14 years ago
is apparently taking BurningTulips out to dinner...?
latest #131
14 years ago
..erm. Wat?
14 years ago
is waiting outside your doorstep. Maybe looking just a teenytiny classy. You heard the lady.
14 years ago
is gaping in the doorway then, looking highly under-dressed and shocked?
14 years ago
can wait for him there. Alternatively if he does not want to, she can go back home..?
14 years ago
waves his hand and shakes his head quickly. He was just surprised is all? He'll let her come inside and then rush off to get dressed...
14 years ago
will look around for Molly for a little bit. But then she will eventually give up and wait by the doorway..
14 years ago
returns in a random black dress shirt and some slacks. He's not over-dressed now, right? You can't surprise a poor Dutchman like this and-
14 years ago
-not have him be nervous. :'|
14 years ago
will shake her head and say that he looks just fine. She only chose a simple black dress and heels, so. And well, she apologizes - but he _
14 years ago
should not feel obligated to go.
14 years ago
will look somewhat relieved then. She doesn't need to apologize, though~ This is at least a nice surprise. Shall they go, then?
14 years ago
can be nice sometimes; just not usually, really. She will motion for him to follow, then. There is a taxi because she doesn't like to drive
14 years ago
if she can avoid it.
14 years ago
is glad for this, then~ He follows along and opens the door of the taxi for her, because holy god look, he can be a gentleman sometimes.
14 years ago
is actually secretly, mildly surprised with that but she will not say a thing now. Mister taxi driver knows where to go - a small little_
14 years ago
restaurant by a really pretty garden and all. You know, those hidden beauties. She can't afford fancy things.
14 years ago
slips in next to her and relaxes back into his seat, glancing over at Eva. "..so. What brought about this idea, hm?"
14 years ago
offers a meek shrug in a first instance, gaze directed to the view outside. "Just thought it would be nice. You are still in time to say no"
14 years ago
shrugs himself, turning his gaze out his own window. "S'fine, I don't care. I was just surprised.."
14 years ago
is not sure whether that is a good or a bad thing - that 'I don't care'. Regardless, she does not make a point to chat during the car ride,-
14 years ago
which might or might not seem strange to mister Taxi driver. When they are finally there, she does not wait for him to pay or open the _
14 years ago
door for her. She does that all by herself.
14 years ago
gives her a look before heading out himself and quickly striding over to her side. He softly taps her fisted hand, wanting to hold it. He-
14 years ago
-hasn't done something like this in a while, but he sure as hell remembers how to treat a lady nicely. Regardless of being an asshole most-
14 years ago
-of the time, hush..
14 years ago
, had she been half as snippy as usual, would make a comment about that - about how she is surprised he is not all just brutish and a bit of
14 years ago
an arse. But then she would be lying if she said that is all she sees. She does eventually relax her hand, gently twining her fingers with_
14 years ago
his and leading him to the door. It is a really small, cosy place, though it seems to have quite a few customers already.
14 years ago
is glad she doesn't think of him like that all the time, even if its mostly true. He does hum softly and yet again open the door for her-
14 years ago
-before leading them inside.
14 years ago
only lets go of his hand for long enough to speak with this old man who leads them to a set table in the veranda. There is a menu there and_
14 years ago
he makes a comment on how he will return shortly, so they have time to choose and what not. Eva feels as if she is trying too hard.
14 years ago
calmly sits down and glances at the menu, before glancing up at her. He doesn't think she's trying too hard. This is nice. "..so." He's-
14 years ago
-folded his hands together and rested his chin on them, watching her. He doesn't say anything else because well, he doesn't really know-
14 years ago
-/what/ to say.
14 years ago
might or might not have been fidgeting slightly in her own seat, that slight detail that breaks off her whole calm demeanour. It is perhaps_
14 years ago
why she is glancing away for a good moment before resting her hands on the table, not sparing the menu a glance - she knows what to ask_
14 years ago
already - and finally glancing back to him with an unreadable expression. "How have you been?"
14 years ago
tilts his head and shrugs slightly, giving her as calm a smile as he can back to her fixed expression. "Goed. You?"
14 years ago
taps her fingers on the tablecloth lightly, offering a small shrug of her own. "I can't complain. Busy with work?"
14 years ago
nods slightly, giving a hum in response before blinking and chuckling softly. "Ah. Sadiq did break my nose. Suppose that's exciting."
14 years ago
look falters for only a moment and she does look concerned. "When? Why?" A pause. "Are you alright now?"
14 years ago
manages to keep his smile and wave his hand. "I pissed him off when I shouldn't have. S'fine zus, don't worry~"
14 years ago
taps her fingers a bit more, trying to regain her composure. It is not so easy. "I thought he referred to you as his best friend."
