Annyka says
13 years ago
sorry, but I've pretty much crapped of SL for the time being.
latest #11
Annyka says
13 years ago
The barrage of bad news has gotten to me. It becomes hard to continue to care
13 years ago
that is why it is cool we have plurk to keep in touch with those we want to
13 years ago
I wondered where you were these days, hope everything is ok (cozy)
Annyka says
13 years ago
thanks. everything's good with me personally. Its just SL that feels less and less relevant to me anymore.
13 years ago
yeah I know that feeling, sometimes a break is good, maybe you will get your mojo back :-)
13 years ago
I'm sorry to hear that. I will miss you if you leave
13 years ago
I so know where you are at Annyka, I really do.
13 years ago
I am still in touch with the people I enjoyed, but w/o SL, it's just not as interesting to me anymore. burned out I guess
Xue Faith hates
13 years ago
how paying attention 2 SL can make U hate SL. I find it's a lot more pleasant if you ignore politics & avoid Hamlet's blog - just have fun
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