14 years ago
keeps hearing music around the house, but she doesn't know where it comes from! So she is just dancing along to it.
latest #142
14 years ago
will watch her dance, then. She /does/ dance rather well!
14 years ago
will stop at one point to stare at him, looking highly embarrassed. He seems vaguely familiar...
14 years ago
crouches, not wanting to scare her. At least he's not scared of suddenly-de-aging nations anymore..
14 years ago
wouldn't get scared; she is merely a teenager, however, so she is a bit weary. He... He looks like the Empire who bothered Lovi!
14 years ago
takes a step forward, and holds out a hand, testing the waters. How much does she remember, he wonders.. "Kitten."
14 years ago
frowns and takes a look around as if to check that everything is fine before hesitantly taking his hand. That sounds oddly familiar... "Me?"
14 years ago
shakes her hand, firmly at first, but then gently with a grin. "Mhm. You."
14 years ago
arches an eyebrow but does not step back. "You know me?"
14 years ago
"'m surprised ya don't remember me knowing you." he frowns a little, and finally drops her hand. "That hurts, kiddo."
14 years ago
blinks and tilts her head at him looking slightly concerned. "Not a kid-" A sigh, then a pause. "Are you someone special to me?"
14 years ago
hums, shifting as he stands. "If ya consider friends special, then sure, I'm pretty damn special."
14 years ago
furrows her brow, gently reaching out to hold his hand. "I'm sorry, mister. Things have been very strange lately! It was not my intention.."
14 years ago
examines their hands and chuckles, carefully threading their fingers together. " 's fine, kit. My name's Sadiq."
14 years ago
's expression softens and she smiles slightly, cheeks turning pink. "Sadiq. What a lovely name."
14 years ago
swings their hands a little, since he doesn't know what else to do. "Neh? First time I've heard /that/."
14 years ago
does not mind that at all; she really does not know what else she would otherwise do. "Oh? Did I ever say the opposite? If so, I apologize!"
14 years ago
laughs at that and shakes his head. "Nah! Just people don't usually compliment my name, of all things." he shrugs and pats her shoulder.
14 years ago
decides on a sort of bold move - and hugs him. "Well you said you must be very special to me. So it only makes sense that I am honest!"
14 years ago
sputters a little, not having expected that at all! "..e-erm. Yeah..honesty, right." he pats her hair now. "Warn me next time!"
14 years ago
buries her face in his tummy for a while before finally looking up. "Warn you? Well ah, you seem awfully uncomfortable..."
14 years ago
shifts to hug her just a little better, and huffs. "Tell me when yer gonna hug me so I won't be so..caught off guard, kiddo."
14 years ago
just giggles and nuzzles his tummy a bit. "Where's the fun in that? Don't you like hugs, mister Sadiq?"
14 years ago
tenses a little and runs his hand through her hair. "Ehh.. yeah, sometimes.." he does smile though. She's cute like this.
14 years ago
pauses, leaning against him but looking to the side. So she does not catch that smile. "Do you like them right now?"
14 years ago
hums and decides to try something, so he hoists her up with his great strength until he can put her over his shoulders. "Mhhm." bad idea_
14 years ago
_though, she's not as light as he thought she'd be.
14 years ago
sort of squeaks in response to that but otherwise does not protest, instead simply frowning in concern. "Wh-what are you...?"
14 years ago
shrugs and bounces a little, trying to keep his balance. "This is better, yeah?"
14 years ago
clings to him regardless, scared of falling now - especially given that she is not very tall right now. "Nn don't let go!"
14 years ago
laughs, amused, and reaches up to steadily hold her. "Yeah, yeah, ya ain't gonna fall..you'll be fine, kitten."
14 years ago
whines a bit but nonetheless decides to trust him on this. "Okay... Where are we going?"
14 years ago
wobbles, but does start to walk a bit better afterwards, and jumps to bounce her up a little. "Wherever ya want?"
14 years ago
clings a bit more, still a bit scared that she might lose her balance. "I don't know! I don't really know anything outside the house..."
14 years ago
laughs as he glances up at her, and shrugs. "Ya don't? How the hell do ya not?"
14 years ago
furrows her brow and offers a tiny, helpless shrug. "Everything looks different..."
14 years ago
pats her leg, then continues walking on, occasionally wobbling. " Nothin's changed, kiddo, I swear. Just you."