14 years ago
nods, humming again in response. "S'fine. Don't worry." He glances at the menu again, wishing he hadn't mentioned it. Stupid Roel.
14 years ago
's gaze falls onto her own hands and she offers a nod of her own. "I will try." Which is a decidedly non-committal response when she is_
14 years ago
sure to demand an explanation from either at some point. Well, perhaps not; she is not sure. "Are you comfortable with drinking red wine?"
14 years ago
would rather she not. Regardless, he looks up at the last question and nods softly before staring at the menu again. He's not sure what-
14 years ago
-to order..
14 years ago
cannot make promises - she can complain as much as she wants, but she does not necessarily appreciate someone breaking Roel's nose. "We can_
14 years ago
order the same thing, if you'd like." She taps idly at her own choice in the menu. "It's good.
14 years ago
14 years ago
would still rather she not ask. It ended up fine anyway. He does shrug and nod, clearing his throat. "That sounds fine. I'm not picky.."
14 years ago
simply worries sometimes, when she is not too busy being a snippy bitch to him. "Well this is not gourmet, so there is not much choice, _
14 years ago
regardless." That is when the man returns and she makes a point to order for them. Now it is a matter of waiting. "I miss you."
14 years ago
was simply glancing away and nodding in response before that last statement snaps him out of his thoughts. He glances up, silent for a-
14 years ago
-moment. "...s'that so?"
14 years ago
looks away this time, in the direction where the man left. Perhaps it is pride, or perhaps she genuinely finds it difficult to admit to_
14 years ago
some things. "Yes. Very much so, actually. Ah, my apologies..."
14 years ago
watches her closely, before slipping a hand down to tentatively touch at her's. "..don't apologize." He smiles softly. "I miss you too."
14 years ago
instinctively takes his hand in both of hers, a small smile tugging at the corner of her lips although she does not look back quite yet.
14 years ago
"... Merci. That is more than I expected to her."
14 years ago
tilts his head and gives her a wider smile, moving his thumb up to rub softly at her hand. "..what'd you expect to hear? You know I miss-
14 years ago
-you. Despite my normal...attitude."
14 years ago
squeezes his hand softly, affectionately. A soft laugh escapes her, although it is not the most pleasant sound in the world. "Sometimes I am
14 years ago
just afraid. That you will go and not look back."
14 years ago
chuckles himself, but then gives a soft sigh and shakes his head. "Nahh. Can't do that to someone I've loved since I saw that cute little-
14 years ago
-blond head all those years ago. Even if it doesn't show sometimes.." He glances down, going silent now and just rubbing at her hand.
14 years ago
swallows dryly, only half noticing how her gentle grip on his hand tightens a bit. She is silent as well, going over and over those words_
14 years ago
for a little longer than she would have hoped. "I don't know." She glances back at him, lips forming a thin line. "What do I say to that?"
14 years ago
glances up, then down again when he notices her expression. His hand moves back away from hers and he shrugs. "Dunno. Ya don't hafta say-
14 years ago
-anything if ya don't want to." He sighs softly, not daring to meet her gaze.
14 years ago
does not want to let go of his hand; it feels stranger than it should and she slumps a little, head tilting down and she is glancing at her_
14 years ago
own hands again. "I would like to say many things." There is only a slight pause in her speech when there is a smile on her lips again. _
14 years ago
"Perhaps at another time."
14 years ago
is relieved to hear her tone lighten somewhat and he looks up again, humming slightly. "..and that time would be?" He smiles.
14 years ago
is really just waiting for the food - it should be here in no time - so they can change the subject for a little while. But it does not stop
14 years ago
her from finally glancing at him. "Perhaps after dinner. Or in a month. Maybe just a few days. I don't know."
14 years ago
may or may not be waiting for the same thing as well. He's not sure what to say anymore, so he'll just sigh and nod before settling back-
14 years ago
-into his own chair, his gaze focused elsewhere for the moment.
14 years ago
does not really attempt to keep up a conversation. This is dinner. Just dinner. And then there is finally food that looks delicious, even_
14 years ago
if it is not anything fancy and there is wine and bread and there isn't pretty violin music or candles, nor are they the only ones outside,_
14 years ago
but it is still a lovely sight. And all of a sudden, Eva feels as if she is trying too hard again.
14 years ago
thinks that again, she's not trying to hard. And if she was it wouldn't be a bad thing~ He sips his wine thoughtfully and tries to look at-
14 years ago
-her, but every time he does, he's blushing somewhat and sighing. You see what you do to this poor boy, Eva?
14 years ago
would beg to differ, but that is another story; she only once catches him looking so yes, perhaps she is aware that he is not entirely at_
14 years ago
ease. She simply goes about eating, slowly, all proper and ladylike, as if there is no other care in the world (which is far from true). He-
14 years ago
is free to break the ice. She does not know what to tell him just yet.
