Gilbert is
14 years ago
celebrating being mostly better by sitting in his room and playing video games all day, like normal!
latest #234
Heracles loves
14 years ago
Deadspace. Theres nothing funner then killing things but damn is the game scary
14 years ago
played that one earlier today! He's on a zombie game marathon.
14 years ago
nods. Then he's playing Left 4 dead right? He likes the first one better. The second it's too fucking easy to die
14 years ago
played the first one already, but now he's playing one set in a mall. It's sort of crappy.
14 years ago
could pick up his controller and go live with him. He knows the game like the back of his hand. That mall can be a bitch with the chargers
Gilbert likes
14 years ago
that idea. He's been down here alone since he came back from the hospital. A little human contact might be nice.
14 years ago
shrugs. He knows how that is. Does he want him to come over or just sign on digitally? Cause he's chill eitherway. Theyll kick ass
14 years ago
doesn't care either way. West is out of the house anyway.
14 years ago
picks up his head set then notices its broken. Godamn cats knocked it over. Guess he's coming over then
14 years ago
snatches up his shit and keys and walks out, locking the door. Prussia better wait up for him and not fall asleep or some gay shit
Gilbert is
14 years ago
completely wired on an excessive amount of energy drinks. He isn't anywhere close to falling asleep.
14 years ago
zooms there like fucking magic. He fucking loves video games almost as much as he loves fucking and drinking. He headbutts the door, hands-
14 years ago
full of controller, energy drink, and keys. Open up asshole.
14 years ago
takes awhile to get up there from downstairs. He has to find the perfect spot to pause the game first. "Hey, fucker. Get your ass in-
14 years ago
14 years ago
steps in over the door frame and sets his shit down so he can take his shoes off. He hates wearing shoes inside. "Lead the way to where-
14 years ago
we're going to kick some ass." He leans back out the door and sets his shoes outside. They got kinda muddy on the way here.
14 years ago
might thank him for that later. He just saved Gilbert another lecture by not tracking mud in. Right now he's leading him towards the-
14 years ago
basement. It's actually a pretty big place; the only thing missing is a kitchen. It's huge down there, with his bedroom area and the place
14 years ago
where he keeps his TV and other things separated so much they could be two different rooms entirely. They're going to crash on the-
14 years ago
sectional couch in front of the flatsceen TV though. "Watch out for my fuckin' birds, fatass."
14 years ago
scoffs. "Just because I'm not just skin and bones anorexic like you doesn't mean I'm fat." Thankfully he didnt have any cats hiding in his-
14 years ago
clothes, itd be like a buffet. Shooing some birds out of his way, he walked slowly so he couldn't step on any. On ehowever glared at him-
14 years ago
and bit him when he tried to move it. "Ow jesus!" He sucked on his finger. "Move that one it's evil. I'm bleeding."And it's on his seat. Ass
14 years ago
shoves a few cans out of the way and picks up his controller as he sits down. "Fuck you, ninety-eight is a totally healthy weight." Well,-
14 years ago
more like 135, but whatever. "Bird, up." He points at the bird but instead of flying, it hops onto his hand, all the way up his arm and-
14 years ago
settles on his head. "There, pussy. She ain't evil. You're just takin' her spot."
14 years ago
sucks on his finger again and plops down on the couch with his wireless controller. "You weigh about the same as the chicks I bang-
14 years ago
and thats just sad for you. Bird better be nice or I'll bring my cat Caligula over."
14 years ago
"So you ready to play or what? Start this shit up."
14 years ago
saves the game he's on currently and returns to the main screen. "So? At least I don't have a fat ass. You banged me when I was a chick-
14 years ago
too." He rolls his eyes. "Papercuts hurt worse. Suck it up and play."
14 years ago
laughs and nods. "Oh yeah I did. I get around a lot." He clicks on his controller and signs on quickly. "I claim Nick. I rock him out." He-
14 years ago
leans back and lounges, saving his energy for when they actually reached the tough parts. "You can be the girl."
