Vivi is
14 years ago
setting up things for the dinner with Niko~ Humming to herself as she starts preparing the food.
latest #241
14 years ago
knocks on her door, not really dressed up but not wearing his work clothes. He waited patiently, reviewing in his mind how to cook.
14 years ago
came to the door wearing her apron and smiled. "Hello~" opening the door wider for him to walk in.
14 years ago
walks in, handing her a small bouquet of tulips. "You've started cooking already? What are you making?"
14 years ago
blinks, not expecting the flowers, but smiled warmly. " Wow.. thanks.." she took them and sniffed them deeply. "Oh Waterzooi~ it takes a_
14 years ago
while for it to cook so I started the basics. "she closed the door behind him, then leading the way into the kitchen, even though it wasn't_
14 years ago
really a date, she thought she'd at least put on something nicer on~ thus wearing a pencil skirt to show off her legs and a drooping neck_
14 years ago
top. "I hope that's alright.."
14 years ago
shudders, but shakes it off. "Ja, that's fine. I know how to make it the *right* way at least." Takes off his gloves and puts them in his_
14 years ago
pocket, exposing his hand which wasn't that healed. Takes off his coat and hangs it on the back of a near by chair. "Where should I start?"
14 years ago
puts the flowers in a vase, filling it up before turning. " If you don't like it, we can cook something else.." She offered, placing a hand
14 years ago
upon her hip. "I do like to think of myself as a pretty decent cook, thank you very much."
14 years ago
shrugs. "Just that dish... people always argue about it. Some claim it's Dutch, while the others say it's Belgien."
14 years ago
nods. " I see~ Well I also have.. *Snert* I think that's how you call it.." she smiled a bit. " Well~ it's food right? in my cookbook_
14 years ago
it says its Dutch~ so we'll say it is.. and you can help make it more so~" she opened the fridge and leaned in to grab him a cold beer._
14 years ago
"Here~ a light brand, just for you."
14 years ago
smirks as he grabs the beer and opens it, taking a sip. "Dank u. And it doesn't matter, I'm just teaching you how to cook it anyways. _
14 years ago
Cook whatever you want to eat.
14 years ago
lifted a brow, lifting the glass of wine she already poured for herself and slipping. "Well this is all for you too silly~"
14 years ago
blinks at her, just about to take another sip but lowers his beer. "Why? I thought I was here to show you how to cook."
14 years ago
"Well why not? Plus you're here anyway~ and I can't eat all this." she smiled checking the simmering pots. "Think of it as a thank you for_
14 years ago
coming and helping~"
14 years ago
smirks and drinks some beer. "Alright then. Once you know how to cook this properly though you can easily make enough to last a week."
14 years ago
smiles into her glass, sipping again. " Alright then~ I don't mind leftovers"
14 years ago
puts his drink down, looking at all the pots. "You seem to have things under control, there's nothing wrong by the looks of it." _
14 years ago
Stirs one of the pots with his bad hand, then checks on another.
14 years ago
glanced at his hand and frowned a bit. " Does it still hurt?" she asked stepping over to watch what he was doing, taking mental notes.
14 years ago
shakes his head. "Nee. I've been through much worse before. This..." He lifts his hand to examine it, deep cuts still fresh looking. "This_
Søren is
14 years ago
14 years ago
without thinking, took it to caress it gently with a sad expression and let go before he could freak out. " Well.. just take care of_
14 years ago
yourself.. okay?" she asked, looking up to him, then jumped at the feeling of fur against her leg. "Toph~" she swooped down to pick up the_
14 years ago
cat, petting it gently. "Toph, this is Niko~ Niko, Toph."
14 years ago
the slightest blush came to his cheeks as she held his hand. "J-ja, I will." He look at the cat for a minute before holding his hand out_
14 years ago
in front of it, allowing it to sniff him.
14 years ago
smiled as the cat leaned in to smell his hand, then automatically purring and nuzzling him. "Woah~.. She's never done that before." shocked_
14 years ago
Ly scratched the cats head. " She usually is fairly skittish with new people.."
14 years ago
smirks. "Maybe she smells the bunny on me. And would perhaps like to make her her next meal." Chuckles slightly, petting her.
