if there is anyone who wants to answer??
ooo, Indonesia,,, hi,,, how old are you?
I, too,,, but later on the 27th of November I was 14 years, it does what year were you born?
the name of your facebook
FiaWonderfuls Triple's Boice AnjellsPrimadona..
my facebook Prema Der Architekt
I could be Indonesian,,, but I'm still learning,,, I am also pleased to Indonesian culture ..
I'm just an ordinary person,,,
what is true that thanks Indonesian language is terima kasih??
yes true thankyou in indonesian terima kasih
I studied Indonesian,, just a little,,,
What can you invite me speaking Indonesian?
your name is like indonesian name
because I like so I change my name?
can you receive my invite
I want to learn about the greeting.
Good night : Selamat malam
example :good morning I'm pleased to meet with you,,
Selamat pagi bisakah saya bertemu dengan mu
please receive my invite Fb
emmm...whether in Indonesia many people are Moslem?
your mind the religi or indonesia language