14 years ago
seems to be getting worse instead of better, but no way is he going to go to the doctor! He'll get better all by himself.
latest #127
Ludwig thinks
14 years ago
being up half the night throwing up with a fever and chills is a perfectly good reason to see a doctor.
14 years ago
isn't going. No way. He can't drag him there either. Hospitals are just for sick people, not people with awesome immune systems like his!
Ludwig will
14 years ago
wait until he passes out from exhaustion again and abduct him. Or drug him like that time he needed a flu shot. Speaking if which, he
14 years ago
probably has the flu since he refused one again this year.
14 years ago
...can't have the flu. It's just a cold! Go away, West. He's going to crawl back in bed and sleep another twelve hours.
14 years ago
... Feels bad for Ludwig having to deal with a stubborn sibling like Gilbert, just so you know.
Gilbert is
14 years ago
asleep and cannot hear your negativity.
Ludwig is
14 years ago
completely adjusted to it. Well, not completely, but at least it no longer gives him excruciating headaches.
14 years ago
still feels bad for him. Can she help somehow? Gilbert should hear her out, too; maybe he'd feel a little bad and actually go to the doctor.
Ludwig will
14 years ago
likely have to forcibly remove him from the bed. She can help if she wants, but he isn't sure if Gilbert is contagious. He's been
14 years ago
huddled up in Ludwig's bed with him the last few nights, as per Ludwig's insistence, but hasn't passed anything on to him yet. Aside from
14 years ago
keeping him up all hours of the night for various illness-related reasons. Not to mention having him in the bed is like sleeping with a l
14 years ago
little furnace.
14 years ago
could send over a homemade soup or something. Not that it'd be any help at all.
Eva is
14 years ago
at least glad that Ludwig is not sick as well, especially given how he's been taking care of Gilbert. But it's really best if he does get
14 years ago
him to see a doctor soon - and if he needs help dragging that stubborn arse out of bed, then she'll offer to help. He needn't worry about
14 years ago
her health, however; she will be fine.
14 years ago
hasn't been able to get him to eat much, so soup might be helpful. He'll take help if Eva would like to. She might be able to persuade him
14 years ago
into going willingly.
Eva will
14 years ago
help, of course! She cannot make any promises, but she will try to convince him.
Francis will
14 years ago
prepare something and bring it over then, along with French bread. She'll just be dropping it off though, so she's not imposing.
14 years ago
...hates all of you plotting jerks.
14 years ago
suggests she try talking him out first, since he won't listen to him. And he'll be waiting for France, of course. She wouldn't be imposing.
Eva will
14 years ago
ask where Gilbert is, then, so she can lurk in and see if he's even awake. Or enough to listen to her.
14 years ago
left him in bed upstairs. He tried to get him to eat breakfast earlier, bit couldn't get him to come around properly for long enough.
Eva will
14 years ago
keep that in mind to see if she can persuade him. She will go upstairs then, and casually step into the room without knocking. Hey, it's not
14 years ago
very polite but it's for a good cause.
Gilbert is
14 years ago
laying with his back to the door and his head under the blankets, sound asleep. It takes a good bit to wake him up when he's not sick, so
14 years ago
have fun with that.
14 years ago
's hoping fate is in her favour today, then. She quickly moves over to the bed so sit next to him, shaking his shoulder a bit too roughly.
14 years ago
"Gilbert? Oi, wake up." Yeah, she'll have to try harder, probably.
14 years ago
doesn't move. Yeah, give it another go.
14 years ago
shakes him a bit more, voice loud and practically over his hear. "Oi, Prussia. Come on, wake up!"
14 years ago
turns his face into the pillow and groans.
14 years ago
just keeps shaking his shoulder. "Come on, wake uuup.."
14 years ago
grumbles and tries to roll over the opposite direction.
14 years ago
huffs sort of pushes him a bit too harshly. "Oi, sleeping beauty." She tries to steal his pillow, too. "Wake up."
14 years ago
latches onto his pillow with a deathgrip but finally opens his eyes just to glare at...Eva. Not who he expected. "*What*?"
14 years ago
would smile and wave as some sort of greeting but the situation doesn't really call for that. "I'm here to take you somewhere. Get up."
14 years ago
stares at her, coughs, and goes back to his pillow.
14 years ago
goes back to trying to steal his pillow. "I'm *serious*, Gilbert. Get up before I drag your ass out of bed."
14 years ago
sacrifices the pillow to curl up in the blanket instead. "No. Sleepin'."
14 years ago
drops the pillow and proceeds to try and either cast the blanket aside or pull him up. Whichever works best. "Gilbert, I mean it!"
