huffs and picks up the phone. "what."
rolls his eyes. "Is that anyway to greet your bedmate?"
grumbles. "I don't check caller ID. Whaddya need?"
purses his lips. "I miss you. Well messing with you anyway. Whatcha upto?" He throws a ball at the corner and winces as he breaks a lamp.-
oops. He can beg another one off of someone.
rolls his eyes, curiously wondering what that crashing sound was. "Work and shit, kid. Are the damn cats breaking things?"
"Uhhhhhh....sure. We can go with that. That sounds boring. Like really boring. We should do something more exciting." He picks up a cup-
and sniffs, mildly disappointed there was no rum in it. Damnit now he's got to scrape money up for more.
"We should," he hums and puts away a file, then goes over to slump on his couch and stretch. "But eh. Ya ain't got the money, and ya know_
_it. A lot of us ain't got money these days for stuff like that."
shrugs and leans back in his desk chair, flailing frantically when he almost falls. "Fuck fuck fuck!" He catches himself and sighs-
with relief. "I almost fell. I said exciting not expensive."
flinches when he hears him curse. "Ya ok-!? Ah fuck, kid, don't do that." he huffed and leans back more comfortably. "Excitin' things ARE_
snorts. "I was leaning back in my chair. Well in that case you owe me a shit load of money for exciting you into my mouth and inside me and-
all that happy jazz. So pay up."
scoffs at that and stares at the ceiling for a while. "Nah. Need to save my own money for shit. Oi, if ya called to get sex, there's_
_other numbers for that, y'know."
sulks. "I'm fucking sexy. You should be honered I sucked your dick. I think thats worth a few bucks." He want booze damnit. "Who said I-
called for that?" He idly flips his digital camera in his hand. Wonder what's on it. "I found my camera."
laughs, amused at his words. He won't deny a damn thing. "Yer camera, huh?" he stretches, growing a bit sleepy due to his position on the_
shrugs. "Well it was buried under stuff. I've been really lazy lately and I had a late night at the bar with Prussia last night. Which-
sucks cause I meant to clean but she offered free booze. Hard to turn that down."
hums, only half-listening. "Figures ya'd get drunk and lose somethin' like a camera. Or someshit. Whatcha got in it?"
fiddles with buttons. Some stick and the screen takes forever to turn on. "I don't know. Probably from drinking too much I have a shitty-
memory sometimes. Godamnit." He hits it. "Ha!" It turns on and he fiddles around the pictures. "Wow."
"That doesn't surprise me at all..." he yawns a little, then rolls over to lie on his stomach, using his arm as a pillow and letting his_
_phone balance on his ear. "Mm? "
hides the camera even though Sadiq can't see them. "Hey asshole it was a joke. You're not supposed to agree with me. Damn...." His face-
flushes and he pants a little. Guess what he found on the camera.
only yawns as a response, and is quiet for a while, before noticing the silence and some of the heavy breathing. "Herc?"
tries to drag himself away from the pictures. "What?" He licks his lips and shifts the phone a little, hitching his hips. He didn't know=
hums in a tired manner. "Ah, good, yer still there. Thought you'd fallen asleep on me or somethin'.." when he's the one about to pass out.
cocks his head at one pic of Sadiq from that day with the....cough. "Hey how tired are you? Cause there's something you might find-
interesting." He scratches his foot and shifts so he's sitting indian style.
mumbles something like 'not too tired' and pushes himself up, trying to keep himself awake. "What'd ya find, kid?"
smirks a little. "You remember when you were over here and I left you for the store..." Something tells him not to, but he can't help-
but pull on his tail. Something just seems to make him do it.
seems to wake up a bit more at that and huffs, then simply shuts the call off and slumps down on the couch. Sleep.
frowns at the phone and calls back. He only meant to tease him. Please please please pick up. He'll even appologise.
lets the phone ring for a while, since he's just about to fall asleep gahhhh. He picks up a while later and huffs. "Mm?"
sighs. "Thank gods you picked up. I was only teasing you. You take things too seriously sometimes. Anyway wake up." He himself yawns then-
curses at him. "You've got me yawning now."
