o.o says
15 years ago
2 hour of slp cure my headache =.=
latest #19
o.0 sleep is always the best =D
o.o says
15 years ago
yaya ~.~ now feel so good
o.o says
15 years ago
lol i wake up u going to slp soon
er,yea,gg but not yet hahahas*laughs*
u r owl --" i am normal human
o.o says
15 years ago
hahahas,ello own :-D
o.o says
15 years ago
=.= im normal is jus tat i headache go slp lol
Okays okays jkjk nia,hahahas
o.o says
15 years ago
y ue nv laugh since eu lol ><
o.o says
15 years ago
-.- u really expect mi to laugh out loud infront of my com ah siao lol
hahahas,ppl will take eu to woodbridge hospital :-) then i hab 1 things to tell eu,SEE U THR !
o.o says
15 years ago
ya cos u were 1 of them ....
yes,i live thr,visit me anytime wor ! block F,lvl 4,rm 101 :-)
bring fruits & chocolate along wif eu!!!!!!!!!!
o.o says
15 years ago
aha yaya now mental hospital so good got com for u to use
yes,cos i using de mental problem de funds to provide me a com ma
o.o says
15 years ago
ok =.=
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