Lovino is
14 years ago
dancing around his kitchen in a hoodie and shorts. What? He likes this song..
latest #101
Heracles wonders
14 years ago
what song it is.
14 years ago
14 years ago
perks his ears up. He likes MSI. Ever heard their song Faggot?
14 years ago
rolls his eyes and nods. Of course he has~ His I-Pod actually just changed to that..((No really. I'm listening to them right now XDb <3))
14 years ago
[ffff /loves MSI]
Heracles loves
14 years ago
that song. It's his favorite. Wanna act out the lyrics? (lol. GOOD TIMING)
14 years ago
...not particularly. He'd rather just dance, thank you. *coughblush*
14 years ago
smirks. Cute. Well turn it up then
14 years ago
huffs and does just that then, becausehemaybelikesthissongalotandreallywantstodanceSHUTUP.
14 years ago
sits on the floor and gets into a lounging position. He's too lazy and not drunk enough to dance. Now turn around and shake that ass
14 years ago
pouts, because now he's too embarrassed to dance. He doesn't like it when people watch him--AND DON'T STARE AT HIS ASS THANK YOU. >'C
14 years ago
pushes himself up laughs. Calm down calm down. Sides he didn't stare
14 years ago
thats too extreme a word. Now come one he'll dance with him
14 years ago
--there are no coherent words. Oh. Oh. *Oh*. "Buh-buh-buh-buh-*BUHYOOOOOOH*~! Cute! Aaaaah! So cute!"
14 years ago
( LOVI ~/tackles )
14 years ago
rolls his eyes over and grins at him. Sup Spain?
14 years ago
pouts more but shifts closer. Fine. At least he wouldn't be dancing in front of him--ANTONIO??
Antonio is
14 years ago
too distracted to even say anything. He rushes over to Lovino and scoops him up in a hug, practically spewing hearts. Cu-cuuuute. "So cute!
14 years ago
Loviiii! Ahhh, so cute, so cute so cuuuuuuute!"
14 years ago
((SPAGNA~! <333 /loveson/))
14 years ago
sputters and immediately tries to shove him away. Which may or may not also involve kicking. "G-Get off of me, tomato bastarrdddd!!"
14 years ago
also may be whining a few octaves higher than usual.
14 years ago
(I'm gonna be around a lot more often buhbuhyooooh >u< <3333 /squishforever)
14 years ago
squeals and presses his cheek against the Italian's, spinning him in a circle. "Lovinito, Lovi, my precious little angeeel ~ You're so cute
14 years ago
in your little hoodie and aaaaah, next time you wanna dance, you should come dance with boss, okay~?"
14 years ago
((Yaaayy~! >w< <333 /chiggiggiiisquish/))
14 years ago
looks sick! He hates spinning and ahhhhhh, let go of him Antonio! "N-Not your angel! Let gooooo idiotaa!" Here have another kick and more-
14 years ago
14 years ago
( >U< my precious little babbyyyy /squish)
14 years ago
laughs and backs off. Looks like they have catching up to do. Ciao
14 years ago
finally seems to calm down a little, laughing and pulling away, holding Lovino by the shoulders and letting one last residual, "Cuuuute...."
14 years ago
continues to wiggle and blush and whine and god dammit Antonio if you don't put him down right now..."S-Shut up. M'not cute dammit."
14 years ago
never ever stops coddling Lovino what makes you think he's gonna start now? But he does let go after a minute. "You are too! I came to see
14 years ago
how my little cutie was doing~ I haven't gotten to visit in a long time! "
14 years ago
would like him to start gosh darnit. This is much too embarrassing for this poor little Italian. B'C He brushes himself off, though, and-
14 years ago
-refrains from kicking Antonio in the shin. "Hrmpf. Not. Cute. And you could've visited whenever, idiota.."
14 years ago
beams like an idiot. "I know! But Boss has been so busy, lately! But I'm here now,so it's okay, si~?"
14 years ago
shuffles his feet and nods, looking at the ground because he's totally not hiding his blush. "...si si, s'okay." He scowls and looks up-
14 years ago
-again, before just huffing. "S-So! Whaddya want anyway tomato bastard? I was doing something..."
14 years ago
smiles at him and claps his hands together. "Well! I wanted to catch up! We haven't talked in so long! How about...how about Boss makes you
14 years ago
some paella and we have a talk. ~"
14 years ago
blinks and contemplates this, pouting more and turning away. He does like free food..."V-Va bene." He looks up and points a finger in his-
14 years ago
-face, still blushing darkly. "But only dinner! And then..then you leave, si?"
14 years ago
((Brb ;w; I'mma actually eat dinner orz;; <3 ))
14 years ago
(okay! i'll be around when you get back <3)
14 years ago
smiles happily and starts rifling through the Italian's cabinets. "Great! Sure, sure, ahahaha ~~ "
14 years ago
((Back~ ;'3 <3 ))
14 years ago
practically deflates because of course Antonio's not listening. When does he ever? *sigh* He'll just be a good boy for a while and sit down-
14 years ago
at his kitchen counter, waiting for dinner. "..idiota."
14 years ago
( <3!)
14 years ago
smiles and starts gathering the necessary ingredients, turning around. "So, how have you been, Lovinito~? "
14 years ago
slouches over the counter and stretches out his arm, wiggling a bit. "Beeneee~ Ma famiglia has been acting weird lately..but when have they-
14 years ago
-not?" He snorts, now just resting his head on the counter. "How 'bout you, boss?"
14 years ago
laughs and gets out the paella pan, turning back to the food. "Aah, bien, bien~! I've been so busy with work, though. Me an' hermano are
14 years ago
trying to get the world cup bid, so I've been working hard as always!"