14 years ago
laughs a bit before putting her down. "Maybe.. but she's pretty harmless~" turned to check the pots agian, adding a few more things to them_
14 years ago
then drained the rest of her glass of wine, reaching for the bottle to pour herself more.
14 years ago
keeps an eye on her, as well as the dinner. "You seem to know what you're doing, you don't really need me here." Picks up his beer and sips.
14 years ago
smirks a bit before turning, " I knew how to cook this before..." She giggled. "I just wanted you to come over to join me~ so I fibbed a_
14 years ago
bit, BUT your getting a free meal and I wasn't *100* percent sure I was doing it right so you did help~ plus. " sipped. " You're my friend."
14 years ago
looks at her, a little irritated. "You didn't even need my help? Then... what was the point?" Crosses his arms._
14 years ago
"You seem to do fine without me, so why did you want me here?"
14 years ago
tilts her head. " Didn't I just say because you're my friend.. and I like your company, believe it or not.. plus you wouldn't of came over_
14 years ago
if I just asked...." she sighed.. "look im sorry~ But would you really leave now?? It's almost done.. and I'd really appreciate the_
14 years ago
company.." she pouted a bit into her glass before looking up at him with the biggest doe eyes. " Please..?"
14 years ago
rolls his eyes. "That look doesn't work on me. But I'll say, mainly because it'd be a waste of food and beer if I left now."
14 years ago
"Yay!" She chimed, knowing it didn't work but she gave it a shot. Time passes and the meal is finished and all set out, " Well~" she_
14 years ago
placed his dish full of food down. "Eat whenever you wish.." she scooted over to the fridge and grabbed him a fresh beer, taking his empty.
14 years ago
smirks, sitting down and looking over the food. It smelled so good... "Dank u, for the meal. And the booze." Starts eating, smiling_
14 years ago
at how good it tasted.
14 years ago
laughs a bit as she sits down herself, but halted before she began to eat to watch him, feeling pretty good about how she did. " So.." she_
14 years ago
started, forking up some. " Do I pass..?"
14 years ago
wondered if the silence meant it passed. Chuckling, she took her glass and sipped while watching him....she seemed to like doing that.
14 years ago
nods, after finishing most of it. "Ja. It's good. Pretty good for a foreigner at least." Says jokingly, looking up to notice her staring.
14 years ago
blushed when she was caught, forking up more of it. "W-well im glad I could live up to your standards."
14 years ago
nods. "It's rare that people do." Finishes the last bit, then puts the fork down and leans back. He closes his eyes and licks his lips._
14 years ago
"I'm glad I ended up staying."
14 years ago
Smiles... happy to hear that. "Im also glad you stayed aswell... and feel free to have more if your still hungry."
14 years ago
shakes his head. "Nee, I'm pretty full." He takes a deep breath, extremely satisfied being full. "Are you done?" Tilts his head slightly.
14 years ago
finishing up the last few bites, she nods
14 years ago
"Dutch food is very filling!" she smiled. "I'm glad it turned out well."
14 years ago
smirks. "Ja, it can be. You don't need a lot of it, so it's always good when you want to have some meals for a few days..." He gets up and_
14 years ago
grabs his plate, then walks over and collects hers, bringing them to the sink. Automatically he starts to clean them.
Vivi was
14 years ago
just about to do that but was beaten, a bit shocked all she was able to do was mutter a thank you.. then settled back to enjoy watching_
14 years ago
him... he had a nice back... "Niko.. could you tell me something about yourself?"
14 years ago
downs the rest of her wine again with a sigh. "You don't have too.. sorry I asked.."
14 years ago
shrugs, and continues washing. "Why? Is there any point really?" He kept his look down, concentrating on his task.
14 years ago
took the rest of the things off the table and puttin them away. " Well it's to get to know one another more.." she explained, leaning on_
14 years ago
her fridge, watching him. "But its fine, forget I said anything." Obviously disappointed by this but finished clearing the table and putting
14 years ago
the leftovers away.
14 years ago
"Why would someone want to get to know me though?" Winces slightly as the hot water stings at his hand.
