PartyPlurk asks
15 years ago
what gift do you want most this holiday season?
latest #18
15 years ago
a bicycle
PartyPlurk says
15 years ago
Sleepymarci. I think you deserve a nice new schwinn!
15 years ago
something special tied up with a big ribbon under my blankets on Christmas morning...
15 years ago
Thanks PartyPlurk
15 years ago
a money tree
Christie says
15 years ago
Anything that my hubby picks out ON HIS OWN.
nick15 says
15 years ago
A CHINCHILLA! or an ipod touch! or money! or..whatever :-P
Shan says
15 years ago
diva janey
15 years ago
a MacBook
15 years ago
whatever my boyfriend might try to pick out.... if he even thinks about it.
Baja says
15 years ago
new camera lenses.
Max says
15 years ago
MONEY. I'm not being unsentimental, I just need cash, lol. Or a new laptop would be good too.
Ç✿LLÈÉN wants
15 years ago
a bear and moose quilt set.
Mary_Canary™ says
15 years ago
a new guitar
Sandman says
15 years ago
peace and quiet :-D
15 years ago
quality family time
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