14 years ago
lifts his head at that, frowning but looking thoughtful. "Ah..how's that going?" He smirks. "Bet boss'll get it, yeah?"
14 years ago
beams, turning around. "Good! They really think bro and I work well together, so we'll get it for sure~!"
14 years ago
rolls his eyes, smiling a bit before sliding out of his seat and stepping near Antonio. "Ehh bene~ You need help, idiota? It'll go quicker-
14 years ago
-if we both cook, yeah?"
14 years ago
Antonio smiles brightly and nods. "Y-yeah, Lovi, that would be great! Gracias. ~ Can you chop the tomatoes for me? "
14 years ago
eyes the few tomatoes on the counter and nods, shifting over lazily. "Va bene~" He grabs a small pairing knife and goes to work, staying-
14 years ago
-quiet after that. A sideways glance at Antonio and he's blushing again before just sighing and bumping his hip on the other's playfully.-
14 years ago
Antonio blinked, then let out a soft laugh and bumped him back. "Hey now, what was that for~? I'm gonna mess up the paella, ahahah~!"
14 years ago
-snorts and stumbles a bit. "Oi!" He sighs again. "Just. Call before you come over again, si? I don't mind..your company...I just--don't-
14 years ago
-like surprises!" Oops. He almost squished the tomato. <w<;;
14 years ago
Antonio nodded, smiling at Lovino, a bit more gently than usual. "Okay! Next time I'll call first, si~? Surprises are part of the joy of
14 years ago
life though, you know~"
14 years ago
nods back in response, keeping his focus intently on cutting the tomatoes. He snorts, though, shaking his head. "Not for me..its more like-
14 years ago
-the heart attacks of life er something." :'|c
14 years ago
Putting the rice in the pan, the Spaniard chuckles. "Well, I don't want Lovi to have a heart attack, then!" Cause that would be really bad.
14 years ago
finally turns when he's done cutting, using the knife to push the tomatoes over. He smiles at Toni and shrugs. "Then just call. Simple."
Antonio thinks
14 years ago
Lovino has the most breathtaking smile in the world. It never fails to make his heart flutter. "Then I will!"
Lovino is
14 years ago
very glad Antonio didn't voice /that/ outloud or else he would have a stuttering Italian on his hands. "Va bene, idiota~" He smiles for a-
14 years ago
-minute longer before he realizes he's staring and he blushes, trotting off to slide up onto the counter again. Stupid Spaniard..
14 years ago
Antonio smiles as he starts to work on the shrimp for the paella, beaming at Lovino. "Is seafood paella alright, querido~?"
14 years ago
decides to huff and plop his head down on he counter top, waving his hand at the man. "Va bene, va bene~" He's totally not kicking his-
14 years ago
-legs under the counter, because he's totally not happy to have someone cooking for him. Especially yummy Spanish cooking~
14 years ago
reaches over and scrunches his fingers through the other's hair for a moment before returning to the cooking, singing a Spanish song under
14 years ago
his breath.
14 years ago
flinches at the touch and blushes furiously now. He wiggles more but is definitely smiling and hiding his face more now. Falling asleep-
14 years ago
-on the counter also is showing up to be an option right now, because he's comfy and happy and tired and nnnnn--nostalgia like woah.
14 years ago
smiles again. Isn't he precious. Trying his best to cook one handed, he plays with the other's hair. So cute. So, so, so cute.
Lovino is
14 years ago
..fine with this as long as Antonio is mindful of that damn curl. <3
Antonio is
14 years ago
. Sorta. Okay. Kinda. But then the next thing you know, he tugs on it. Seriously, it was by accident...!
14 years ago
jerks his head up and sputters, his hands flying up to cover his hair. He pouts and turns redder if that's possible. "Be careful, idiota!"
14 years ago
tilts his head to look at him for a moment. "Eh? What are you talking about?"
14 years ago
huffs and settles down somewhat but still keeps his hands up. "T-The curl! Don't touch it! Told you before not t-to.."
14 years ago
(orz Sorry if it takes me a bit between replies, my school net hates plurk >3< )
Antonio has
14 years ago
always wondered *why* he's not allowed to touch it. His hand maybe sort of drifts towards it again. "Eh ~ okay, if you say so.~"
14 years ago
((N'aww its okay dear, I understand ;w; <3))
14 years ago
watches him warily and is definitely not explaining kthx. He finally puts his hands down, though, and settles down. That drifting hand-
14 years ago
better not touch it again, or he'll smack it away Antonio. B'C
Antonio is
14 years ago
apparently lucky today; the timer goes off for the paella, and he smiles as he pulls it off the burner. "Let's eat."
14 years ago
looks relieved and nods, settling back into his chair and having that oh so perfect stomach growling timing. "..bene~"
14 years ago
smiles brightly and gets two plates to put the paella on for them. "Alright, alright, let's eat. ~"
14 years ago
wiggles in his seat and quickly grabs a plate before nearly scarfing it down. Rice is totally not stuck to his mouth. Totally. :'|c
14 years ago
leans in and wipes his mouth with a napkin. Some habits just never die. "Be careful, Lovi, you're spilling ~"
14 years ago
pouts and waves his hand away. "Oi! M'not five anymore..." He does wipe away the rest of the rice though, looking very embarrassed as usual.
14 years ago
( Aahh, class at 8 tomorrow 8D;;; it was fun roleplaying with you! I hafta head to bed >u< )
14 years ago
( G'night~ <3 )
14 years ago
((Okay luv, it was loads of fun! Sleep well then. G'niiighttt~ <3))
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