14 years ago
snorts. "You and me both. ..Aw, you fucker. You don't rock shit." Get used to his shittalking; he even does it when playing alone.
14 years ago
doesnt look away from the screen as he picks up a shotgun. "Trash talk all you want to. I fucking rock. Youre the midget who sucks it."
14 years ago
doesnt mind he trashtalkas all the time up until he cums.
14 years ago
elbows him without looking away from the screen. "You suck it, pussybitch, shut your whore mouth." ( yeah i haven't played this game yet.-
14 years ago
just bought it today, lol. )
14 years ago
laughs and nails him back on the leg while he mows down the undead scourge with his AK 47. "Grow one sperm dumpster then we'll talk."
14 years ago
clicks the buttons rapidly, up on the edge of the seat so he can take in all the violence at once. (It's awesome :B-)
14 years ago
glances at the way he's positioned and scoots over hard, trying to bump him right off the couch. "I got a huge one, assdick. You-
14 years ago
oughta know, damn. Man, this game fuckin' *cheats*, I killed that fucker."
14 years ago
barely manages to stay on the couch thank you and slyly shoves at him back. "I was drunk. Doesn't count if I'm drunk and can't remember-
14 years ago
it. And you nailed me so I could have had a concussion and just thought it was big. Sides you're shorter then me GODAMN CHARGERS! I'M ALMOST
14 years ago
14 years ago
flops over on his side and sticks a foot in his side. "Nice try, dick. You don't forget mine. FUCK, QUIT YELLIN', I GOT YOUR SHITFUCK BACK.
14 years ago
14 years ago
stands up and pounds on his buttons, even tilting the controller like it's going to help. "Fuck fuck fuck! There's the door! Run run run!"-
14 years ago
's character makes it to the safe room but he sprinted there. He looks back and smirks at him. "Better catch up for they get ya tiny dick."
Gilbert is
14 years ago
going to catch up. His stupid big-boobed bitch got caught even after all his shouting and threatening. He pitches the controller down and-
14 years ago
throws a pillow at Heracles' head. "Shut the fuck up, stupid shit."
14 years ago
ducks and laughs, running out with his and saves her, then grabs the other control and rushes her in. "Looks like I saved the day." His-
14 years ago
chest swells. Of course it's just a video game. "Saving pretty titties from all the ugos is my job. Oh calm down asshole if you can't handl-
14 years ago
the insults go cry to someone else." Seeing the game is on pause he pats his pockets. "I think I still have some pain pills left."
14 years ago
sits back up and flips him off. "Goddamn, you talk to much." Wait, hold on. What was that about pain pills? If he were a dog, his ears-
14 years ago
would be straight up. "Yeah? What d'you got? If you're sharin', I might be able to dig somethin' fun up."
14 years ago
pulls lint out of his pocket. "Call it a bad habit. Yeah I got...." He kinda hops so they can fall out of the corner of his pocket. He-
14 years ago
blows some more lint of them and looks. "Yup. Looks like I two left. Want one?" Not that he has to ask.
14 years ago
's nose wrinkles. He's forgotten about the game for right now. "They got pocketdirt on 'em. You take those." He's got somethign better-
14 years ago
over in the nightstand by his bed that he's going to get.
14 years ago
laughs and swallows them dry, then feels something in his other pocket. "Hey I think..." He's constantly putting things in his pockets-
14 years ago
so he's not surprised at the piece of paper in his pocket. "I think this a prescription I never picked up. I forgot to. Want it?" He dangles
14 years ago
the paper out from his two fingers.
Gilbert is
14 years ago
digging through everything in the bottom drawer of his nighstand, so he doesn't bother looking up. "What's it for?"
14 years ago
squints at it. "Hell if I know." He rubs his eyes. "It's kinda smeared. I think it says hydrocodone. Or it could say anything else. I'm too-
14 years ago
lazy to figure it out." He plops back on the couch. "What are you looking for?" stretches out, making sure not to squish any birds
14 years ago
returns a moment later to snatch the paper and land on the couch. He flips a small orange bottle Heracles' direction. "E, pussy."
