Zoe has
14 years ago
decided to set up an easel in her garden and is painting out there this morning.
latest #56
Canada thinks
14 years ago
it's a lovely morning outside and is curious as to what she might be painting.
14 years ago
she appears to be painting a scene involving a rose garden with flowers in all sorts of colors, and snowmen having a tea party. It's... a
14 years ago
bit peculiar, but skillfully done.
14 years ago
. . .Tilts head side ways to get a better look at the snowmen having a tea party... Well she certainly has imagination!
14 years ago
That she does! But it doesn't look like she's noticed that she has anyone watching her yet, being quite wrapped up in her work.
14 years ago
Canada is used to not being noticed anyways, and in turn continues to watch forgetting that she doesn't know he's there. "That's really
14 years ago
pretty!" Mumbles with a smile.
14 years ago
Startled, she jumps a bit. Once she's recovered and made sure that she didn't somehow mess up what she was doing, she turns to see who it is
14 years ago
the interrupted her. "A-ah, yes. Thank you."
14 years ago
Blinks in surprise and waves a hand apologetically, "I-I'm sorry eh, didn't mean to startle you!" Takes a closer look and is glad he didn't
14 years ago
Ruin the painting.
14 years ago
doesn't seem too upset, considering the painting is all right. "No harm done," she replies, giving Canada a quick look-over. "I just didn't
14 years ago
notice you there, is all."
14 years ago
"Ah, that's good." Smiles a bit, "I really like the snowmen tea-party!" Then shrugs a little, "That sort of happens a lot, I should have
14 years ago
spoken up sooner."
14 years ago
"Thank you..." she says once more, though she can't shake the feeling she should know this person's name but can't recall it. She turns back
14 years ago
to the painting, adding a bow tie to one of the snowmen before speaking up again. "They're discussing global warming." ... Referring
14 years ago
to the snowmen. Of course.
14 years ago
Smiles at the cute picture again then raises an eyebrow, "That's a very serious topic, one that concerns them quite a bit, eh?"
14 years ago
"Mhm," she nods a little as she adds some steam coming up from the cups of tea. "Do you like to paint?"
14 years ago
"I think it's fun some times, but I'm definitely not as good as that at it." Smiles a bit and admires the amount of detail she puts into it
14 years ago
"Well, if you're enjoying doing it, of course it's going to be good," she said, as if that should have been completely obvious from the
14 years ago
start. "... I have some spare canvases, if you'd like to use them."
14 years ago
"E-eh really?" Tilts head and thinks about it, "That's nice of you, I'd really like to try I think."
14 years ago
"Stay here, then," she says. After setting her supplies down, she hurries off to grab a spare easel, canvas, paint and brushes, quickly
14 years ago
setting them up for her guest. "It's... Canada, right?" she asked, apparently remembering while she was gone.
14 years ago
Blinks then beams rather brightly, "Y-yes that's right! Thank you very much Wy!" For both the paint and for her remembering him.
14 years ago
she seems a little surprised to be remembered as well, but simply nods back to him and continues working on her own painting.
14 years ago
sets to trying to paint something, appears to be attempting to paint some polar bears.
14 years ago
((HA! I WAS SO RIGHT! *does the "I was right" dance*))
14 years ago
After a while, Wy decides to look over and take a peek at Canada's painting. "It's looking good so far," she states.
14 years ago
[*Throws Prussia into a lake.*]
14 years ago
14 years ago
(pfff what XD?) "e-eh really? Thank you!" Is painting them quite fluffy.
14 years ago
surprisingly enough, she manages to keep any uncalled for critiques she might have to herself, as Canada seems to be enjoying
14 years ago
himself and that's what was important.
14 years ago
Smiles happily and hums, " this Is quite nice Wy, I hope the weather holds out." Looks up at the sky.
14 years ago
"I'm sure it will," she says, sounding very confident in herself. After all, if it started to rain or something like that,
14 years ago
she'd have to set up something to keep the paintings from getting wet. And that would just be a bother.
14 years ago
Smiles as she sounds very sure of herself, sort of wonders if she watched the weather forecast or something!
14 years ago
that would be a pretty safe bet to make, Canada. Once she reached a point where she seems satisfied with her painting, she sets her supplies
14 years ago
down and takes another look at Canada's canvas to see how his is coming along.
14 years ago
Glances up and spots that Wy seems to be finished painting, "It turned out very nice, eh!" Smiles and then looks at his
14 years ago
partly finished painting... The bears are a little too fluffy, and their noses look kind of funny.
14 years ago
"... It's looking good," she decides after giving the work in progress a good, hard looking at. "Can I watch while you finish it.?"
14 years ago
"Oh, of course!!" Feels a little bad that he isn't finished, and leaving Wy to watch which could be somewhat boring...
14 years ago
seems rather content to watch him paint. While her attention does occasionally waver towards the plants in the garden, she genuinely appears
14 years ago
content to watch the other's painting come together.
14 years ago
Continues to work on his painting, stopping to ponder over something every now and again. But eventually finishes, and feels slightly
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proud of the fluffy bears... Even if they have funny noses!
14 years ago
"Those are really cute bears," she says, looking rather pleased with Canada's work as well.
14 years ago
"Thanks, eh!" Smiles and cleans the brush before putting it back with Wy's art supplies. Neatening this and that, "It was fun too, thanks
14 years ago
for letting me join you!"
14 years ago
"You're welcome," she replies, and actually smiles for him, just a little bit. "I'm glad you had fun."
Canada thinks
14 years ago
Wy has a cute little smile, but doesn't say anything since this is one of the first times he seen it. "I did, perhaps we can paint together
14 years ago
again some time." Cleans some paint off his hands and sets the painting aside to dry.
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