/Is curious about the certain someone
guess who i'm bugging onto plurk tonight~
and show her the DA i post up
8Db your presence is obvious
FSh. I knew you'd never surface if i didn't do anything
Oh hey Hachi, didja see my part of a collab I did on dA~?
yeah okay duh, there's like, nothing i feel properly inclined to say if not called upon, so like.
WELL. May I ask for an RP
sure ; though - you know it's not too much of a commodity by now, but sure.
i thought that preg thing was over with, it's been over a week or something
it got extended for the whole month
whatever you want i guess
k i choose that you choose make up your mind fore i get distracted
i choose......preg. but you have to start
right sure, where are we starting
as seme, you make decisions
but like, fairly late on in the pregnancy
okay obesity ; idk what to say though, you go start, i'm lazy, har har har.
no. I have no starting ideas.
neither do i ; uh, please?
FINE. only cus i love you
i know, and being the person i am, i manipulate you with it.
yeah but you can't apply that to $100+ FFXII Perfume, so don't try
hey your present cost 70+ with shipping, okay
at least i cuddle the totoro. you'djust stare at the perfume and not wear it
i could wear it for homecoming or something idk. sides, i can cuddle the bottle, it's shiny
........you're actually going to a dance?
theoretically ; might get dragged by people. forced to dance, most likely with aaron, ; i hate that man, his shirts are so tight it's a sin.
and if you're wearing a dress, i want pictures
i don't own a dress, you realize ; although i'll be owning a business skirt/attire w/e soon, if that counts.
no. it doesn't. i was talking about a party dress
but the fact that you're going to wear a skirt...
i don't own a party dress . ; and don't be talking : knitted bikini, you said you're wearing it.
tempted to send you one....; I will, once i finish my sweater
you're a good size bigger than me, i wouldn't fit ; make sure it's pink so i can take pictures and blackmail.
i have one that's too small; If you show them to Aaron...i swear...
i'm not that small, okay. ; no or i could keep them as pinups on my wall to remind me of you. ofc.
i'll make you one.; yeah and i'm sure your parents would looooooove that
how're you gonna make me one ; yes ofc the parent thing can be totally mutual
online fabric and pattern shopping. and the school has sewing machines ; i'm not taking pinup photos in a knitted bikini for you
right, you know what, i won't be needing a party dress, it's okay. ; you're letting me take photos though.
no, i'm making you one now. ; And they'll sit on your comp and NEVER SURFACE
you don't have er, time, right. ; yeah right so the other day i got a really cool color printer, so we'll see how long it stays on my comp.
i'm a fast sewer; If you print, i want a divorce.
then sew the AX stuff if you have that much time ; that's low. fine. stay on the computer, damn.
no readily available patterns; good. and by on the computer, i mean in the folder and never on the net
rrrr could like, design one? idk i can't sew. ; can i have it on my phone? so like i can stare it it when i'm cold and alone at night, bby
are you kidding me. people go to design school to learn pattern drafting. ; yes, but don't show anyone.
you have time and stuff, take online classes? idk, but shizaya, pls. pls. ; okay promise. in return, i'll.. uh
shizaya is actually the easiest to make. i can possibly find patterns for that. ; buy me disk one of the anime
yeah but make sure you get good shades, i'll never forgive you if your shades suck. ; when i'm not poor, sure.
colors of the sunglasses? cus you buy your own props. ; it's25bucks
you're shizuo, you get the shades, i get the cell to .. stop on, okay. ; i have like 500- right now, i'm poor
i thought i put you in charge of props. i'm makeup and costumes; well you have ten times as much as me
fffffine. i'm gona get you super jazzed out glasses though, all studded n shit ; that's cuz you blow your money.
way to be responsive, conversation just died. -/drops this.;