14 years ago
, the more he comes awake, is starting to realize how horribly his head hurts, along with everything else. Oh, and there's the gross-
14 years ago
nauseous feeling back again too, on top of the sore throat and snotty noise. "I ain't goin' anywhere! I'm gonna lay here an' sleep 'cause-
14 years ago
that's all I need to do!"
14 years ago
shakes her head, though she does eventually become a bit more gentle in the way she's trying to get him to not fall back asleep. "You're_
14 years ago
getting worse. Ludwig's taking you to the doctor."
14 years ago
lays still for a moment, then laughs hoarsely. "The fuck he is. I already told him, too. I don't need to go."
14 years ago
huffs and tries to get him to sit up. "Gilbert, if you're not getting any better, there is no point in staying here. Just go with him."
14 years ago
tries to make himself as heavy as possible, not that that's all that hard. "There's plenty of point in staying here. *Sleeping*. I'm not-
14 years ago
14 years ago
, if this were any other situation, might have smacked him across the face. But he's sick and stubborn and she's actually pretty calm. _
14 years ago
"Look, please do this? If not for your worrying brother then for me?" Yeah, like that will work. "It will hurt less than staying here."
14 years ago
looks at her evenly, then sniffs. "You ever been to a doctor? Shots fuckin' hurt. I hate shots. They're gonna give me a shot. I don't-
14 years ago
like 'em. Don't like needles. Naw. Naw, I'm gonna stay here.
14 years ago
14 years ago
brushes some hair away from his forehead. "Yeah, they hurt for a minute there. But then you'll feel much better. And Ludwig will be there_
14 years ago
with you, ja? Come on, you've been through *war*. A shot can't compare to that."
14 years ago
would duck away, but like always, that hair thing feels too good. "War and needles are totally different." But see, that wasn't a denial.-
14 years ago
And that's a legit fear! is.
14 years ago
sighs and keeps doing that if he's not protesting. "I know. But it's just for a little bit, and.. And then you'll be fine? We're all worried
14 years ago
about you, you know?" She's not even lying.
14 years ago
glares at her, but it's probably not that threatening with only one eye open. "...fine. But I'm *not* gettin' a shot." He *is* pretty-
14 years ago
worn out from all this, and definitely not up to his usual awesome self.
14 years ago
isn't all too impressed with that glare, though she would have otherwise stopped insisting. "... Well, alright." She0s not so sure about _
14 years ago
that, but... it's just a little lie, anyway. He can bitch her out all he wants if it happens.
14 years ago
sniffs and rubs his eyes. ""
14 years ago
kisses his forehead, kind of like a sister would. "Now would be a good time, yes. Or did you have other plans?"
14 years ago
ducks his head and groans, though pretty half-heartedly. "Sissy shit. ....I was gonna run a triathlon."
14 years ago
would not care either way. Keep doing that and she'll squish you in a big hug and keep doing it. "Yeah well, then you can go to the doctor_
14 years ago
14 years ago
slouches down with another noise of protest, but he does swing one leg off the mattress.
14 years ago
pets his hair, entirely proud that he didn't put up a cataclysmic fight about this. "You hungry?"
14 years ago
flops onto his back completely. Motion stalled. "Nuh uh."
14 years ago
... isn't that proud anymore, dammit Gilbert. "Hm, alright. Get up, lazy bum."
14 years ago
rolls over onto his stomach and grumbles into the sheets. "Mnuh uh."
Eva will
14 years ago
sit on him and make him writhe in agony or something. She'll... Come up with something if he doesn't budge. "Gilbert, please!"
Gilbert is
14 years ago
much more comfortable like this. The sheets are cool. It's just difficult to breathe. "I don't wanna."
14 years ago
huffs. He's impossible. Don't make her pull that cute, pathetic sap card. "Why not? You just said you would!"
14 years ago
paws around for his pillow, hugging it close to his chest. "Not enough energy. Got tired' talkin' 'bout it."
14 years ago
sighs and eventually flops down next to him. "Come on, just this once? I promise it won't be that bad."
14 years ago
pats her shoulder. "Yes it will."
14 years ago
huffs and grabs his hand. How intimidating of her, *very*. "It'll be worse if you don't do anything about it! Do you want to *die*?"
14 years ago
makes this weird half laugh, half cough noise. "I'm not gonna *die*. It's just a cold. Or allergies."
14 years ago
's grip tightens a bit out of frustration. "You're getting worse. At least think of how Ludwig might be worrying!"
14 years ago
flops his hand a little, trying to shake her off. "He worries about dust particles accumulating on top of the refrigerator. And everything.
