alxt wonders
16 years ago
sometimes why isn't she a digi user. :-(
latest #32
ruifong says
16 years ago
everyone should use maxis only!
fangyyyyiii says
16 years ago
haha why? too expensive? ehh amy u didnt receive my credit rite? did you?
alxt says
16 years ago
nolah. i think i like digi better cos cheaper and more friendly. haha.
blahdiladida says
16 years ago
because maxis is the best.
fangyyyyiii says
16 years ago
hmm. den cahgne to digi! :-D i said i will slowly stop my maxis but its really hard. ppl wont msg/call my digi wan babi. hahah
alxt says
16 years ago
yeah. summore so many ppl using digi. my digi num inactive already. haha. can ask them to activate it again right? and nope i didnt.
ruifong says
16 years ago
but digi coverage so useless la. use both la then. haha
alxt says
16 years ago
maxis is not the best ok. but i like my number so much.
alxt says
16 years ago
yeah their coverage not good la. my digi num inactive already. have to call la. i shy. HAHA
blahdiladida says
16 years ago
Maxis is the best! Hello, I'm using Maxis okay. LOL. Yalah, you got nice number what. No need to change lah.
fangyyyyiii says
16 years ago
hahah u can get back ur number, but just cahnge to digi. just that ppl wotn know its digi. haha.
ruifong says
16 years ago
yeah you can do that. but dont. haha
blahdiladida says
16 years ago
oh yeah hor. Eh but don't lah, that's so deceiving okay.
alxt says
16 years ago
but sometimes they give your number to other ppl already. then damn sad. i dont think im changing la. i just want two numbers.
ruifong says
16 years ago
but so mafan right. and your parents will allow meh
aehknum says
16 years ago
stay with maxis please, active10!
aehknum says
16 years ago
if not my 1 cent will become 15 cents :-(
fangyyyyiii says
16 years ago
u curi curi change they wont know :-P hahah use both lah like me :-D
alxt says
16 years ago
you think my parents care? haha. they know i have two numbers lah. but i always ask them to call/msg my maxis so it doesnt really matter.
alxt says
16 years ago
someone please call digi for me and ask them to activate my simcard again! what's the number ah btw?
alxt says
16 years ago
ey mk you got digi also what.
fangyyyyiii says
16 years ago
ahaha can reactivate wan meh?
KennethPrince says
16 years ago
ifi'm not mistaken. +60162211800. ask fy to call for u
alxt says
16 years ago
fy ah, can you umm........:-D hahaha
fangyyyyiii says
16 years ago
fangyyyyiii says
16 years ago
oops im typing like in msn. umm give me ur digi number. is it the one which ends with 142?
KennethPrince says
16 years ago
personally i think they want. but i'm not sure about the rules and regulation. maybe can't. hahah
aehknum says
16 years ago
yeah i have digi too but you're my fav maxis friend la! hahaha
fangyyyyiii says
16 years ago
i wont debate which is better, but its definitely easier to change everyone into digi, than change everyoen into maxis.
alxt says
16 years ago
true, very true. i realized that too. and yeah i think that's the number. because i saved it in my phone. haha. thank you? :-D hehe
alxt says
16 years ago
0162990000 this is the number to call. the digi centre. must call there right? haha
fangyyyyiii says
16 years ago
ahaha okayy i will try. :-) not today though. tmr lah kay? my brain is fried.
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