14 years ago
came up beside him, grabbing a dry tea towel and began to dry the dishes he washed. " Because I want to know more about you. I find you_
14 years ago
interesting and fun." she smiled.
14 years ago
chuckles. "Fun? Interesting? You're an odd one then. No one else finds me like that. There's not much about me though anyways."
14 years ago
tilted her head to look at him. "Well they're all crazy~ And Im sure there is more than you think~.. What something you like to pass your_
14 years ago
time doing? Reading? Watching Movies?" giving him some ideas.
14 years ago
shrugs. "Drinking, working in my garden..." He paused to think of something more, but just shrugged again. "That's about it."
14 years ago
well it was a start, she thought with a nod."I love gardening too~" she piped up, drying the last of the dishes, drying her hands and_
14 years ago
proceeded to hand him the towel. "I enjoy it, it
14 years ago
it's soothing." as she spoke, she walked to the table to retrieve her empty glass to fill it half full her eyes watching him.
14 years ago
dries one hand while merely shaking the other, not wanting to stain the towel. "Ja. I like to see how my tulips grow and bloom,_
14 years ago
and I like taking care of them. It feels good knowing that you can make something that others can appreciate..."_
14 years ago
Smiles slightly, glancing over to the tulips he gave her.
14 years ago
nodded.. "Yeah... it makes it all the more enjoyable.." she looked at his hand.. " Hold on a moment.." as she said that she dashed out of_
14 years ago
the kitchen and up the stairs.
14 years ago
returning shortly after with her first aid kit. " Here~" she took his sore hand and examined it. before gently peeling off the old bandages_
14 years ago
and opening the kit to take out a tube of ointment to help heal and disinfect the cuts. Her fingers trailed along his hand softly, a caring_
14 years ago
look in her eyes. After a few moments of silence, she was able to wrap it up with fresh bandages and stepped back. "All better.."the woman_
14 years ago
glanced up and smiled.
14 years ago
flinches slightly when she took his hand, but allowed her to take care of it. He couldn't help but watch her hand trail up his. _
14 years ago
His cheeks went a little red, but he looked away trying to hide it. "D... Dank u."
14 years ago
eyes softened as she smiled more. " Don't mention it~ you should take care of your hands.." she glanced down at it... "They do wondrous_
14 years ago
things.." again, she glanced up, taking a step forward... uh oh.. her wine was kicking in a bit. " Your garden is stunning.. I can tell you_
14 years ago
really cherish it.."
14 years ago
"I do take care of them, they've never failed me before..." Looks at her, his cheeks darkening. "J-ja, my garden I'm very proud of._
14 years ago
I put a lot of blood, sweat and tears into it... a lot of effort." Glances at his hand again, smirking to himself.
14 years ago
nods. " I can tell~" she leaned back to slip her glass. "Would you care to see my backyard? I am quite curious on how you think of it.."
14 years ago
blinks at her, then nods. "Ja, sure." He grabs his beer and takes a sip, then waits to be lead out.
14 years ago
leads the way, opening her sliding door and turning on the outdoor lamps from the switch just before stepping out._
14 years ago
"Tadah!" she giggled. " Feel free to look!" _
14 years ago
heres my pond...("here's my pond...")
14 years ago
( Just so you get a sense of what it looks like (( Just so you get a sense of what it looks like ))
14 years ago
leans against her door frame, smiling as he walks around.
14 years ago
walks around, admiring everything he saw. He lingered around the pond. "Very nice. Reminds me of Japan..."
14 years ago
koifish came up to visit for a moment. " Kiku did influence... as well as Yao~" she nodded, stepping away from the door-frame.
14 years ago
watches the fish, smirking more. "Japan is a good role model most times..." Sips his beer, feeling calm in this environment.
14 years ago
sat down in her swinging chair. "Glad you like this.."
14 years ago
"It is quiet the view..." Turns to look at her, unable to help the smile forming on his lips.
14 years ago
eyes widened a bit, a small blush creeping along her cheeks. Then, smiling, she set her glass down and got up to walk towards him. "Your_
14 years ago
approval means a lot to me... you know."
14 years ago
sips from his beer. "It does? ...Why? You have very good taste in what a good garden is..."