14 years ago
fumbles it then catches it before he spills it everywhere. He stares at the bottle then opens it an peeks inside. "Now what is E?" It's a-
14 years ago
new name to him. He sticks to drinking and doesn't go places people would introduce it to him. Weed, pills sure....e?
14 years ago
stares at him blankly. "Ecstasy, brainchild."
14 years ago
snarls at him. "Shut up asshole." He guesses and grabs two and swallows them before throwing the bottle back at Gil. At his head.
14 years ago
Hey at least the damn lid was on so they wont spill everywhere.
14 years ago
grabs for it, fumbling the bottle and barely catching it with the tips of his fingers. He takes two as well, but he's used to it. "Well,-
14 years ago
holy shit. You didn't bitch out."
14 years ago
narrows his eyes. "I'm not a pussy godamn." His eyes blur slightly and he assumes it's starting to kick in. He doesn't really feel anything-
14 years ago
yet but he's got the damn tolerance level of an elephant from all his drinking and pill popping with college friends. He slides down the-
14 years ago
couch, muscles suddenly weak. "So what am I looking forward too?"
14 years ago
reaches over to turn the console off and switch the television back to regular channels. "Don't worry about it. It's gonna feel real-
14 years ago
fuckin' good, that's all you need to know."
14 years ago
nods then flops back on the couch. He moves though a minute later though to take his shirt off. He's so hot all of a sudden....he throws-
14 years ago
his shirt on the floor. Godsdamnit it felt like he was fucking melting. He pants and purrs, rubbing his back on the couch. That feels nice.
14 years ago
stares at him and snickers. "You're so fuckin' weird, man. Hot, but weird."
14 years ago
rolls on his back and grins at him. Hey man these damn things hit him hard and fast. "It's like the time I tried Ketamine." Ignore the-
14 years ago
slurring and crossed eyes. He inches towards him. Damn he feels great.
14 years ago
leans back against the arm of the couch. Yeah, the pills will start to hit him in a few minutes, but he knows how to ease into the effect.-
14 years ago
They relax him in ways weed never can. "You're like some virgin cheerleader havin' her first Smirnoff puss-beer."
14 years ago
scowls at him. "You're acting like you got a stick up your ass trying to drag me down." He shivers and leans on his elbow. Oh yeah. His-
14 years ago
other pills from earlier are probably helping him trip faster. He ruffles a hand through his own hair, liking the feel of it. He smirks at-
14 years ago
Gil, making a kissy face and raising his eyebrows.
14 years ago
leans his head back, watching him through half-lidded red. "You tryin' to come on to me?"
14 years ago
grins, lowering his eyes till they're half lidded. "Considering I'm slipping into fucked out of my mind then yeah. I am. What are you-
14 years ago
gonna do about it? Probably nothing. Pussy." He looks away and sniffs. Just great. Another night he wont get laid.
14 years ago
shrugs. "I'm not doing shit. You want it so bad, you come over here and get it."
14 years ago
laughs. Godsdamn he thought he was the only one this lazy. Hrm...lay here or rub on him...him. Grunting he pushes himself up and almost-
14 years ago
falls, catching himself on the table edge. He smirks down at him and swats at a leg. "Move it. I need somewhere to rest my knee."
14 years ago
folds his arms behind his head and spreads his legs, one foot settling on the floor.
14 years ago
places a knee in between and sets a arm on either side of his head, leaning in to kiss his neck, ghosting them up and down then back up-
14 years ago
to his jaw, nipping lightly. Each touch sends fire throughout his system, adrenaline spiking up. Moving a hand off the couch he slides it-
14 years ago
down at the bottom of his shirt and playfully dances his fingers along the skin he can touch without moving the shirt.
