whahahah xagdi nlng nt gud
kita ra btaw 2 ang naay plurk dre
naa na c jose uie! kita ko nya ganina! den murag naowaw! iya gi klose! waaahaha!
ahahahahh btaw kay dLeh daw cya kasavot
you come from philippines
heres his name! Chicken is a fatal attraction
rej183: you cna speake in inglish
how do you add my good friend
no.... park gun vin is a filipino
we, regina and I, are using google translate!
ahahahah buLgar man ka nt
ahahahah but i can't repLy fast b
AAHAH! okie lang yan regina!
yeah,,,.... we should speak english in school
but have difficulties in chinese
but sooner and later! we will learn your language and all the language in the world!
whahahahahh but i think not all languages
regina! ayan na!... inlove?! wahaha!
ingna dayun ekaw sad!... aahaha!
what? sumpayi ug adjective1
peng zhen had iya true name diay!
i mean what coarse are taking up???
info engineering daw! regina
is it already night there?
we want to go there but we cant
yeah.... en we dont have enough money
You want to come to Taiwan to have fun
yeah! regina! taiwan is just above the philippines thats why we have same time!
Do You have the type of photo album website
yeah we want to go there to have fun
nope but i have plenty of photos in facebook
You can make a deposit now
May me have the Web address
i already added you as a friend
nakz naman! fanpage pa@!...wahahah!
ako classm8 gahimu wa ganeh ko ni like
hah? wa nako ma gets?! di na cya?
di cya ang ga make ato nga fan page
ako man toh nga fan page pro ako classm8 gahimu dleh ako
always open a topic para magkataas imu karma!
cgeh2 pero unsa pa man Lain topic
aie pag wait na lang ni taiwan guy!
ahahahhah hangtod hurot ako tym???? whahahahah
ahahah@! wa pa na mahuman!. dako au na ug lamoy!,
whahahahh matay na tog kinaun.,,.,.,.shhhh
ahaha@ nangahug na ang buhok ato1..
ahahahahhh daku na keu tog tyan.,,..
ahaha! mayna lang dili ang ilong!@ murag c isda!
ahahahahhah awh ou..,.,..,LoLx