14 years ago
's cat likes to wander around the neighborhood for undefined periods of time. Now he's back so Eva's playing with him in the backyard.
latest #25
14 years ago
's cats do that too. What kind of cat is it? Can he play with it too?
14 years ago
says it is a common european; and a bit of a trickster. But if mister Greece wants, sure, he can play too.
14 years ago
loves trickster cats. He pulls on its tail
14 years ago
watches the cat hiss a bit in response, trying to jump out of the grasp. Meanwhile she is just sitting there.
14 years ago
laughs and pets its ears to appease it. He looks at Eva and brushes his hair out of his face. "So whats its name?"
14 years ago
glances from the cat and back at him. "Christian." She named it after someone very close to her. "Like the person who gave it to me."
14 years ago
hums. "It's a nice name. Is this Christian nice also?"
14 years ago
shrugs, petting the cat gently. "Sometimes, yes."
14 years ago
sighs. "Well thats good I guess. I try to be nice but its fun being a jerk to Sadiq."
14 years ago
shrugs again, but her smile falters. "Have you paused to consider mister Turkije's feelings about that?"
14 years ago
shrugs in response. "To be honest, Ive never been bout feelings. This is kinda new."
14 years ago
leans down to scratch behind the cat's ears. "I think I noticed that the other day. But I suppose I am in no place to talk."
14 years ago
tugs on the cats ear. "I mean...shit to put it politely, before Sadiqw I was not in it for that. Now I dont know."
14 years ago
shrugs petting the cat's tummy once he rolls around onto his back. "Perhaps you are just confused. I have always been around romantics, so_
14 years ago
it rubbed off on me, a little bit."
14 years ago
pets his tail. "Shit I fought him like centuries." his brow furrows. "Am I doing okay?"
14 years ago
shrugs "I was pushed around by my siblings all my life and I love them. Sometimes. I don't know if you are; you should ask him instead, ja?"
14 years ago
grunts. "Yeah. Sorry for being such a worrywort. I havent bored you have I?"
14 years ago
shakes her head. "Not at all. Mister Turkey is very nice to me, but I do not think it is how he acts in general. So I can't help, is all."
14 years ago
smiles. "True. So enough about me. Anything new with you?"
14 years ago
smiles. "True. So enough about me. Anything new with you?"
14 years ago
thinks about it for a moment, but soon shakes her head again. "Not really. Besides politics, my life has been pretty average, really."
14 years ago
laughs. "It still amuses me about the EU and him. But I dont really pay attention."
14 years ago
scratches the back of her head. "Ah, I know what you mean. Well, I suppose you will have to in four years or so, yes? When the presidency_
Eva is
14 years ago
held at your house." It's what she's dealing with right now. Besides the governmental issues, but she won't bring those up.
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