14 years ago
"Because.." she halted to a stop right in-front of him, " As I have said, You're a friend.. and..*bởi vì tôi thích bạn.*" she murmured_
14 years ago
under her breath as she gazes in the pond.
14 years ago
raises a brow and tilts his head. "And...? I'm not that familiar with your language." Tilts his head back to take another drink, _
14 years ago
then looks into the pond as well.
14 years ago
"I like you." she translated, crouching down to skim her fingers along the surface of the pond. the dimmed lights that were reflecting began
14 years ago
to dance around as the ripples grew.
14 years ago
laughs slightly. "That's surprising, only a few can seem to handle me. Others won't even approach me." Puts a hand in his pocket _
14 years ago
and takes another sip, feeling quite content.
14 years ago
chuckles, still crouched as she watches the koi fish. "Well you're gonna have to get use to it." As she spoke she finally lifted herself up_
14 years ago
standing beside him and turned. "Because I like your company.." she reached out to place a hand on his arm caressing it ever so gently,_
14 years ago
before returning it to her side.
14 years ago
"Hope that doesn't freak you out much." she grinned.
14 years ago
sighs. "It's a little comforting knowing that someone likes to be around me..." Watches her movements, flinching unintentionally_
14 years ago
when she touches him. A faint blush covers his cheeks again and he looks away.
14 years ago
frowned abit at the flinch but shook it off. her bright brown eyes watching him. "For anything I have done to upset you, I am very sorry.."
14 years ago
shrugs. "It's fine... someone has to do it once in a while anyways." Takes a long sip from his beer, gazing into the pond.
14 years ago
sighs and turns to head back to her porch, lifting her wine glass. " Well then~ I'll do it for you." she teased and lifted her glass as a_
14 years ago
14 years ago
chuckles and lifts his beer in response. "Good to know it's someone who won't stab me in the back later." Jokes, smiling.
Vivi was
14 years ago
actually surprised he said a joke. Laughing in response she sat back down on the swinging porch, slowly crossing her legs with a bit of_
14 years ago
difficulty due to her tight skirt. "You can come over anytime.. okay?" she smiled. " Since you seem to enjoy the garden.."
14 years ago
really feeling the wine now but not sgo
14 years ago
showing much of it, she puts the glass down and pats the empty spot beside her.
14 years ago
slowly makes his way over. "Dank u... I really love the outdoors. So much colour and beauty..."_
14 years ago
Smiles at her, blushing when she crossed her legs. He sits beside her, looking up to the sky.
14 years ago
chuckles, patting his leg a bit. " No need to thank me. Thank YOU for coming over and spending time with me."
14 years ago
blushes more, watching as his leg was touched. "D-dank u for dinner at least... you did a good job."
14 years ago
smiles and leans back. "I'm glad you approve~ I enjoy cooking so feel free to come over if you wish~" sighed and rested her head on his_
14 years ago
14 years ago
stiffens when she leans on him, and he glances over to her. "I might visit once in a while in that case..."
14 years ago
a smile still plastered upon her face as she sighs, closing her eyes. "That makes me happy~"
14 years ago
smirks a little. "I can't turn down a free meal, saves me from making anything..." Laughs quietly.
14 years ago
pouts a bit. " Only the food interests you~ I see."
14 years ago
shrugs. "Food and company, I'd say." Smiles at her. "
14 years ago
hearing no response she lifted her head to glance up at him... "Well Im sure Im just boring you now... whenever you wish to go, feel free."
14 years ago
shrugs. "I'm in no rush to leave. It's calm here, and quiet... I really like it. And you keep everything so clean and nice... _
14 years ago
heh, you should clean my house some time." Jokes and laughs about it.
14 years ago
's worry fades a bit as she chuckles with a shrug. "If you found yourself a woman Im sure they would do it..." she murmured, not exactly_
14 years ago
knowing what she said/meant there.
14 years ago
(if you dont wanna rp this anymore,just tell me... lol..)
14 years ago
((Oh hey wow, this didn't update for me. My bad~))
14 years ago
shrugs. "Even if I did, she'd probably get sick of cleaning up my house. It's mostly just bottles of alcohol lying around,_
14 years ago
besides that it's pretty clean... I need to keep it clean or else my pet might get sick. And I won't risk that."