14 years ago
eats quietly himself and merely just stops glancing at her for a while. She should know by now that he's not the one to break the ice.-
14 years ago
-Especially not now..
14 years ago
has gotten the opportunity to prove this fact to be true, yes. It is halfway through her meal and down her first glass of wine that she_
14 years ago
does pause, napkin in hand, to glance at him. "How do you like the food?"
14 years ago
is glad she realizes this then. He pauses in mid-sip of his wine and finally glances up. "..goed. Yours?"
14 years ago
only nods, calmly reaching over to refill her own glass. "Likewise. I told you it was a good choice, oui?"
14 years ago
tilts his head and nods thoughtfully before taking a longer sip, then giving her a perplexed look. "Ja...why do you keep speaking French?"
14 years ago
thinks its a simple question, but it always confuses him when she speaks it. He's not entirely fond of hearing it at times..
14 years ago
does not notice these little details all the time - so she must look entirely surprised to be faced with such a question. Enough, at least,
14 years ago
for Eva to set her glass nicely on the table and fold her hands over her lap, looking down. "My apologies. I don't always notice this."
14 years ago
looks surprised at her reaction and merely shakes his head, chuckling. "Nee nee, s'fine. Just thought you'd stopped doing that since you've-
14 years ago
-been around me so much lately.."
14 years ago
can only shrug, now picking a bit at her food. "Cousin still plays a big influence on me though, I guess. I swear I don't do it to annoy_
14 years ago
you or anything."
14 years ago
nods with a small smirk, reaching over to pour himself more wine. "S'fine, I understand.." Akward silence here now. :'|c
14 years ago
will keep herself busy with her food for as long as it takes her to find something reasonable to say. "You do believe me, right?"
14 years ago
... is totally reasonable, can't you tell. =n=
14 years ago
glances up, shrugging before taking a long sip of wine. "..ja. I do."
14 years ago
nods then, desperately trying not to get this to become an awkward silence again. Ehm. "So aside from breaking your nose... Anything new?"
14 years ago
shakes his head quietly, fingering his bruised nose thoughtfully. "How about you, zus? Anything exciting, mm?"
14 years ago
is quick to reply before taking a sip of wine. "Not really." Ok so maybe that's a lie; but from Francis going nuts to other crazy adventures
14 years ago
it's best to not break his fuse.
14 years ago
would appreciate knowing said things about Francis, but fine. She's probably right not to say anything, anyway <w<; He nods quietly again-
14 years ago
-and continues drinking. *sigh* He isn't good with small talk..
14 years ago
knows better than to send a walking death threat down cousin's way. Perhaps at another time. For now she will remain silent until the end of
14 years ago
dinner. There really isn't much to say, is there?
14 years ago
supposes there is not. He's thankful for the dinner, though..
14 years ago
is a patient woman, you see. Sometimes. It depends, really. So she does not mind being quiet until she is done with her share of dinner. _
14 years ago
_ And only then does she ask what he thinks of the food, and the restaurant. Then adds as an afterthought, "Don't drink too much, alright?"
14 years ago
says everything was perfectly fine~ He's really does appreciate the gesture and is glad they got some alone time after so long.."Ja, ja~"
14 years ago
is glad for that, too. She just doesn't know how to say that without sounding silly. So she will just smile. "Tell me whenever you want to_
14 years ago
leave." Not that she wants to now. But the man must be busy. I: She doesn't want to seem pushy.
14 years ago
..is actually not horribly busy. He's just not good at talking. Especially not to zuster :'|c
14 years ago
does not want to convince herself of that though! ;n; That's kind of sad, you know? And she's afraid to bring it up, ever. Especially *now*.
14 years ago
is sorry about that, then, but its true. ;w;
14 years ago
does not think he should apologize. She will lean up to kiss his cheek, just that. "Thank you for joining me tonight."
14 years ago
sighs and touches her arm affectionately, leaning in to give her a small kiss on the lips. "Graag gedan." He smiles softly, knowingly.
14 years ago
looks away, fidgeting, but only as a failed attempt to cover up how her face turned red, or how she is grinning. "It means a lot to me."
14 years ago
rubs that arm now, idly leaving the money for the bill on the table and stepping close to her. "Me too." He tilts his head and sighs-
14 years ago
-thoughtfully. "Wanna grab a drink? Or are ya good for the night?"
14 years ago
was going to pay, but... No point in fighting about that now, because it is a bit silly. She shrugs a bit. "A drink sounds nice."
14 years ago
smiles wider and nods, moving his hand down to tap at her's again. "Goed. Let's go get one~"
14 years ago
holds his hand then, genuinely happy that things are going relatively well so far. She nods, opting to follow him this time.
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