tOt2828 says
13 years ago
>.<||| 哈哈哈哈~~耶耶耶耶耶~ 放假啦!!!~~ 出去玩出去玩~~
惠琪;TeeFee;♥ says
13 years ago
yeppp~! and til now we still haven decide if we're going to the beach or ice-skating ..=.=''
tOt2828 says
13 years ago
0.0 ha....
tOt2828 says
13 years ago
=.=|\ finish it as soon as possible lah~我想去玩~不想到时候临时再plan...那样会来不及.....
惠琪;TeeFee;♥ says
13 years ago
ok~~ we'll plan tmr~ wen everyone is online