laughs weakly and cuddles more against the couch. "Nhh, sorry kid. I try not to remember that incident." he yawns again. Oh damn it.
squints at the phone and sets the camera down. Better not tell him then. He looks out the window. Weather looks nice. "I'm heading over.=
You're obviously not doing anything and I'm bored as shit. Alright?"
grunts as a 'no, too tired' response, and sighs. He'll probably come over anyway. "Ya know where the spare key is, right? I'll be here."
blinks. Does he know where the key is? Yeah sure he does. That is, if Sadiq hasn't moved it in years. His eyes soften and he smiles-
softly. "You're cute when you're tired. Before I leave faggot says what?"
smiles weakly at his words and shakes his head, too tired to really make out everything so he just sort of mumbles "wha?"
bursts out laughing opening his door and stepping out. "You just said what. You're a faggot!" He clicks off the phone and heads out-
rushing there in record time. He grabs the key from under the mat and opens the door. "Hey faggot, where you at?"
snorts, tossing the phone to the side once he hangs up. "Immature punkass..." he curls up then. Maybe he can nap while he comes over- ah_
_shit, he's here already. He'll just stay quiet.
slowly grins. He likes hide and seek. Keeping his foot steps light he ghosts around the house until her sees him on the couch. He jerks-
back and hides behind the corner, a great surprise attack in his mind. Much like the ones his cats do at home. He waits for Sadiq's response
he thinks he was quiet and hes pretty sure he didnt see him.
listens quietly, wondering how far he's gotten into his house- he heard the door open, after all. After a while, he huffs and pushes_
_himself up to sit more upright, and looks around lazily. "Nhh. 'm up, 'm up. Ya in here?"
ducks down to the floor and stalks his way quickly while Sadiq looks the other way and sends himself into a flying leap. "Surprise!"
nearly has a fucking heart attack. "SHIT! Kid, fuck, fuck.." he does calm down, though, and laugh as he twists to hug Heracles. "Punk."
blinks up at him and shakes his ass. "That was my movement for the day. I bet you're awake now right?" He returns the hug and affectionately
snorts, and kisses at his head. "Yeah, yeah...shit, ya scared me." he IS a lot more awake, though. "Nice to see ya here, brat."
shakes his head and smirks at him. "So what made you so tired? Another young thing in your bed I should be jealous of?"
shifts so he can lay more comfortably on top of him.
laughs and rolls his eyes, starting to run his fingers through his hair. "Yeah, I wish. Neh. Work, I told ya that. Helpin' other nations_
lets him run his fingers through his hair very generously. "Ah so you do you have a libido if you wish for it. Pft I can't belive they
let me stay in the EU when I'm shit tons lazier than you" He yawns and rests his head on his chest, loving the feeling on laying on=
something other than his single bed and feeling someone's fingers play with his hair outside of fucking.
merely smirks, continuing to calmly twirl his hair. It's quite soothing for him, actually. "Hah, fuckin''d ya get in, anyway?"_
really really wants to get in, goddammit.
shrugs, letting his shoulders lazily roll back. "Hell if I know. I don't even remember asking for it. Like I would, it's way too bothersome-
anyway. Thats why I shirk off a lot of the meetings and hang with you or the cats. I would with Francis but he's been moody lately." He-
sniffs, finding his cologne or body wash or whatever the hell it is intoxicating. "Stop smelling so good. I want to bite you."
rubs down at his shoulder blades, then, and hums. "Glad t'know the EU is full of nations that work hard at every meeting." he chuckles and_
_then tilts his head, giving a small shrug afterwards. "Thanks? Er..somethin'. I only just showered."
tries to nuzzle his face in deeper. "I think I will." He nibbles at one of his pecs, careful not to bite too hard. He tightens his grip.
huffs and chuckles. "You..." he shakes his head and ruffles his hair wildly. "Oi, just can't get enough, can ya?"
flushes and quits for a second as his curl is accidentally touched. "Oi. Watch the curl." He lays his head back down and takes a good whiff-
there's nothing he loves more than good smelling guys. "Asshole."
