was true. He hadn't gotten himself into anything of that sort yet. "Weeeellll~ I kinda sorta maybe almost ran away from home..."
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He tilted his head on confusion."How do you-a kinda sort run away from home that makes no sense?"
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"I-I ran away!" Peter tried to laugh, but it came out sounding pathetic and weak. "I just packed up my stuff and left. I live in the park
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at we used to play at together, remember?"
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He stared at Peter in disbelief."Why would you do that!?" He was scared something bad would happen to his friend.
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"Things aren't the same back at home anymore. My jerk of a brother was, well, being a jerk as usual. Nobody listens or cares about me
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anymore and..." Peter sighed. "...I'm just sick of it. I'm better off without them all."
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"Well-a there is no way I'm letting you live in that park, no matter how awesome it is."He was very concerned for his younger friend.
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"So-a either I call your brother, or your welcome to live with me if you want, but no way are you spending another night in that park."
14 years ago
((...Um... Sweden and I were thinking I could move in with him...))
14 years ago
((Go for it, say you have someone to move in with))
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((hasn't been able to lurk))
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((We haven't gotten there yet, but sure, why not?))
14 years ago
"Well, here's the thing..." He searched for a way to put this without sounding bad. "There's this guy that I met... At that diner a couple
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blocks away from the park. He let me have a meal and everything..." He smiled a bit, remembering his kindness. "And, well, I think I'm going
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to live with him."
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"That's fine too, I-a was just worried about you living on the streets." He was glad all their secrets were out now."Was that
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the first time you met the guy?"
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"Well, yeah. I guess that makes him a stranger..." He fell back onto the couch in a reclining position. "I guess I just wanna rebel against
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((XD see I don't even know))
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everything my family has told me. Including the 'No talking to strangers' rule."
14 years ago
((Welllll you were right, so~ It's all good.))
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He tried to hold back a laugh."Well then-a it's your choice, just I hope you made sure this guy isn't a creeper."
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"He's a tad bit... erm... *socially awkward* but I think it'll be fine. I'll leave my tent up in the park just in case."
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"Well that's-a fine and I'll make sure that tent is empty." He was determined to make sure that he was not sleeping on the streets anymore.
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Peter sighed. He was relieved that Sebo still cared for him. During the time he was gone, he was beginning to think that Sebo didn't care
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for him anymore. "You can go check. I did leave some of my toys there though. Just in case this doesn't work out, at least my favorites will
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still be there."
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"Okay that sounds fine, I would do the same thing. How did our lives get so confusing?" He had started wondering this.
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"I know, right? A mafia and a runaway..." Peter giggled. "It's like we're in a soap opera or something!"
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He laughed "Our live is pretty exciting like I can't even pull off a three hour siesta anymore."
14 years ago
((Uwaaa the parental units are angry. Gotta focus on hw now~))
14 years ago
((XD Good luck!!))
13 years ago
((OTL I didn't respond for like everrrrr I'm so sorry))
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