aiyo....ald say this is ULU web site liao mah...
macam u sekarang? at where?
coz plurk email to me, and warning me click the link, than come back this ULU area..haha...
bcoz he is orang ulu also ~
u can straight away ignore de ma
aiyo...ah wee ar...ppl just come back here, u ald want marah ppl till ppl dun want play plurk...
ah wee macam guy's name lea
u die. i cant save u. will rmb go ur funeral
haha...ah wei wont so small gas d la...
hc-i will attend ah yao funeral too ~
ahyao,i din marah u u own pretend nia
ok lo...if want attend my one d...wait more 80years ba..hehe
u sloww slow wait la ...u eat rubbish where will so long live
than u also lebih kurang lo...
80 years aa? ah gan come attend my grand grand grandson birthday! ur
fatty yow - i never expect i will be so long live wor ~
hc- is great grandson la ~~ by the way u should start to pragnant now only u able to get ur great grandson at ur 80
wait more 80 years lea. means me 102 years old ok
haha...hc just divorce...chow pragnant?
then u slow slow wait ~ mayb ur great grand son will go to ur graveward visit u d ..hahaha
walao. who say marry d jz can pregnant
she goes to buy ppl's sperm
sperm if buy =叫鸭la.....sperm is donate one d la...
u go ask ppl who wanna donate!
zzz...singapore have sperm bank la...
shit u...i am prefect one..
yaolan ,seriously u donate also nobody want ...hahahhaa
ya mie? how u so comfirm?
u go ask ppl then in ur fb ~ haha
haha...dun want...later account kena suspend...
lol..u see u also scare later u kena report abuse ~
same same what....u also scare post who want acc u go
i will geh but is after my exam ~
good~ i waiting for you~