14 years ago
tilts his head back and closes his eyes. This seems to make the sensations peak, each small touch magnifying and felt throughout his entire
14 years ago
body, everywhere, even in his veins.
14 years ago
bites a little bit down harder on his neck, pushing his hands up his shirt and scratching lightly as he pushes on to his nipple and tweaking
14 years ago
it before running it down his rips, draggin his nails in ghost scratches across each bony one , finally dipping his hand down to his navel.
14 years ago
teases the area there, laying his hand close enough to his crotch but not moving to undo his pants and stick his hand down his pants.
14 years ago
groans softly from the back of his throat but he's not moving his arms yet. They make good pillows, for one. And not touching helps him-
14 years ago
focus entirely on what Heracles is doing to him.
14 years ago
huffs but undoes his pants anyway and sucks on his lower lip as he slides a hand slowly down to grasp his cock, his own jumping at the feel-
14 years ago
of holding his. He strokes slowly, nipping his chin before kissing his lips. He groans at the friction, the E making his world spin and-
14 years ago
everything to be so out of focus. Every sensation sends him deeper into exstacy and he almost comes at the feel of his dick rubbing on his-
14 years ago
pants. Gods thats weak.
14 years ago
laughs, the noise a low rumble in his chest, felt just as deeply as that hand on his dick. God, that shoots straight through to his-
14 years ago
core, making him arch up under him. He grabs for him finally, reaching for the button of his pants.
14 years ago
shivers at the feel of the rumble, little chills of pleasure rolling through through him. He jerks his hips towards his hands, eager to-
14 years ago
lose them and feel his hands on his cock. He growls and pushes harder into the kiss, draging a finger down the shaft to the tip.
14 years ago
gets his pants undone and shoves them down his hips as quickly as he can just to get at his dick. As soon as his hand wraps around it, he-
14 years ago
swats Heracles' hand away and thrusts his hips up, rubbing against him.
14 years ago
chokes, and turns lifting a hand to bite down on his knuckle. It was fucking crazy how good this felt. His eyes roll back in his head and-
14 years ago
he leans with all his strength on the wall to keep himself from falling over. He thrusts downward, meeting him to rub harder. Needing more-
14 years ago
contact he leans in and steals another kiss, moaning into his mouth.
14 years ago
watches him, more sneering than grinning now. This is a fucking incredible vantage point. He wants to watch the drug work on Heracles,-
Gilbert wants
14 years ago
to see and hear his every reaction as he grinds against him, purposely rubbing faster against his dick.
14 years ago
bites down on his lips, bracing himself so he can bring his hips down with more force. He moans, muscles trembling. His face flushes and he-
14 years ago
knows why Gil is sneering but in all honesty it turns him on even more. He pulls away and pants against his neck, everything frying-
14 years ago
his nerves, sending fireworks into his cornea. "Gods...." His hair flops in his face.
Gilbert has
14 years ago
been able to get off like this before, when the situation was hot enough. And this certainly qualifies as hot enough. Nothing like-
14 years ago
frotting to celebrate a video game victory. He turns his head slightly to nip his neck. "Gonna come already?"
14 years ago
's eyes roll back at the nip and he jerks onto to him, hips thrashing against him as he cums, biting his lip. He gives a muffled shout, his-
14 years ago
spine jerking and his legs buckling under him. He sinks to the couch in a drugged out haze, seeing spots everywhere. He glances down,-
14 years ago
wondering if Gil came and also wondering if he had the energy to help him.
14 years ago
doesn't get off right at the same time but a few seconds later, after Heracles' come slicks his fist. He's a lot quieter about it too, but-
14 years ago
that's all thanks to the drug coursing through his brain while he shudders and bucks, then falls limp back to the couch. "Fuck."
14 years ago
limpyly rolls to the side of him, feeling sweaty and sticky and so godamn good....he lazily smirks at at him, one leg lazily still on him.
14 years ago
"I like e." Most of the drug was burned out through his orgasm but little chills rolled across his skin. Gods he was so tired.