grins and tilts his head, nuzzling at Heracles's hair before tugging on the curl once and moving on to stroke his back instead. "Punk."
shivers and scowls heavily into his chest. "Dickwad." He pouts without knowing it and looks up for a kiss. If he knew he was pouting he'd-
peers down at him and laughs, quickly kissing him. "Nice pouty lower lip there, kiddo." he nuzzles at his forehead and slumps again, tired.
growls and flops back down on him. "I do not fucking pout. You're imagining it you asshole." He bites at his adam's apple lazily
hums and tilts his head back a bit, growling in approval. "Yeah, yeah, whatever...hrmm. 's late.."
slides his hands down to his hips, making sure they didn't go below the belt and startle him. "Late for what?" He hums, licking the spot-
growls again, rather liking it, and chuckles. "Late as in the time, kid. 's pretty late. Guess that's why I was tired, yeah..?"
sucks gently then pulls away and glances at him with smoky eyes and a small smirk. "It's only 7:42. You must be getting old."
looks at him hazily, then looks to a nearby clock, and grunts. "..Holy shit. Argh.." hedoesn'tlikerealizinghe'sold.
him a surprisingly sweet kiss. "Want to hand me the mask now? Or are you so old you forgot?"
blinks, a bit surprised, but smiles after the kiss and tips his head, letting the mask slide down.
blushes and looks away, chwing his lip. "What are you so happy about? I didn't do nothing." The mask bounces off his head. "Ow."
"Only I'll know." he grins and makes sure the mask falls to the ground, then leans forward and kisses at his forehead. "Brat."
smiles instead of smirks for once, letting his guard down a little. "Granpa." He digs his hands into his hips a little and kisses his neck-
hums and trails his hands up, rubbing his arms in an affectionate manner. "Ah shuttup."
scoots up and lays his head on his shoulder. He leans up and bites at his ear. "You know you like my voice."
grins at that and bumps their heads together playfully. "Love it. Also, ya need to smile more." he does rather like them.
licks then nibbles his jaw, liking the feel of stubble on his tongue. He smiles again softly. "Then you gotta earn them more."
growls a little, pressing him closer. "What do I gotta do to earn 'em, hmm?"
nips up to his ear and bites his earlobe. "Well I guess you'll just have to try everything right? Can't make it easy on ya."
snorts as he starts to knead at his back. "Mm? Why the hell not, eh brat?"
relaxes slightly under the massage. "Well that's a good start." He shifts a hand lower towards his crotch a small amount.
kneads upwards at his shoulders more, and tsk's, kissing at his forehead. "Tsk, ya keep yer hands still. "
freezes his hands but doesn't move it back up. "I'm not doing anything bad. Knead in really hard I got like knots in my back."
laughs and does so, pressing in a bit more, but not too roughly. "What's got ya so tense, huh? Economy and shit? Not gettin' laid?"
purrs and his eyes roll back a little bit. "Gaw I feel like melting butter. Several reasons but I would like a solution to the last problem"
bites his ear again, sucking lightly between his teeth.
grunts a little and tilts his head, nuzzling at Heracles's hair. "Yer always so damn horny, kiddo.."
chases his ear with a growl, rubbing up on him. "I'm in my prime. I appreciate beauty and there is nothing more beautiful then the human-
body. Now gimme your body."
"Your prime my ass. Yer gettin' worse every d-d-day...goddammit." he jerks up and tilts his head back. "Fuckin' brat."
smirks and bites down on his ear then pulls back and sucks on his neck, seeing an opportunity. "I'd say I'm getting better." He rumbles
sets his hands on his chest, waiting, then pushes him off with a bout of laughter. "Gettin' better, yeah? Bullshit."
flushes down at him, his ears scarlet. " You asshole. I'm trying to dirty talk. I meant better at fucking." He moves to lay back on top-
blinks, and laughs, leaning up to kiss his forehead. "Kid, the first thing on my mind right now ain't fuckin'. Shit, not all of us have the_
_energy to go at it every day."
pushes him onto the couch rather harshly and climbs back on top of him. "Well then fooling around. You're just jealous because you're old."
