CyN =]
13 years ago
Benjamin Happy Birthday! (party) (party)
latest #9
ben says
13 years ago
Thank you Cynthia! xxxxx 
CyN =]
13 years ago
you just went back to UK and the next day is your birthday XD
CyN =]
13 years ago
how's your birthday?
13 years ago
yes a..can't celebrate it with you tim =(
13 years ago
not bad a.. finding fds in old sch and doing nth in hotel ♥
CyN =]
13 years ago
oh school hasn't started yet right? so great staying in hotel (woot)
13 years ago
nt yet a.. 11/10 is freshers week=] nth 2 do in the hotel a.. I m bored :-S
CyN =]
13 years ago
I got loads of things to do and you are telling me that you are bored. (doh)
ben says
13 years ago
bei sum gay la (:
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