14 years ago
"But!" She looks around, but soon sighs. "That makes no sense... Nn, it's too high up here, mister Sadiq."
14 years ago
snorts, but is soon complying and slowly kneeling, soon getting onto his knees and crouching. "A'right, getoff.."
14 years ago
ruffles his hair a little bit but soon her feet are finally on the floor and she leans down to kiss his cheek. "Thank you, sir."
14 years ago
blinks, and can't help but grin a little. "Yeah, yeah, no problem.." he rubs at his back a little, though. Ow.
14 years ago
frowns in some sort of concern. "Ah, was I too heavy...? I'm sorry! Can I help, somehow...?" Well, she's just as much of a worrywart. :I
14 years ago
laughs wearily and slowly stands. "Nah! It ain't yer fault!" he's just old. :I
14 years ago
isn't all too young, either. Thouh she looks younger right now at least, that's a start. T: "If you say so..."
14 years ago
..will have to give her that. :Y "Don't worry 'bout it, really." he stands up and stretches a little. Arghghh.
14 years ago
would appreciate that dearly. I: But now she is too busy being concerned. "Are you sure? Isn't there anything I can do to help?"
14 years ago
leans back, cracking his back a little. Arhksghsgs. "Unless ya know massage."
14 years ago
shakes her head, looking slightly disappointed. "I just take care of little Romano nowadays when mister Spain is away.."
14 years ago
grins a little. "How often is Mister Spain away?" plotplotplotplot.
14 years ago
should be suspicious, mister. I: But she is not. "Um..." She hums softly. "Sometimes he leaves for a few months at a time..."
14 years ago
drums his fingers together. >] Mhmhmhmhm. "Really? Leaves 'im by himself like that?"
14 years ago
blinks. "... Well, it's not like he means to...! And now little Romano is all grown up too..." She sighs. "Nothing makes sense now."
14 years ago
claps his hands together and peers over, laughing. "Mm, yer the one that needs to grow up now! That's what's throwin' ya off, kitten."
14 years ago
almost looks offended; of course she doesn't know what he means. "But I won't grow up for a very long time!"
14 years ago
merely grins over her. "If ya say so, kitten~ you'll be surprised at how quickly you'll grow." or at least he hopes.
14 years ago
frowns, face gradually becoming a darker shade of pink. "Maybe if I'm my own kingdom some day, ja." Ehh, just give her a couple of days.
14 years ago
pats her head carefully, trying his best not to laugh. "Is that what ya think?" good, it better just be a couple of days!
14 years ago
's been like this before. Except she was a little kid and somehow asked Canada to be her big brother. Funny story. "Ja, ja! Now we all live_
14 years ago
with mister Spain!"
14 years ago
would..someday like to hear that story, haha. "If ya ask me, kitten, ya should get out of his house pretty soon then, yeah?"
14 years ago
... might tell him, if she remembers. She can also tell him about that one time Netherlands was suddenly tiny. But she blinks. "... Why?"
14 years ago
snorts. He SERIOUSLY wants to hear that one! "Ya said he ain't around often, right? Well, he sounds like a bad caretaker already, yeah?"
14 years ago
can tell him, yep, yep~ She puffs her cheeks out a bit, arms crossed. "He's such a nice caretaker! He is just a busy man, i-is all..."
14 years ago
can't wait~ "Mmh, but he's barely around. That's horrible." he grins and pats her shoulder. "Yer better off without 'im now."
14 years ago
shakes her head quickly. "He- he's just busy! Who would take care of me, then?" Never mind that by her current mentality's standards, she is
14 years ago
practically a grown woman. But shh.
14 years ago
looks around, and seeing no one around, idly whistles and may or may not be pointing to himself. >]
14 years ago
blinks, face red "... Oh! B-but it would hardly be appropriate, non...?" Because. Living with a halberd carrying, smiling derp totally is.
14 years ago
laughs and waves a hand. "Your choice! But 'm just sayin', I think I'd be more reliable than the Spanish idiot."
14 years ago
huffs softly, looking down at her feet. "He's not an idiot..." Grumble grumble. "But how so, more reliable?"
14 years ago
shrugs, dusting off some dirt that collected onto his sleeve. "Well, I can kick a lot more ass...and I'll stick around, unlike him."
