Eva was
14 years ago
stupid enough to watch this and go to the park at night. Someone arrest her for being an idiot.
latest #157
Gilbert is
14 years ago
totally following her, only in ninja-gear. ...okay, so it's a lot of black clothing, just typical shit he might wear on a night out, but-
14 years ago
it's great for ninja-ing up on someone while using random shrubbery for cover. He's even trying to sniff quietly.
14 years ago
does not notice this. Ok so there's noise all around and maybe she's just going to start getting a little bit paranoid. Oh, look, a bench._
14 years ago
She should um. Sit there. Maybe. Good idea, yep yep.
Gilbert is
14 years ago
a terrible ninja. His cold makes him sniff every thirty seconds or so and he trips over things. For now he'll just lurk in this bush-
14 years ago
over heeeah until she gets settled. Might throw bits of dirt while he's at it too. ( LOL i'm sorry i couldn't help it. )
Eva is
14 years ago
definitely getting freaked out man. Weird noses coming from the bushes and ohfuckfuck what was that. Ok. Ok. She'll sit. And take a deep, _
14 years ago
deep breath. No reason to be scared of the dark, right. Right? { ILY you know that right }
14 years ago
*almost* sneezes and ruins the whole thing. He manages to stop it by some miracle but hurries on up to her bench using some awesome-
14 years ago
military tactics. Y'know, that rolling on the ground stuff. He gets riiiight up behind her, sloooowly stands up to lean in aaand: "*Eva.*"
14 years ago
whispers that right in her ear.
14 years ago
(...and Ride of the Valkyries comes on as i type that. lmao )
14 years ago
{ rofl perfect timing haha }
Eva is
14 years ago
definitely not hearing things, no, no, not at all. It's just her imagination. Maybe squirrels, too. Yeah, that makes sense. She can just _
14 years ago
lean back and relax and-- FUCK. Ok, so maybe she's a bit too edgy because not only does she shriek like in one of those horror films, but_
14 years ago
she literally jumps out of her seat and whips around, feeling her heart thumping in her chest. "Fuck! Bastard!"
14 years ago
stumbles backwards and falls flat on his butt. But rest assured, he's laughing before his assbone has even stopped smarting. "*Your face*!
14 years ago
Gott...fuckin' priceless...aw man..."
14 years ago
Truth be told, she sort of scared him flying up out of there like that.
14 years ago
's expression must be priceless. And honestly she's not sure whether to take the chance to kick him, stomp him to death or just run away_
14 years ago
crying like a baby. So she just sort of stands there, hands curled into fists and everything. "Bastard, you don't just do that to a lady!"
14 years ago
's completely flat on the ground right now, clutching his stomach and practically wheezing. "D-did you pee yourself or what?"
14 years ago
finds that stomping him to near death is the best course of action. Which just means she stalked over to him with a foot raised; don't _
14 years ago
actually expect her to do anything though. "No! But you scared me you jerk. I mean what the hell?"
14 years ago
's hands go right to his crotch as soon as she takes a step his direction. He's coughing more than laughing now, if that makes her feel-
14 years ago
any better. "That was the point! What the hell are you doin' out here all by yourself? That's like askin' for some creeper to come-
14 years ago
creepin' on you."
14 years ago
rolls her eyes, but inwardly applauds his priorities. Nah, it doesn't really make her feel better, just reminds her he's still sick. "Well,_
14 years ago
that's what happened, right?" She huffs setting her foot down on the ground. "I just wanted to go out for a walk, is all. Can't I?"
14 years ago
still isn't uncovering himself. She could be plotting some sneak attack. "Yep, it is. See? Dangerous. Go out for a walk during the day."
14 years ago
would probably be smarter to plan one of those, yes. Alas, there are plenty of other occasions to get even with him. "Well I don't want to._
14 years ago
What are you going to do about that, eh?"
14 years ago
sits up and pulls the sweater hood back off his head. "You don't wanna walk during the day? You're weird, woman. I'm not gonna do a-
14 years ago
thing. You're a grown-up, you go on and do what you want. I'll just follow you in the bushes sometimes."
14 years ago
gives him that sort of look that clearly asks if he's out of his mind. He probably has been for a few decades now, she won't ask. "Or_
14 years ago
you can be a gentleman and walk with me instead of following me like a creep."