smirks at him then winks.
pales a little and frowns, squirming. "Oi! I ain't old, goddammit!" but it sucks 'cause he knows he's getting old. Sob.
leans down and kisses his forehead. "It's okay Granpa. Heracles can tuck you into bed."
growls a little, then kisses at his chin. "Shuttup. I ain't that old. Yer just...too damn young."
tugs on a lock of hair. "I do believe I see some grey. You're getting old..."
smacks at his hand lightly. "Y'know, I COULD kick ya out of my house and hide the spare key."
grabs his hand and kisses it, kissing each knuckle. "And I COULD go out and buy a crowbar to a window and rape you in the night."
snorts, flexing his fingers. "Oh, shuttup. Like ya have enough money to go out and buy a damn crowbar."
turns his hand over and nips his palm. "Then I would steal one. Or barrow one. You'd steal be getting it in the ass. And loving it."
taps his fingers against his cheek with a grin. "All talk, all talk, kiddo."
bites at the digits tapping on his face. "What makes you think it's all talk? I'm not always bottom you know." He flicks his hair out of-
his face and sulks at him.
hums, leaving the fingers there, then laughs a little. "I'unno. With me, it's hard t'see ya bein' on top, kiddo. I like ya on bottom."
strokes his arm and nuzzles his hand, purring. "And I like being on bottom. But I could rock you as top one time if you'd let me try." He-
rocks his hips against him and hums.
huffs, and jerks his hips up against him. "One day, a'right? Nhh.. as much as I'd like for it t'be today, not today. Tired." damn his_
rubs against him a little bit then lays down on him with a smirk. "I guess I can forgive you for being old just this once, yeah? Unless-
of course you want to admit to me that I have more stamina then you." He purses his lips and makes kissy face at him.
glares daggers at him for quite a while, then sighs, and kisses him quickly before looking off to the side. "Ya have more fuckin' stamina_
couldn't be any more smug. He is the very definition of smug. He pats his cheek. "Cheer up. It's not just you. I just like to fuck like-
it's a hobby. That and drinking. Besides, you make it worth it when you can get it up." He bites at his adam's apple. He knows there'll
be no fucking tonight but he loves to touch people.
growls a little and just huffs, deciding to say nothing else. That was difficult to admit, dammit. He will humor him and groan, though. His_
_touches are pretty amazing.
bites a little bit sharper, then rests his hands on his chest. He moves downward and kisses his collarbone.
growls and lets one hand slide up under his shirt.
starts to grow...tired...damn it. He huffs, trying to react positively to the touches, but ends up yawning and groans a little. "S-Shit,_
stares down at him, his hand freezing. Then he laughs. Hard. "Oh my gods....this is too good. If only you did this on the battlefield-
it would have been better." He kisses him. "Granpa Greybush. It's not so bad I guess. Annoying but not too bad." He takes his hand out-
from under his shirt and swats at his leg. "move it so I can lay on you."
"Oi! You shut the FUCK up." he grumbles and kisses at him, then nuzzles at his neck as he complies, shifting his leg a little. "It ain't_
_my damn fault. Goddammit kiddo."
laughs. "Should I get you some viagra next time I'm at the store?" He settles on top of him and rubs his leg on his. "It's alright."
grumbles and reaches up, gently sliding his knuckle over his cheek. "Drop it..." he glares a little.
closes his eyes and leans into the touch. "'s nice just laying on you anyway. You're warm." He grins at him. "And easy to mess-
with." He sticks his tongue out at him.
leans up to nip at that tongue playfully, but doesn't actually bite it, just near it. "Punk." he grins, and continues to pat his cheek.
for a moment then leans in for a sweet kiss before really licking him from chin to forehead with slober. "Jesus lick. enjoy asshole!" He-
sputters like holyshitwhatthehellsithis. "Kiddo!!" He's angry for about two seconds, really, before he snorts. "Gross. Gimme yer sleeve!"
leans up and away from him, backing off then looking back at him. "Come and get it then." He wants him to chase him a little bit. There's-
the fun in it. "Bet you can't catch me either."