14 years ago
snorts and wipes his hand on his jeans. They're messy enough as it is; he'll have to get up to take them off. In a minute. "I bet."
14 years ago
notices the jizz on his pants and laughs. "I see you liked it too sperm sponge." He's got some on his too but he can still poke fun.
14 years ago
lifts his slightly damp hand threateningly. "Don't make me slap you."
14 years ago
lazily shrugs. "We both know what that'll do." He grunts then takes his own jizz pants off and tosses them on the floor. He lounges in his-
14 years ago
boxers and yawns. "Want to take yours off too jizz muffin?"
14 years ago
shoves him out of the way so he can sit up and strip his pants off. Maybe he'll slap him later. He doesn't have the energy to get it-
14 years ago
up again right now. "Fuck ya."
14 years ago
honestly doesn't have it in him yet either. But he does enough energy to smirk at him after allowing himself to be shoved. "that's the-
14 years ago
point stupid." He yawns again then smacks his lips. "You got something to drink? I'm fucking thirsty."
14 years ago
scowls and rolls onto his side. "Ja. Upstairs, in the fridge. Don't mess shit up."
14 years ago
stands up and stretches, feeling more awake. He playfully smacks his ass. "You want something while I'm upstairs?"
14 years ago
yawns. "Uh. Beer."
14 years ago
nods and starts up the stairs then stops. "I'm not going to run into your brother right? Itd be weird cause I'm fuck it."
14 years ago
starts up the stairs slowly, listening carefully, drugs making him paranoid. He sneakily opens the fridge and grabs two, sneaking back-
14 years ago
down the cellar stairs.
14 years ago
snickers. That would be pretty damn funny. He doesn't bother correcting him before he goes, either. Ludwig's definitely not there,-
14 years ago
but Heracles can have fun thinking he is.
14 years ago
plops back on the couch and lounges back prodding him with a cold beer. "Flip over and take it pussy."
14 years ago
jerks a little but sits up to grab his beer. "Fuckin' took you long enough."
14 years ago
scowls and yanks it out of his hand when he reaches for it. "Took you long enough." He rolls his eyes then smirks. "I said take it."
14 years ago
grabs for it again. "Don't fuck with a German and beer, man."
14 years ago
rolls his eyes again and hands it to him finally. "Here." He takes the top off of his own and takes a sip. He sleepily looks at his boxers-
14 years ago
his own boxers and realizes.....he's not wearing his own boxers. "I have no clue whose these are." He plucks at them.
14 years ago
glances down, mildly interested, as he takes a sip of his beer. "Mn...thought you were only fuckin' Turkey?"
14 years ago
snorts. "Maybe if he wasn't such a granpa. I haven't gotten any from him in a while. Sides its fun." He takes another sip. He glances over-
14 years ago
and grins. "With the right people anyway."
14 years ago
shifts around a little until he can dig a pack of cigarettes out of his pants pocket. The ecstasy still has him riding high, but now feels-
14 years ago
like a great time to light one up. "What if he likes ya for reason other than sex? I mean yeah, that's great. But uh...y'know..."
14 years ago
sticks his hand out. "May I bum one?" He shakes his head "He does. In fact he told me." He feels his good mood slightly dip but hey-
14 years ago
he can keep this damn good mood. He'll try anyway. But he'd love a smoke.
14 years ago
hands the pack and his lighter over. He shrugs. Far be it from him to throw stones in this fuckin' glass house. He isn't saying another-
14 years ago
thing on it, either.
14 years ago
laughs as he lights up then hands him back the pack. Godamn E makes him talk too much. "I don't know what the hell to do with him. Or me-
14 years ago
probably just keep drinking and fucking till he leaves me." He coughs and scratches the back of his neck. "sorry for pussy talk."
14 years ago
did enough of this with Eva when he was sick, so being the listening party doesn't both him much. He exhales toward the ceiling. " 's'not-
14 years ago
pussy talk. "Don't you like him?"