14 years ago
14 years ago
((... It's the weekend. I stay up late. -w-))
14 years ago
glanced up with a smile. "I doubt they will get bored. Im not bored of you."
14 years ago
smirks. "You're one of the only. Not many others have even been in my house..." Sighs. "Now that I think about it, I don't know if I'd like_
14 years ago
some random cleaning my house actually..."
14 years ago
nods. " I can see why, Its your space so having someone clean it is like someone looking through your underwear drawer and finding your _
14 years ago
kinky stuff that you didnt want to show anyone....minus your partner or whatever." she finished with a sigh.
14 years ago
laughs, looking over at her with a faint blush. "Ja, in a way I guess..." Smirks. "I like my life to be known only by me, no one else_
14 years ago
needs to know..."
14 years ago
pondered a moment, "not even with someone you love?..or like or whatever?" she asked, now lifting her head
14 years ago
her gaze*, doe like eyes watching him from under her lashes.
14 years ago
shrugs, looking away shyly. "I've not met someone, and I'm beginning to doubt I will. But it'd still take a long time for me to trust then."
14 years ago
.... slowly looked down and began to shift away. "O-oh.. I see." the small woman began to chew on her bottom lip as her heart sank a bit.
14 years ago
glances down at her. "What about you? Anyone you have your eyes set upon?" Smirks.
14 years ago
shrugs abit. "Even if I did... they wouldnt be interested..."
14 years ago
"How do you know? People are good at hiding their emotions a lot of the time. Don't loose hope." Smirks down at her, rubbing _
14 years ago
her back a little to comfort her.
14 years ago
"...because.." she began, "He just said it..." as she finished, she turned her head to look up with a sheepish grin and reddened cheeks.
14 years ago
returns her gaze, a confused look on his face. "Hmm? How? I thought I was the only one here..."
14 years ago
blinks then begins to laugh, unable to stop right away. "Haha! You really dont know....?" wiped a tear from her eye, trying to settle. "I _
14 years ago
guess you wouldnt know.. but then again you have Norway right?" her smile suddenly turned into a sad smile with a small sigh.. "I dont_
14 years ago
blame you though... hes very attractive.. and it seems everyman around here likes only men... I wouldnt be surprised if you did too."
14 years ago
blinks at her, confused. "What are you talking about?" He blushes a little looking away. "N-norway... he's..." Shakes his head. "He just_
14 years ago
had a divorce, I'm just trying to comfort him... I'm sure he'd want to be alone for a while and enjoy life. Without any attachments."
14 years ago
"Sorry... I drank too much wine.." she shook her head. "And thats very kind of you to be there for him.."
14 years ago
nods. "I just want to make sure he'll be okay, so I'm planning on keeping an eye on him..." Looks back down to her. "But... what were _
14 years ago
you meaning earlier?"
14 years ago
shakes her head. "Oh nothing... sorry.. I must be tired or something." she gave him a shy laugh...
14 years ago
frowns. "I don't like it when people hide things from me. And if you're tired then I should let you sleep."
14 years ago
sighs, "I guess I was jealous.. because if you liked norway.. there was no way I would have a chance.." she explained with a chuckle_
14 years ago
, curling hair around her ear. "Now you know."
14 years ago
blushes, but keeps looking at her. "O-oh... I... I see..." He fidgets with his fingers. "I'm sorry... I'm not use to others paying_
14 years ago
attention to me, so I'm... kind of oblivious at times." Chuckles awkwardly.
14 years ago
waves a hand infront of her face. " It's fine.. to be honest I wouldn't blame you if you didn't like me, haha. I'm fairly boring and plain."
14 years ago
smirks. "You're not boring or plain. You're calm and caring, and that's important." Puts a hand on her head, smiling down at her.
14 years ago
's cheeks darken as she glances down, averting his gaze. " You think so...?'
14 years ago
nods. "I know so. You were the one who bandaged me up, and took care of me when I was drunk. That takes a lot of effort." Laughs.
14 years ago
laughs along with. "Well I can manage I have 4 bothers that need it." with that, she rested her head upon his shoulder again. "Won't you_
14 years ago
tell me something about yourself?.. Just one thing? Please?"