14 years ago
would tell her she's about right on that, no argument there. He makes a face. "Why would I wanna do that? Gentlemen don't have any fun."-
14 years ago
But yeah, he's going to get up and maybe make sure there's nobody genuinely creepy following her.
14 years ago
would very much appreciate it if he did that. But she still gives him an incredulous look. "Oh, but it's perfectly fine to follow me around_
14 years ago
and creep on me just like that? Thanks." She's not nearly as upset as she should be; just a bit fidgety.
14 years ago
snickers and shoves his hands in his hoodie pockets. "Perfectly acceptable behaviour. I had fun."
14 years ago
tries to resist the urge to punch him, she really does. That doesn't stop her from smacking him lightly. "You're a jerk sometimes you know?"
14 years ago
gives an exaggerated wince. "Easy, baby. But you love me anyway."
14 years ago
almost, almost smacks him again just for good measure. Almost. Instead she just rolls her eyes. "Oh yeah, totally. My heart beats for you."
14 years ago
sniffs and straightens his jacket. "And this is totally how you wanted out first date to go, isn't it?". He's got dirt on his face and the
14 years ago
knees of his jeans and just announced his presence by deliberately scaring her in a dark park. Oh yeah. Romantic.
14 years ago
pulls her coat tighter around herself, not holding back a laugh this time. Yeah, good job trying to sound serious there. "Oh yeah, totally._
14 years ago
You know, I'm a sucker for that whole role play business and all."
14 years ago
took that role play bit very seriously. Mainly because he enjoys twisting information around to his benefit. "Oh yeah? Like what? I got a
14 years ago
Batman outfit at home. You can be Catwoman."
14 years ago
just rolls her eyes; she wasn't entirely serious about that, but figures he'd take it seriously anyway. "So that means I get to whip you?"
14 years ago
grins. Don't get him turned on in public. That's bad news for *everyone*. "Ja, 'course. Don't worry, I got all the necessary equipment."
14 years ago
should probably know better than to do that; but that's not really her intention, y'know. "Oh, I'm sure you do, I'm sure. Wouldn't expect_
14 years ago
less from you."
14 years ago
won't mention that it's technically his brother's stuff. He shrugs and sniffs hard. "Aw, hell. I'm full of surprises. You got a tissue?"
14 years ago
would be slightly horrified if he did. You know, that would be fun in world meetings, being more awkward around Ludwig. Hah. She looks _
14 years ago
through one of her pockets and hands him a napkin. A clean one and who knows how it got there; probably from dinnertime. "Yeah, you are."
14 years ago
takes it gratefully and turns his head to blow his nose. See? Polite. He doesn't even try to hand it back to her either. "Ugh. I-
14 years ago
think I might have a cold. Did you get sick yet?"
14 years ago
(...8| it ate it. )
14 years ago
{ well miss I hope it tasted like vegetables >:I }
14 years ago
appreciates the politeness, actually; the least she needs to see now is his snot. "You think?" Discovery of the century, genius.
14 years ago
"But eh... Not yet I guess. My nose was kind of runny today but I took some stuff. Hopefully I'll be okay."
14 years ago
might feel a little bad hearing that. "Well, take a fuckload of medicine. Don't get sick."
14 years ago
's the one to blame though, sort of. She just nods. "Sure thing, mom. But hey- don't worry 'bout me, just focus on getting better, ja?"
14 years ago
gives her a look that he hopes lets her know how unimpressed with that he is. "Sure thing, *mom*.",
14 years ago
returns that look and even shakes her head for emphasis. "I mean it, stupid."
14 years ago
pinches her cheeks. "So motherly."
14 years ago
bats his hand away, making a face. "You're the one calling me a milf."
14 years ago
nods, laughing. "Hey, it's a compliment."
14 years ago
rolls her eyes and smacks him playfully. "That's the best you can come up with? Gee, I'm flattered."
14 years ago
tries to fend her off half-heartedly. "Oh shit, I can come up with way better. Look who you're talkin' to."
