trying to decide whether or not to bleach his hair blonde. Fuck it's not like he has anything to really lose
latest #11
why Grèce would want to damage his hair like that.
shrugs. He once cut it almost all off one time. Sides, isn't it interesting to change colors?
blonde doesn't suit him, really.
for a second. What about something dark colored? Like blue. He could pull blue off
his hair the way it is, so he hasn't dyed it. And short doesn't suit him. Of course, it's ultimately Grèce's choice.
he should keep his hair the same colour and length. It looks nice that way.
looks at a curl. Yeah but it gets so fucking curly when it gets wet. Wouldnt it being shorter keep it from doing that?
it would just get curlier, unless he got a buzz cut. And those are absolutely dreadful.
snorts. Those stupid haircuts look horrible on friggin everybody. He wanted it shorter, not gone. He just hates when it curls into his-
sex hair in public. He hates his sex hair.
figures that's what flatirons are for.
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