14 years ago
sighs. "There's nothing much to say really... I spend most of my time at home, getting drunk. Occasionally go out for walks, _
14 years ago
but not often." Shrugs. "Is there anything you specifically want to know?"
14 years ago
"Your favorite color." she asked,nuzzling in a bit.
14 years ago
smirks. "Orange. Definitely."
14 years ago
"Fave animal."
Søren thinks
14 years ago
for a moment. "... Rabbit."
14 years ago
"Favorite personality trait."
14 years ago
frowns... "I have no idea..."
14 years ago
chuckles and pats his arm. " It's alright~ But thank you for sharing those with me~.. it means alot.."
14 years ago
smiles. "It's not a problem, and I'm glad... so what about you? Colour, animal, trait...?"
14 years ago
Ponders a moment. "Red, Tiger and someone who doesn't mind cuddling with me even if it's behind the scenes.."
14 years ago
smiles and puts an arm around her. "Those are good things..." He says quietly.
14 years ago
felt his shift in body weight as the arm came around her, her head jerked to the side then up at him, gulping a bit, her cheeks darkening_
14 years ago
even more. "Y-you.. think so?"
14 years ago
nods, smiling at the colour in her cheeks. "Ja. I think red suits you. And Tigers are interesting to look at..."
14 years ago
"I think so too.." she agreed, her eyes lowering to focus on his lips for a moment before returning to his eyes, "What's.. your fave fruit?"
14 years ago
blinks at her. "Haven't thought about that. Strawberries are probably one of my favourite. The kind I grow at pretty good."
14 years ago
"Is that so?" eyes returning to watch his lips. "I would like to taste your Strawberries sometime then~" she said with a smile
14 years ago
smirks. "I think that can be arranged. I have a green house and could probably get some in no time." Notices that she's looking at his _
14 years ago
lips and he licks them, thinking there might be something on them.
14 years ago
as he did that, she giggled and lifted her gaze to his eyes again. "You wanna know something?" she almost whispered, leaning in a bit.
14 years ago
smirks a little. "Sure." Leans down a bit to get closer to her to listen.
14 years ago
runs her tongue along the top of her lips with a smile trailing at the end. " My lip-gloss tastes like Strawberries~" leaned in closer._
14 years ago
"Wanna taste..?" she asked, lifting a brow.
14 years ago
moves back a bit. "I highly doubt that your lip-gloss would taste like strawberries." Raises his brow at her, but jokes about what he said.
14 years ago
pulls back and giggles. "Haha I know, I was teasing"
14 years ago
smirks. "You little trickster..." He ruffles her hair a little.
14 years ago
14 years ago
sticks out her tongue as her hair is ruffled. "I try~" with that, she yawned and rested her head again upon his shoulder.
14 years ago
smirks down at her. "You should probably get some rest... you seem tired..." Pats her on the head.
14 years ago
nods lazily. "Perhaps..."
14 years ago
"Would you like help getting to bed?" He says quietly.
14 years ago
nods again. "alright.."
14 years ago
keeps his arm around her and helps her up, guiding her back into the house. "Where's your bedroom?"
14 years ago
places her arm around his waist. "up the stairs and the first one on the right... the master bedroom..."
14 years ago
blushes slightly at the contact and follows her directions, getting to the room and opening it for them. He walks her to the bed _
14 years ago
and removes his arm. "This good enough for you? Can you manage without help?"
14 years ago
"Hmmmm..." she flopped over on her bed, about to pass out, her hand reaching out to grab his hand lazily." dont... go..
14 years ago
please.. "
14 years ago
blushes worse and nods. He sits on the side of her bed, making sure she's still comfortable.
14 years ago
shifts herself closer to him. "Niko.."
14 years ago
"Ja?" He asks looking at the covers as he pulls them over her a little.
14 years ago
"I like you..." she murmurs gently, her hand squeezing his.
14 years ago
frowns slightly. He squeezes her hand in responce. "You should try to sleep now..." He says quietly.
14 years ago
nods, a small smile on her lips as she starts to drift off.
14 years ago
smiles and uses his other hand to move some hair behind her ear. "Goednacht, Vietnam..."
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