14 years ago
sighs. "I'm not used to...talking like this. But I'll trust you. I do like him. I..." He taps his foot and scratches his chin. "I just-
14 years ago
don't know. I don't think I've ever been with some one like this." He takes a sip of beer. "Nope. It's all been physical till now."
14 years ago
probably won't remember much of this in the morning anyway. He yawns and taps his beer against his knee. "Well. You oughta give him a-
14 years ago
chance. If he's treatin' ya right then he's worth the time. You get uh...the good shit. And the physical shit too, which makes it-
14 years ago
great shit."
14 years ago
raises an eyebrow and laughs. "I'm trying. But he keeps fucking telling me he's not gonna get me anyway." He squints at his beer. Damn this-
14 years ago
pretty strong, or maybe it's the e still in his system. Cause he tongue comes un clamped. "Guess what he told me."
14 years ago
leans back against the couch. "You keep pushin' him off, you're just provin' him right." And he can probably predict what's coming-
14 years ago
next. Maybe. Or maybe that fucking France just has his radar all fucked. "Dunno. What?"
14 years ago
takes another sip. "It kinda slipped out while we were at my place." He tilts his head, suddenly playing with his bottle. "He said-
14 years ago
the l word." He looks away and stands up, suddenly feeling very foolish.
14 years ago
looks at up him blearily through a cloud of smoke. This situation sounds pretty damn familiar, except for the part about Sadiq acting like-
14 years ago
a grandpa, or whatever he said. "Look man...I can give ya some perspective from his point of view. Since I've said the same damn thing-
14 years ago
to somebody just like you. Only with better taste in clothes."
14 years ago
squints at him and drains the rest of his beer. He sits back down but a little bit further. Why does it feel like he's heard something-
14 years ago
about this the bar..? Naw. Whatever it is he doesn't care right now but focusing on him. "what perspective?"
14 years ago
wipes the back of his mouth on his sleeve. "You go real far out and tell somebody what ya feel, how much they mean to you and shit, just-
14 years ago
with one word. Or three, y'know? Maybe ya don't expect to hear it in response, but you figure hey, somethin's gonna change. Only-
14 years ago
it doesn't. Instead 'a gettin' serious, he's only interested in fuckin' whatever walks and going home with whoever picks up the bar tab.-
14 years ago
You know it, he knows you know, but he doesn't wanna change for shit. And that fuckin' hurts, y'know? You got feelings like that for-
14 years ago
somebody, but do they give a fuck? Maybe, but they sure as fuck don't show it runnin' around like that. May as well say piss on it."
14 years ago
glances up at his face and really wish he didn't. It just fucking sucks is what it is. He sighs and sets the empty bottle down. "I don't-
14 years ago
know who it is you told that to, I really don't care. It's none of my bussiness. But being the guy just like him I want to say sorry. I-
14 years ago
can't think of an excuse for it. I really have none. And the worst part is...I can't even recognize that fact sober. I don't know about-
14 years ago
this person but for me it's kinda tough. I've hated him for so...godamn long. I could have killed him ya know? And for him to just..." -
14 years ago
coughs again and blinks. "Shit I don't even know if I can quit the sex. I can;t got two days without chasing. Ive done shitty things for it-
14 years ago
too. " He shifts, and wipes his face with his hand. "On behalf of both us guys I'm sorry for you. I really think it's shitty to put you-
14 years ago
through this."
14 years ago
chokes on his inhale and splutters, waving a hand through what little smoke gets back out of his lungs. "Don't, man. See, there's a-
14 years ago
huge fuckin' difference between me and what you got. Him, I bet he ain't off stickin' it in the first upright thing he sees. Me, that's-
14 years ago
exactly how I do. Fra-...uh. He doesn't think I'm good enough to get right with, fuck him. I'll go out and do the same goddamn thing-
14 years ago
just because because I can. Just make him jealous." Okay, that last part was pretty hard to force out. All of it was, but he had-
14 years ago
that drug smoothing the way. "You got somethin' good. You gotta figure out how to not fuck it up."