14 years ago
frowns. "Would broer like you more than Spain?" For all she knows, she's never going to be a nation all by herself, so family is brought up.
14 years ago
's eyebrows perk up and he cooly smirks. "Mhhhm. Trust me, he would."
14 years ago
looks up and catches that expression; it makes her curious. "Ja? Um, well... B-but I don't want to hurt mister Spain's feelings, either..."
14 years ago
shrugs and waves a hand, his expression cooling off. "Bah.. who needs that guy? Ya sure don't."
14 years ago
rocks back and forth on her heels a bit. "You don't like him?" She smiles. "He's like a big brother to me."
14 years ago
snorts and shrugs again, laughing a little. "Big br- pff. He's weak, kitten.."
14 years ago
laughs softly. "That's a cute nickname. 'Cause I love cats." That's a bit, cute smile on her face, yes. "But he conquers so many places!"
14 years ago
reaches over and somewhat fondly ruffles her hair. "Aha, just for ya, kiddo. Also..he loses 'em pretty fast, y'know. Can't hold on to 'em."
14 years ago
nuzzles his hand a bit, appreciating that gesture. "Ah w-well but still! You would have to like sweets a lot and and.. Um, lots of things!"
14 years ago
smiles at that, and curls in his fingers. "Are ya kiddin' me? I fuckin' love sweets! Candies, pastries, juices. Ya name 'em, kitten."
14 years ago
might or might not have purred; that is left up to debate. "Great!" She laughs softly. "But you need to like other things, too!"
14 years ago
will pat her again, just to make sure~ "Mm, really?" he grins a little. "Like what?"
14 years ago
would think he would maybe appreciate the reaction, then. "Hmm... Dancing~" A pause. "And walking lots and lots. And painting~"
14 years ago
smiles now and purrs himself, bringing her close playfully. "Dancin', huh?"
14 years ago
nods with determination, looking up at him. "It's very important!"
14 years ago
holds one of her hands and shifts, stepping back, holding her at arm's length. "What kinda dance, kid? Waltzin'? Tango? That sorta shit?"
14 years ago
might or might not look slightly embarrassed by this pint. Right now she is a bit more talk than anything else - she will have plenty of-
14 years ago
time to practice. Or that is what she feels, at least? "I- I don't know?" She is honestly slightly puzzled. "But I'm not a kid, hmph..."
14 years ago
laughs, highly amused, and decides to twirl her around. It's a relatively easy step, right? "A'right, a'right, kitten. I keep forgettin' ya_
14 years ago
_don't like being called a kid."
14 years ago
was not exactly expecting that, but she has at least gone through these simple steps enough to not stumble, even if it was so sudden. _
14 years ago
"I can't see why. I'm not a little kid, you know?"
14 years ago
continues twirling her for a while, humming, and eventually lets go with a grin. "Yeah, but ya ain't as old as me..thus, yer a kiddo."
14 years ago
only clings to his arm then, so she will not fall; not that she is necessarily dizzy, but it can happen. "You don't look that old."
14 years ago
scoots over and holds her close, because, ehhh it does look like she's going to fall. And while it'd be funny, it'd also be kind of sad. _
14 years ago
_"Trust me, I'm..older than most." he sneers.
14 years ago
might or might not cry if she fell and he thought it was funny. Even if she is sort of past the age to cry over those things. "Then you are_
14 years ago
also wiser!" Cutesy smile goes here, yes.
14 years ago
wouldn't really laugh..too hard..! But no worries, she will not fall, not on his watch. "Pfft..nice. Thanks for that, kitten." he pats_
14 years ago
_her cheek and smiles right back at her.
14 years ago
can at least be glad for that - that she will not fall. Otherwise things would get ugly. "Don't thank me!" She shakes her head. "It's true."
14 years ago
doesn't think he'd like seeing things get ugly...so..yes, please stay on your feet. "Too late, already thanked ya." he laughed a little.
14 years ago
will stay on her feet, yes. No one wants to hear her whine and cry and all that. Instead she laughs. "You're an amusing character."
14 years ago
wouldn't really know what to do if she started crying, anyway! "I'm assumin' that's a good thing, yeah?" he grins down at her and pats her_
14 years ago
cheek again.
