15 years ago
or ...shall i keep on watching "James Bond - Thunderball"?
latest #13
Linda says
15 years ago
No, you should sleep when you for once is tired in time.sleep so you can go up and dive this weekend (nottalking)
Fkavipela says
15 years ago
....yes i thik ill just say something bad if i stay close to a computer... so "bed" here i come :-D
Linda says
15 years ago
Good! (applause) did you see replyes and reaction of my plurk welcoming you btw? (thinking)
Fkavipela says
15 years ago
I dont know still puzzled by the GUI...
Linda says
15 years ago
at each side of your timeline comes an arrow (bac/forward) when mouse is over (middleheight) press that and you can see earlier plurks.
Linda says
15 years ago
I welcomed you 2 days ago, kl 17:56. In that thread we decused what your username meant (devil)
Fkavipela says
15 years ago
Did we? god i think i SHOULD go to bed :-S
Linda says
15 years ago
(doh) (LOL) we as in we girls. check it out and be the answer to our wild guesses (devil)
Fkavipela says
15 years ago
Im not connected to the reality right now.... please dont try to borrow money from me :-P
Linda says
15 years ago
darn! (devil)
Fkavipela says
15 years ago
but i can lend you my old car ;-)
Linda thinks
15 years ago
that would include a map also so you even more fun! (LOL)
Fkavipela says
15 years ago
Bubb bubb bubb :-P
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