14 years ago
tilts his head. "Fra? Who the fuck is-" Wait a minute. Wait Wait wait....they did mention this at another time. when Gil was....Maria. He-
14 years ago
scowls. Godamn drugs hazing his brain....he could see her hitting the bottles and then....his eyes widen slightly and he looks at Gil-
14 years ago
and stares. The other pieces seem to fit too..."Holy shit. Francis? You love Francis?"
14 years ago
scowls at him then grabs an ashtray to snuff his cigarette in. "Youre a mouthy fuck."
14 years ago
"It comes with the territory." he shrugs. "Sides I hve no one to talk to so when I do its word vomit."
14 years ago
"I'll take that as a yes anyway." He scratches his foot.
14 years ago
makes a face, that word reminding him a little too much of last week and his many meetings with the trashbin. "You keep your mouth shut-
14 years ago
about it anyway. Nobody's business, and the last thing I need is him jumpin' my shit."
14 years ago
shakes his head. "I don't tell secrets. You've got me just as much. I haven't told anyone what he said and that I might have feelings-
14 years ago
beyond my dick for him." He sniffs then sets his empty bottle down. "To be honest I don't even know why I told you. But whatever. I have-
14 years ago
no interest in splurging to anyone. I like you too much and you scare me."
14 years ago
wrestles another cigarette out of the beatup box. He lights it, takes a deep drag and then exhales the smoke through his nose slowly.-
14 years ago
"Splurge sounds like spooge. You wanna fuck me?" Master of handling awkward subjects right here.
14 years ago
"I got about half a boner from this fuckin' pill."
14 years ago
blinks then shifts closer. "What, like top?" Fuck the sentimentals then. Fucking ws brought up. And the e was riding him still.
14 years ago
stares at him blankly. "Yeah, you fuckin' brick. It's gettin' too sappy in here. Save the pillowtalk for afterward."
14 years ago
laughs. "Sure." He stands up. "Lay on your back. Makes it easier to get attcha." Hes gonna start this the right fucing way after all.
14 years ago
laughs. "Sure." He stands up. "Lay on your back. Makes it easier to get attcha." Hes gonna start this the right fucing way after all.
14 years ago
flops onto his back once more with a lazy grin. "Proceed, dick."
14 years ago
raises an eyebrow. "Dick?" He leans down and rests a knee on the sofa, looking down at him with a smirk. He runs his fingers up and down-
14 years ago
his sides while he leans in and attacks the crook of his neck softly, then sharply, aiming to leave a solid bruise. One hand plays-
14 years ago
with a nipple, while the other sneaks its way down to his navel, scratching lightly and brushing his cock then moving back up teasingly.
14 years ago
shrugs through his shiver. "Best I could think a-ah...of right then." Forgive the stutter; that's from a groan interrupting his snark.
14 years ago
grins against his skin. That was a groan. He sinks his teeth in a little bit harder, yup there's gonna be a bruise. He examines it before-
14 years ago
laughing and kissing his way down to his belly button, dipping his tongue in. He teases pecks further down his navel, but he wants to-
14 years ago
tease a little while more. His rests a hand on his thigh and scoots back so he's more comfortable.
14 years ago
hisses and bites his lip. Yeah, that one feels like it'll last a week, and won't that be fuckin' interesting. He nudges him in the side-
14 years ago
with a knee to try and speed this along some. He doesn't exactly have the patience for teasing.
Heracles will
14 years ago
just fucking stop if he gets rushed. He isnt anybodys bitch. He looks up with a bored look. "Dont rush me. I feel like teasing, I will."
14 years ago
(godamnit plurk I wanted glance not look twice in the same sentence. Its redundant)
Heracles will
13 years ago
tke as much as Gil as he can in his mouth, stroking what he cant get at wit is hand lazily.
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