14 years ago
14 years ago
won't let go just yet if she can help it, sorry man. "Well, I don't worry about those things. And I'm worried. Good enough for you?"
Gilbert has
14 years ago
to think for awhile to come up with a reply to that. "Don't. You'll get wrinkles."
14 years ago
slaps her own forehead at that. "I'm not kidding, Gilbert. Can't you take things seriously for five minutes?"
14 years ago
sniffs so hard it makes the inside of his face feel weird. "Nope."
Eva wants
14 years ago
to hit him; no joke. But she will just tug on his hand. "Please? I'll make it up to you if it's so bad?"
14 years ago
groans. " gonna buy me ice cream?" Yeah, he's kidding. Then again, it might make his throat feel better.
14 years ago
rolls her eyes. "Ja, sure, whatever. Ice cream, beer, chocolate, body paint, you name it. Just. Please?"
14 years ago
opens his eyes and snickers. "Body paint. Way to slip one in there. Yeah, alright. Pick me up."
14 years ago
just huffs and sits up. "Oi, I recall you mentioning that once. Or maybe it was Hungary? I dunno. Whatever. You get up by yourself."
14 years ago
shudders. "Don't mention the manbeast, baby. I'll lose it." He scoots backward, letting his legs dangle over the mattress until his feet-
14 years ago
hit the floor. Then he stays like that.
14 years ago
's just going to grant him the fact that she doesn't go around beating him with a frying pan too. She rolls over to sit and then finally _
14 years ago
stand up, hands on her hips. "I'm not wasting any more time here, Gilbert. Hurry up."
14 years ago
grumbles a lot more then slowly pushes himself upright. "Ready.". Yes, he plans on going in just his shorts and without brushing his hair.
14 years ago
shakes her head. Yeah, smart, man, smart. "No, no, no. You have to get dressed first."
14 years ago
sways just a little, the fever and change in position making his head swim. "I'm dressed. These are my church clothes."
14 years ago
{ ... fdsgkfsd pffffft- }
14 years ago
kind of stares blankly at him for a second. "Right. Where d'you keep your clothes, again?" Hey, she'll dress him, if it's necessary.
14 years ago
flops his arms and rolls his eyes. Downstairs, obviously, but fuck if he's going that far. He turns and digs into Ludwig's drawers instead,
14 years ago
managing to come out with sweatpants and an oversized shirt. Both hang on him when he gets them on. "Okay? Okay." Disregard the disaster he
14 years ago
made of Ludwig's drawers
14 years ago
14 years ago
adjusts the shirt on him a tag, pointedly ignoring said mess for the sake of, well, her sanity and quite possibly Ludwig's. Then she opts to
14 years ago
drag Gilbert along before he changes his mind or something. "Shoes would be nice too, y'know. But hurry up."
14 years ago
isn't walking slowly deliberately. He just doesnt have his usual wild energy. "Downstairs. Hall closet."
14 years ago
understands that. So maybe she will slow down her pace a tad and just pull him along until they're downstairs or something.
14 years ago
gets down there eventually with her help. He goes straight for the closet and digs out a ratty pair of tennis shoe and a hooded sweater to
14 years ago
pull on as well. He'll leave the hood up to spare his dignity over his hair at least.
14 years ago
won't bother with scolding him over any of that; he's going to the doctor, not church. "There. Now Ludwig can take care of things."
14 years ago
stares at her. It takes while to comprehend that, but once he does and spot Ludwig watching from the living room, he takes off.
14 years ago
sighs. She will let them take care of the rest by themselves, since there is no need to tag along to go to the doctor. Is there?
14 years ago
doesn't get very far before Ludwig gets him by the back of the shirt and sweeps him right off his feet. Gilbert's light enough that Ludwig-
14 years ago
easily gets him up over his shoulder even with his protesting. "Traitor!"
14 years ago
sighs and shakes her head for the umpteenth time that. "It won't be that bad, honey."
14 years ago
bounces Gilbert, who's busy hoarsely shouting about needles again, so that he goes quiet and makes a strangled, sick noise instead. "Thank
14 years ago
you, Eva. Nothing short of a miracle."
14 years ago
offees a smile, pointedly ignoring Gilbert's protests. "Not a problem, Ludwig. I wish you luck getting him to behave now, however."
14 years ago
shrugs the other shoulder. "He can go back to the basement if he doesn't behave." He hopes it isn't like last time Gilbert stayed in the
14 years ago
hospital, with all the food throwing, shouting, verbal abuse and sexual harassment of the nurses, and escape attempts.
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