Boston, or Portmouth.... /Ponder
how far is portsmouth from me?
Fff, probably quite a ways. It's maybe 45, 30 minutes from me...
so about the same time as boson
Yeah. I'd imagine Boston'd be much bigger though.
/Has no clue where a gathering is here
there's on in san fran and in san jose
/Would be her first gathering
dayumm, that looks cool D:
would be my......3rd gathering if cons don't count
Nope, cons don't count. /Has been to AB '09
/jealous, wants to go to AB '10
It's technically AB '11, but. ;u; /Will hopefully be going to that
/Will be going to her local con this year hopefully /But judging by the cost it's not too derpy
B'aww. Going for a visit in Cali?
Yup. a whole week at home so i can be there for koreawaifu's bday\
't have been able to make it anyways if i had stayed
B'aww. I'm glad you can go home though~<3
me too....i wanna see my kitties and friends
/So very late but Hetalia gathering would be her 4th
Slinky~ I dont' care if the one in the city is closer, you're coming down to San Jose for the hetalia gathering~
the san fran one is bigger
I know /sob but Bela and I can't go. Too far
My dad doesn't need to know that there is an SF one~>w>