Seborga is
14 years ago
ready to meet everyone!
latest #66
Arthur wonders
14 years ago
if he's new to the campus
14 years ago
waves at Arthur. "Ciao, I'm Marcello!" He greets. "It's my first day!"
14 years ago
waves to him as she passes.
14 years ago
waves back with a big smile.
14 years ago
nods and extends a hand. "Nice to meet you. I'm Arthur, president of the student counsel." He had to keep up with the new students.
14 years ago
shakes the extended hand, "Ah! Nice to meet you too! That must be a tough job. Do you have at least get a secretary?"
14 years ago
nods again. "I'm usually pretty busy, but yes, we do have a secretary. I'd probably be dead if I had to handle their jobs as well..."
Seborga says
14 years ago
cheerfully, "Oooh~ So then you get to see their hard at work look? That must be a nice view!"
14 years ago
chuckles a little. "I suppose... It's always nice to see work getting done..."
Seborga thinks
14 years ago
they aren't on the same page. "Yeah.. as long as the person doing the work is nice to look at in the first place."
14 years ago
gets what he means, he just feels slightly awkward about it. "Well, maybe you should join the student counsel in the future. It might be in-
14 years ago
your interest."
14 years ago
tilts his head, "Are Lovino or Feliciano in it?"
14 years ago
nods. "Lovino is the Vice President."
Seborga says
14 years ago
"Well if Lovino is in it, I should follow in his footsteps!"
Arthur thinks
14 years ago
he should only do it if he wants to... "Only if you want to do it. You'd have to get more acquainted with the school first, of course."
Seborga says
14 years ago
"Oh okay... I'll keep it in mind then."
14 years ago
smiles. At least he's considering it. A new candidate for student counsel would be pretty amazing. "Should I show you around campus?"
Seborga asks
14 years ago
"Is it really that big? I've only seen it from this side."
Arthur says
14 years ago
"...Fairly... There are the dorms, the gardens... we have some rec rooms. And then there's the main school building and all the classrooms--
Arthur says
14 years ago
Seborga says
14 years ago
"Oh, then I'd love a tour."
14 years ago
nods with a smile. "Anything you'd like to visit first?"
Seborga thinks
14 years ago
about that. "...Could you show me where the girl's locker room is?"
14 years ago
blinks. "Erm. Anywhere... else?"
14 years ago
smiles. "Aww, how about the gardens then?"
14 years ago
nods. "The gardens then." He really hopes he won't have to bust this guy for anything in the future. Like... a lockeroom incident. "This--
14 years ago
way." He motions.
14 years ago
follows Arthur. "So how long have you been here?"
Arthur says
14 years ago
, "Quite awhile now. I'm on my senior year, so I know the student body pretty well." He smiles.
Seborga wonders
14 years ago
if he knows everyone. "How cool. Are they usually nice?"
Arthur wonders
14 years ago
how he should answer. "Uhm. Somewhat. It depends on who you meet."
Seborga asks
14 years ago
"Anyone I should look out for?" He wasn't fond of fighting or bullies.
Arthur says
14 years ago
, "Well, definitely look out for that frog. Francis, that is. He has long hair and a beard. He's french and well..." He doesn't even know--
14 years ago
how to explain it. He figures its kind of self-explanatory since he said that he was French. "Other than that... Ivan can be pretty--
14 years ago
intimidating. Watch out for him." He doesn't think there's anyone else. "He's tall... and always wears a scarf."
14 years ago
doesn't have anything against French people but knows Lovino does. "Long hair and beard, tall and scarf...y Got it."
14 years ago
smiles. "Good. Anyone else should be safe... I think. Other than the annoying bunches of students on the campus. *Those* would take--
14 years ago
forever to list though."
14 years ago
chuckles, "Well maybe I'll like them. My tastes are pretty varied."
Arthur says
14 years ago
, "I do hope you are able to make some good friends here, then. Ah, here's the gardens." he smiles at the entrance. "It's a good studying--
14 years ago
place when it's not crowded. Otherwise there's always the library."
14 years ago
looks around and takes a deep breath. "Che meraviglia. I like it."
14 years ago
nods. "A lot of money is put into keeping the grounds updated and well-maintained. It's one of our prides." He comments.
14 years ago
nods back. "It shows. Anything else around here?"
14 years ago
smiles. "There's a rec-room nearby with a few pool tables and such. Also a couple of teles if you need a place to hang out."
Seborga says
14 years ago
"Nice! Are we going to go by those too?" He asked, not considering Arthur might have other things to do.
Arthur says
14 years ago
. "If you want to. It's a tour, after all. Shall we head there next?" He didn't mind a day devoted towards showing the new student around.--
14 years ago
It was his job to get them acquainted with everyone anyway.
Seborga says
14 years ago
"Okay." He continued sticking by Arthur.
14 years ago
starts heading off in the direction of the nearest rec room then. He admired the flowers from far-off as he walked.
14 years ago
follows Arthur, trying to take everything in as he goes. "This is place is much nicer than the pictures."
Arthur wonders
14 years ago
if he can consider that a good thing... He follows the path until they reach a well-kept building. He holds the door open. The inside--
14 years ago
reveals three our four pool tables, a target for darts on the wall, and two plasma screen tv's on either end of the decent-sized hall.--
14 years ago
"This is the recreation room. What do you think?"
14 years ago
looks around the room as he walks in. Is very pleased. "Very nice," he says with a nod, "So when can come here whenever we want?"
Arthur says
14 years ago
, "Classes take priority of course. But yes. For the most part anyway. The rec centers are closed at night though. Times... usually vary."
Seborga says
14 years ago
"Ah, it'd be kind of creepy if I came in here and it was empty..."
14 years ago
smiles. "There will be a sign posted on the door if it's closed, so you don't have to worry about that." He blinks at the billiards table.--
14 years ago
"I don't suppose you'd like to play?"
Seborga says
14 years ago
"Billiards?" he thought about it and then smirked. "Alright, you're on!"
14 years ago
seems to be pleased with this. While he's not particularly amazing at billiards or anything, he was pretty decent. "Alright, I'll--
14 years ago
rack them up." He smirked.
Seborga has
14 years ago
never played billiards before, but how hard can it be? He stands next to the table. "Kay."
14 years ago
racks them up at the end of the table then grabs a stick for him and the other. "Chalk?" He grabs some for himself.
14 years ago
doesn't know what that's for but reaches out to grab some. Watches what Arthur does with it.
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