14 years ago
shakes her head again and stuffs her hands in her pockets. "Mm, somehow I don't believe you, sorry~"
14 years ago
brushes his shoulders off, straightens the front of his shirt, and clears his throat. This is *serious business*. "Eva, you are a=
14 years ago
*stunning* woman, absolutely beautiful in every conceivable way. Your beauty is only surpassed by your *wonderful* personality and charm.-
14 years ago
You have gorgeous hair, beautiful eyes and dead sexy lips. Oh, and your rack is phenomenal, I mean, *pow*. And your ass ain't bad either-
14 years ago
. I would hit it for sure."
14 years ago
{ dnslgkf I laughed way too hard at this }
14 years ago
( he's a charmer, fo'sho~ )
14 years ago
{ ffft totally }
14 years ago
doesn't really know what to expect but it's certainly nothing even mildly decent. So okay, maybe the first two or three parts made her _
14 years ago
cheeks turn pink, but thankfully it's dark outside and all? But then you know, there's that 'typically Gilbert!' comment at the end and _
14 years ago
if she was actually going to smile and say something nice, it dies in the back of her throat and she nearly chokes, glancing at him_
14 years ago
with an unreadable look. Way to kil the mood, man. "Well *thanks*."
14 years ago
just beams at her. He's pretty fucking proud of that. "You are *very welcome*. I meant it all. Right from the heart."
14 years ago
, if she can believe him, is actually flattered, but still. "I could have gone without hearing it from about my 'rack' to the end though."
14 years ago
isn't phased in the least. "Oh, excuse me. I meant *breasts*. They're nice and perky. Totally not saggy."
14 years ago
scrunches up her nose. "Alright, *alright* I got it the first time. *Thank you*; moving on now."
14 years ago
tilts his head. "To what? Your ass? I can talk about that too."
14 years ago
lets out something that suspiciously resembles a sob but she actually nearly just laughed there. "I'd rather if you didn't, actually."
14 years ago
shrugs and sticks his hands back in his sweater pockets. "Well, alright. Suit yourself."
14 years ago
shakes her head. "Honestly, can't expect you to be a true gentleman, can I?"
14 years ago
fakes a bit of a pout. "I'm always a gentleman. I open doors for bitches and shit."
14 years ago
arches an eyebrow. "Yeah, real gentlemanly. You'd do better if you started off by not calling them that."
14 years ago
blinks. "Calling what what? Bitches? I don't call 'em bitches to their faces."
14 years ago
sighs. "Do you call me that behind my back, too?"
14 years ago
tries to think for a second. "Ah...nope. I don't talk about you behind your back ever."
14 years ago
tilts her head slightly to look at him. "Well. That's reassuring." She pauses. "You mean it?"
14 years ago
does, actually. "Yep. Not 'cause you're not interestin', but you just don't do scandalous shit."
Eva is
14 years ago
actually sort of flattered, then. She ponders his words for a moment there. "... Ja, I guess you're right about that. I guess I blend in."
14 years ago
pulls the hood of his sweater back up again, leaving only a few strands of silver-white hanging out in his face. "Well. Not *that*. But I-
14 years ago
mean, you don't give people reason to shit-talk. It's a good thing."
14 years ago
thinks he could almost look all intimidating like that. Hell, he sort of looks mysterious, she just knows him already. "No, I get what you_
14 years ago
mean, sweetie. I guess it really is a good thing, ja. Can't be bothered to do anything too stupid."
14 years ago
sneezes. "Hn'god, I think some'a my brain came out." Oh yeah, he's way intimidating. "Smart girl."
14 years ago
pats his shoulder; well, maybe not so intimidating as much as a little bit pathetic right now. "What are you doing out here anyway? You _
14 years ago
should be resting."
14 years ago
blanks for a second. "Uh. Stalking you?" Not really, but it sounds funny.
14 years ago
would be disturbed if this was anyone else. it doesn't stop her from giving him a strange look, though. "Creep."
14 years ago
doesn't mind. He's used to weird looks. "Aw, come off it. I've been stuck in that house since I got back. Got...itchy."
14 years ago
rubs her eyes. "Itchy? Maybe you need a shower. Shouldn't you be resting?"
14 years ago
squints at her. "Not literally itchy. Y'know, the kinda thing where you don't wanna sit still. I rested! I rested just fine, but I'm-
14 years ago
*bored* of sittin'." So maybe he doesn't feel good and sort of feels worse than that earlier cold. Getting fresh air will make him better!