growls a bit and pushes himself up, smirking a bit playfully now. "I can still run faster than ya, kid. Betcha I'll get ya."
takes off for the front door, knowing if he can make it outside he can use his long legs to run faster and not trip on anything. "Catch up!"
bolts off after him, fuck that he forgot his mask, but whatever. "I'm catchin' up, brat!" And oh he is.
manages to get the door open and bolt out before looking back and almost tripping and falling down the stairs. Oh fuck he is. He wheezes-
and tries to speed his skinny ass non athletic legs faster. He needs to excercise more. He cant hold out for much longer he knows that
shoots right after him and shouts some obscenity as he nearly trips over something, then sprints up to him and tackles him into the grass_
_outside. "You! Hah!" he's so out of breath. Needs to get into shape, dammit. "There!"
the wind knocked out of him as he's tackled to the ground. Vaguely he wonders if this is how he feels when he tackles him all the time into-
the ground. But then again he doesn't care that much. His knees fucking hurt but it's nothing to bitch about. He laughs an looks up at him-
liking the way his eyes are lit up. He realizes with a start that he's staring into his eyes and looks away with a blush. "Yeah well don't-
think this means shit." He chews his lip then smiles at him. the grass feels nice. "Wouldn't this be a really romantic spot to fuck?"
rolls his shoulders to get some feeling back into them once they roll onto the grass a little, and snorts. He's not going to outright admit_
_it, but Heracles has really nice eyes. He wished his were kinda like that. Erm. Anyway. " In the grass, kid? Fuck that, _
_there's grasshoppers and shit out here."
laughs and play swats him. "I wonder how you get laid at all. You're supposed to agree with me. Side's all you need is a blanket-
and it feels really nice." He plucks at his shirt, that damn blush still not leaving his face. Hopefully Sadiq can't see it
grins, and nuzzles at his shoulder. "Eh, a'right, addin' a blanket in WOULD make it better." he kisses at his cheek then, and pauses._
"Yer face is warm, babe."
's blush gets even worse and he smacks him in the thigh, probably a little too hard. Not his fault when his first instinct is to run away-
from him. He can't ever remember lying in the grass like this. Well and not trying to fuck or after the fucking. "Yeah well shut up asshole-
". He cant fucking make it go away. He swallows nervously and blinks rapidly.
hisses a bit and his leg twitches a little. "Oi! Okay, okay, 'm sorry. Jeez, kid. Ya said -I- take things too seriously." he snorts but_
_nuzzles him anyway. It's nice, nuzzling his warm face like this. He won't lie.
's breathing hitches at the feel of his face nuzzling him. It's sweet and it kinda scares him. So he laughs it off and covers it with a jibe
"Gaw Sadiq I didn't know the outside made you this queer." he hopes it's not too harsh. He likes the nuzzling but still...he strokes an arm-
with his own and turns a deep shade of scarlet. God he must look like such a girl
snorts and tilts his head, nipping at his ear then before crawling off of him and sitting by him. "Ah, a'right. Ya already called me a_
_faggot today, I suppose I don't need any more of yer shit." he smirks down at him, then looks around, feeling rather calm. It's nice out.
flopped his arms above his head, vaguely wondering if it was worse when he was cuddling with him or if it was worse without. "It's why I-
try to sleep outside all the time. When Mama was alive we always camped out. Gods I love my clubs but I could live outside forever." He-
purses his lips, still deciding how weak he would appear if he did ask for him to lie down with him.
stares at some flowers in the distance, frowning upon the fact that he sees no tulips, then looks back to Heracles and chuckles. "Mm, yer_
_mom really did like the outdoors. Quite a badass, actually." he clicks his tongue and then shrugs. "I miss 'er."
laughs. "Yup. Where do ya think I get my temper from? And our hair. She actually told me when she had me for awhile people thought I was-
a girl. How bad is that?" He glances up at him. "I miss her a lot too. But at least I have Lovino and his brother for family." He stretches-
and smiles up at him, his eyes light with mischief. "Wonder what she would say if she knew I was fucking you senseless?"
