heartquake is
15 years ago
seeing ~MOTHERFUCKING~ Rpattz on Friday! (dance)
latest #11
Sylar says
15 years ago
so early :-o
heartquake says
15 years ago
heartquake says
15 years ago
and only 2 days! djfkldfjlsfj
hutao says
15 years ago
oh. he was here yesterday.
hutao says
15 years ago
but i didn't go see him cause it was pretty far away. and i wouldn't want to deal with his screaming fans. :3
Sylar says
15 years ago
"What are you afraid of?"
Sylar says
15 years ago
i am expecting a long post of lulz when you come back =D
Sylar says
15 years ago
WOOPS MISQUOTE. its "Are you afraid?" ..... much better 8D
heartquake says
15 years ago
"yo face!"
heartquake says
15 years ago
HAHAH. omg. yes.
heartquake says
15 years ago
which reminds me:i haven't updated my journal in like a week @__@
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