14 years ago
shakes her head. "Well if you start walking around you'll get worse, stupid. Do you want to get worse?" She tugs at his sleeve. "I'm taking_
14 years ago
you back home."
14 years ago
tugs his arm around and flings it around her shoulders instead. "Oh, you're takin' me home, are ya? What are we gonna do there?"
14 years ago
away* not around )
14 years ago
gives him a blank stare but doesn't try to step away or anything. "Ja. *You* are going back to bed, is what."
14 years ago
smirks. "Yours or mine?"
14 years ago
huffs and looks away. "Yours, obviously."
14 years ago
pinches her cheek, since his hand is in the right proximity to do so. "Good choice."
14 years ago
bats his hand away, or tries to anyway. "And why's that?"
14 years ago
shrugs and coughs into the opposite shoulder of his sweater. "Well, I've never been in yours, but I bet mine is more comfortable."
14 years ago
looks concerned for a moment there, but shakes it off. "Hm, well. I like mine better, y'know."
14 years ago
doublechecks to make sure he didn't get snot on his shirt. "You'll have to let me test it out sometime then."
14 years ago
shakes her head and pokes his side gently. "How about no? 'Sides, right now I have to get you home to rest."
14 years ago
rolls his eyes, grinning just a little. "Damn. Shot down."
14 years ago
snorts. "In the future; you never know. Now c'mon, I'm not risking having you collapse out here or something."
14 years ago
straightens up again. He wasn't leaning on her a little or anything, no way... "Aw, piss, I'm a badass. I'm not gonna fall."
14 years ago
wraps an arm around his back as if to tug him along with her. Though honestly she's not sure where she's heading right now. "I'd rather not_
14 years ago
take my chances."
14 years ago
doesn't really know what direction's what anyway, so he's just going with it. "Yeah, alright *Mutter*."
14 years ago
stops for a second there just to throw him a serious look; she's kind of stubborn, you know. "Well, what else do you want? Hit the bars in_
14 years ago
your condition or something? Hell no."
14 years ago
stops abruptly. "Hell yeah! Yeah, a beer would definitely clear this up! Or a few shots..."
14 years ago
just felt that little twitch under her eye that usually means not very nice things. "No." A pause. "Non. Nee. Nein. Are you stupid or what?"
14 years ago
really likes this idea the more he thinks about it. "No way. We used to use that kinda shit to burn out a cold a long time ago!"
14 years ago
wants to hit herself for even suggesting it. Well, smart move right there. "Times have changed though, that's what you've got doctors for. _
14 years ago
Don't be stubborn. We're heading back home, kiddo."
14 years ago
huffs. Way to get him all worked up for nothing. Typical woman. "You're stubborn, y'know that?"
14 years ago
can't help it; she's just trying to be a responsible lady and all that. "Quite a bit, ja. I don't want you to get worse, is all."
14 years ago
can't even spell responsible. "Cause I'm already bad, right?"
14 years ago
rolls her eyes. That's kind of sad."Yeah. You're a bad, bad boy, Pruisen."
14 years ago
snorts. "Say that again, but in your phonesex voice."
14 years ago
... does so just to spite him. Clearly, there's something in the air.
14 years ago
didn't expect her to do that, so he's a little flustered for a second. "Good job. You could make a living on talkin' guys into jacking off."
14 years ago
had that little triumphant smirk of her own for a little moment there, at that. "Oh, but I have fun being a cockblock, honey."
14 years ago
knows this pretty well. Not because she's actively cockblocked him, but he sure as hell isn't giving her the chance. "Your kinda teasin'
14 years ago
should be illegal."
14 years ago
would gladly take him up on that challenge, just to try and prove him wrong. "Oh boo, you'd rather if I was easy?"
14 years ago
doesn't feel like limping home blue-balled. "Not *easy*. Easy chicks are boring."
14 years ago
can't necessarily assure that she will win. "True that. Then don't complain, ja?"
14 years ago
stares at her, then snorts and laughs. "Did you just say true that?"
14 years ago
's face certainly did not turn red at that, no. "Maybe I did."
14 years ago
doesn't have any shitty reply. He's too busy laughing.
14 years ago
just covers her face in embarrassment now. "Fuckin' hate you."
14 years ago
stops himself by hacking loudly. "Mn, yeah, that's what they all say til they can't do anythin' but scream my name."
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