reaches over to pat his head, then thinks for a while. Hmm. "I'd get the shit beat outta me," he murmurs, then laughs and flops down onto _
_the grass. "Or, y'know, get congratulated. One of those."
for a second then rolls/lunges on top of him so he's straddling his hips. "I would get congradulated. You would get the shit beat out of-
you then been forced to marry me. She always kept harping to me about that." He pulls a face and plays with his hair. "Your hair is soft."
lets out a small 'oof' grunt and shifts, looking up at him. "Aw, great. Marriage." he rolls his eyes, then chuckles. "Oi, it ain't that_
_soft, is it?" he knew his hair was soft, but, huh.
doesn't stop playing with his hair. "That and to stop being a sperm dumpster and sire babies. Shitloads of babies." he rolls his eyes.
grins down at Sadiq. "So you want to get pregnant for me and fuffill her wish?"
laughs at that, and shrugs. "Oh, great, then BABIES too. Yeah, yeah, sure. Like ya'd be good with kids at all- agshg no!"
cups his crotch with one hand. "So is that a yes?" He smirks and leans in to nuzzle his neck.
huffs and reaches up, nuzzling back. "No. It's a fuckin' no. We ain't makin' babies, kiddo."
bumps at his hip and shivers as his lips pass over his sensitive spot. "I think you would look wonderful pregnant." Now he's just going out-
to be obscene and gross. He smirks and blows at his curl idly.
snorts at such tomfoolery and shakes his head, kissing at his ear quickly. "Fuck, no. Ya can forget that shit."
shudders and bites the side of his neck. He sucks at his neck then tightens his cold on his dick while holding himself up with his other-
hand. He leans back and smirks. "Why not? You're totally old enough to be a great mom. No way I would be the one giving birth."
growls a little, jerking his hips up towards him before rolling them over so he can press down on top of him, and chuckles. "Like hell_
_I'd get pregnant, babe. If it's gonna be one of us, it'd fuckin' be you." [uah. passed OUT last night. >>]
winks at him lazily. "You sure about that? Cause you act more like the wife then I do." He's talking of course about his lack of-
sex drvie, drinking habits, and impulsive behavior. He pets his inner thigh, drawing circles with his thumb.
(I noticed XD probably when you stopped posting)
rolls his eyes, but grins down at him. "'s only 'cause I actually clean my house and get shit done, yeah?" he shrugs, then kisses at his_
_head. "No kids." [Sorry. x) ;;]
laughs. "Gods you sound like a fuckin wife. Clean my house wife and go ahead and make my dinner. Suck my dick too and get me a beer." He-
moves his hands so they can rub his hips slowly in a suggestive manner.
(no probs. gotta sleep gotta sleep)
snorts, and kisses right beneath his ear. "Ah, shuttup. You'd be the wife, ya crazy little fuck. And ya know it." he doesn't want to at_
_first, but he does start to rock his hips in time with him after a while.
raises an eyebrow, trying to ignore the thrill of being kissed near his spot. "Little? I aint little." He rocks his hips upward slowly.
"In size." he smirks and grinds down against him, but then jumps to his feet and stretches.
sputters madly and unzips his pants. Small his ass, he ain't fucking small! "This is not fucking small dick weed!" He then pulls his NOT-
small dick out. Fucking dick.
..snorts and turns a bit red, then shakes his head and trots back into the house. "Public indecency, brat! Keep it in yer damn pants!"
sneers and follows. "What's with the blush? It's not like you haven't seen it before."
won't admit he's preformed several acts of public indecency but that should be obvious.
merely shrugs and flops onto Heracles's couch, because it's softer than his, dammit. "Ah, shuttup, you."
looks down. "Oh shit I forgot to tuck my dick back in. Probably scared the shit out of some people." He does so. "What the fuck faggot-
I didn't say you could lay on my couch."
"It's implied I can lay on yer damn couch." he stretches and pulls up a pillow, lazily staring at nothing. "Go to hell, Herc."
grumbles then flops on top of him. "I am in hell. Im stuck in a realtionship with a granpa and my dick wants to fuck."