♪ Çricket ☻ says
14 years ago
I tossed and turned 'till about 5am..and woke back up at 8.. now I cannot seem to get any motivation over here. *yawn* Must. Make. Coffee.
latest #27
14 years ago
aww. poor thing. heres hoping you catch a good long nap here soon
♪ Çricket ☻
14 years ago
I can hope,hehe.. I am going to go try a hot bath I think.. then find somewhere to curl up, prolly with the laptop though,hah!
♪ Çricket ☻
14 years ago
Going to be on later honey?
♪ Çricket ☻
14 years ago
should do at least a couple of the chores too though, yawn-sigh. :-P
14 years ago
14 years ago
ya, i think so. I need to run a couple errands if Scarlett will permit it, and then be on, barring any unexpected plans arrise.
♪ Çricket ☻
14 years ago
Okie hon.. I'll prolly be back and forth throughout the night, that one blog assignment is like half done (you should go in and proof
♪ Çricket ☻
14 years ago
read it) lol
♪ Çricket ☻
14 years ago
but if ya need me and Im not around, or asleep, txt me ;-)
♪ Çricket ☻
14 years ago
thanks brickbaby :-D
good afternoon sweetie. (evilsmirk)i may have just gotten up from a nap and it was niiiiicce (LOL)
♪ Çricket ☻ is
14 years ago
jealous, heehe! Glad you had a good nap though! Headache all better?
♪ Çricket ☻
14 years ago
*snuggles Starri* :-))
*snuggles Cricket* ya headaches gone today (cozy) (girlkiss) hope you get some rest soon
14 years ago
♪ Çricket ☻
14 years ago
*slurrppppppppppppppppp* Yeep.. burns tongue!
14 years ago
Your plurks aren't showing up for me! (angry) *kisses burneded tonguey*
14 years ago
refresh dear
14 years ago
(unsure) oh. That could be it.
♪ Çricket ☻
14 years ago
(: Been one of those days here too...
14 years ago
Hope your weekend has gone better than the end of the week did! (cozy)
14 years ago
hoping maybe you got to bed early to compensate for no sleep the night before. Sorry I wasn't on last night.
14 years ago
This weekend has been so strange and unpredictible.
♪ Çricket ☻
13 years ago
Thanks Techtwister, it went ok :-)
♪ Çricket ☻
13 years ago
HighDef, hope you got some sleep, I finally got a little:-)
♪ Çricket ☻
13 years ago
smoochies Red, thats ok doll, I didnt end up being on as much as I thought I would
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