14 years ago
won't cry, then. M-maybe? She nuzzles his hand a bit. "Ja, ja, of course it is! I like it when people make me smile."
14 years ago
kinda thinks purring is better than crying! Hint hint. "Hmm, 'm glad. Yer smile's pretty, ya know." he thumbs her cheek carefully.
14 years ago
might or might not do so, if he keeps this up. Watch her cheeks turn red. "You think so? That is what mister Spain says, too.. Thank you!"
14 years ago
's totally watching. And he will definitely keep this up- those purrs are nice. "Again with Mister Spain.." he rolls his eyes but laughs.
14 years ago
offers a sheepish smile, in spite of everything. And well, all this affection is nice, so. :v "Ah, I'm sorry! But he is always very nice..."
14 years ago
does hope it is..he's not going to stop any time soon. c: "Even if he's not there half the time, yeah?" he shows a small smirk.
14 years ago
might or might not be purring just a little bit. Her face is definitely red, though! "W-well!" A pause. "I suppose..."
14 years ago
ruffles her hair then, wanting to hear that a little louder, please. "Remember, kitten, the offer to take ya in still stands!" although he_
14 years ago
_does wonder how he'd explain that when she gets back to her normal age..
14 years ago
will comply, if only because that feels very nice and it's making her laugh a bit. "You're to kind." Don't worry, she would be mortified_
14 years ago
by her own behaviour; too much to demand an explanation.
14 years ago
grins- the laugh is a nice touch! "Nah...I just like to take unsuspectin' children into my care whenever possible." he winks, though, to_
14 years ago
_show that he's being playful and joking.
14 years ago
{ ...fdhfjgks another one for the pedocrew >:I /jkjk }
14 years ago
can't help it - she is enjoying this little moment very much. And he's being more and more amusing. "Oh, I'm terrified!"
14 years ago
[ >:]]] jk it was a phase. xD]
14 years ago
laughs a little and decides to suddenly pick her up, over his shoulder, then whirl her around. "As ya should be! Rhhrhah!"
14 years ago
squeaks in surprise, though he's only succeeding in making her laugh more. "Whaa, help, help, ahaha!" Yeah, she's having fun~ { GOOD >:U }
14 years ago
"Yer mine!" he laughs as he runs a bit, but then stops. He's seriously going to get vertigo if he keeps this up. [OR WAS IT >:U]
14 years ago
{ ... fdshlgkhzkl lolol plurkfail yesterday what is this ;n; }
14 years ago
laughs loudly but doesn't struggle or anything; she knows she's not tiny like a ten year-old anymore, after all! "Eh...? Are you alright?"
14 years ago
[Bahh it's okay. =u= i need to get on more.]
14 years ago
sets her down and rubs at his head, laughing. "Oi, I'm fine! Really."
14 years ago
{ pfft, take your time, seriously. :v }
14 years ago
still tilts her head and frowns in slight concern. She's too tiny to reach up and touch his forehead, nod that it stops her from standing on
14 years ago
the tips of her toes and trying. Failing, too. But still. "Are you sure, mister?"
14 years ago
blinks, trying to figure out what she's doing, but shrugs it off as her being..weird or..something. " 'm sure, kitten. What're ya doin'?"
14 years ago
[if ya say so :y]
14 years ago
huffs and tries just one more time before giving up entirely. "I *was trying* to see if you had a fever or something." { I do ´w` }
14 years ago
laughs once she explains this to him and crouches down to her level. "Better? I ain't got a fever.." [-hugs- :v]
14 years ago
doesn't try again in spite of him crouching down and instead crosses her arms. "You seemed unwell. I just wanted to make sure!" { -nuzzle- }
14 years ago
grins and toys with her hair a little before leaning back to sit down. "'s fine, kid! Err, kitten." [♥]
14 years ago
crouches down in front of him now and sort of pouts. "If you say so..."
14 years ago
grins and kisses at her forehead. "Ah, relax. Poutin' is cute on ya and all, but relax a bit!"
14 years ago
pretty much goes bright red in the face at that and sort of squeaks, clumsily turning away. "Mmm, fine, fine!"
14 years ago
cackles to himself, rather pleased with her reaction, and waves a hand. "Oi! 's rude to turn away durin' a conversation, y'know."
14 years ago
hugs her knees and keeps her face covered, more out of embarrassment, really. "Your fault!"
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