Gilbert is
14 years ago
pretty worse for the wear, but he's glad to have his normal body back, even if he can't do much but lay around all day.
latest #210
14 years ago
laughs. As gay men often say, dick is better. Dick is better.
14 years ago
does enjoy having his dick back, yes. Though the boobs were fun.
Eva will
14 years ago
miss that pretty lady. Maybe Gilbert should get a job to keep himself busy.
14 years ago
...sniffs and curls up deeper in his blankets. Nooo, thank you.
Eva wonders
14 years ago
if something is wrong? Is he sick?
Gilbert has
14 years ago
a cold and a fullbody hangover, woman. He was out making bar rounds. For a week. Through several countries. And *maybe* he had to sleep-
14 years ago
on a park bench once or twice and *maaaybe* it rained. Maybe, 'cause he really doesn't remember much of it.
14 years ago
did not know this. I: She was busy having a life of her own, thank you very much. She will proceed to tell Gilbert how silly of him that was
14 years ago
and how much of a headache it must be for Ludwig to take care of him when he does these crazy stunts. But then she'll also ask if maybe,
14 years ago
maybe he wants something. Because, you know; motherly instinct and the whole shebang.
Gilbert will
14 years ago
proceed to recede farther into his nest of pillows and blankets while she's talking. He's *not* gonna feel guilty about this one, no-
14 years ago
way. He might feel guilty later. *But only slightly*! Right now he feels like dog ass dragged through shitfields. ...a beer would be-
14 years ago
nice though.
Eva thinks
14 years ago
he should feel guilty. Later, sure, but he *should*. Mostly since he's hogging his brother's basement, the way she sees it. And, no, _
14 years ago
she refuses to get him a beer. Not when he's having a hangover and not when he's *sick*. He's lucky she's not shoving soup down his throat.
14 years ago
doesn't have anywhere else to go, remember? Besides, West invited him to live here. Beer cures hangovers. Never heard that 'hair of the dog
14 years ago
that bit you' thing? Gott, all he wants is a beer. And now he's going to pull the blankets over his head and continue being moody.
14 years ago
knows this; she's just saying, seriously. He could feel bad about pulling one of these stunts. But anyway. No beer, so stop being a baby.
14 years ago
doesn't think it's a stunt. He likes to have fun. Other people should feel bad for being dicks. And he's *not* being a baby. He's sick-
14 years ago
and should totally get whatever he wants if it'll help him feel better.
14 years ago
thought he could discern good fun from lack of common sense. Big baby. Brat. Jerk. But ugh, fine. *fine*. She will get him a damn beer now_
14 years ago
if it will make him stop whining and blaming other people.
14 years ago
didn't do anything to *her* so there's no need for name callin', lady. He's not blaming other people either! Just one people! ...way to-
14 years ago
make him feel like maybe he did something wrong though. Damn it.
14 years ago
's just saying what she thinks of him, is all. But fine, she'll come back with a beer for him and sit on the edge of the bed... Er. Bundle _
14 years ago
of blankets. Who is he blaming, hm? And what does Gilbert think he did wrong?
14 years ago
rolls over and rustles around til he can get just his arm out and pat around for the beer. Not coming out.
Eva will
14 years ago
keep the beer out of reach until he decides to show his face. Hey now she's curious. Don't let her get to the point where she's *concerned*.
14 years ago
finds something that feels like human and pinches. H3'll have to come out eventually; his nose is running.
14 years ago
...he'll )
14 years ago
... that was her leg, man. She squeaks and scoots away; she'll only give him the beer when he does come out, so yeah.
14 years ago
retracts his arm and rustles more, grumbling. Beer or pride, beer or pride...a decision no German man should ever have to make. *Finally*-
14 years ago
he sits up and shoves the blankets back. Pretty, ain't it? Face all pink and kind of sweaty from a fever, bloodshot eyes with those awesome
14 years ago
dark circles under them, and yeah, he's hair's a wreck too. You're lucky he has shorts on. Sniff. "Gimme."
14 years ago
his* i can't type today )
14 years ago
{ /pat I know the feeling e_eb }
14 years ago
would rather if he did not have to make that choice - however she is not going to make fun of him. Man, he looks like roadkill. She can't_
14 years ago
bring herself to laugh at him. She actually worries sometimes, you know - she'll forever blame Neutral Moresnet for that, too. "Only if you_
14 years ago
answer my question."
14 years ago
snatches the tissuebox off his nightstand instead. He's not rude enough to blow his nose in front of her, but he's at least going to-
14 years ago
wipe it before he gets snot everywhere. "What question? Alls I heard was you callin' me shit."
14 years ago
just wants him to not double over and die, so if he needs to blow his nose eventually, she'll just look away. "I asked what you think you_
14 years ago
you did wrong."
14 years ago
tosses the tissue into the wastebin with its brothers and grabs for the blanket again. He's just going to pull it up over his head and-
14 years ago
around his body though. Like a big cloak. "Nothin'."
Eva gives
14 years ago
him a sort of blank stare, proof that she really isn't sure whether to believe him or not. "Come on, talk to me."
14 years ago
groans and does a turtle impression in his blankets. This is crap. This is why he went off drinking in the first place. He scoots around-
14 years ago
some, pulls the blanket off his head and flops over, head in her lap. With purely innocent intentions, mind you. "Why. I just went and-
14 years ago
partied some."
14 years ago
's actually sort of feeling bad for his condition, so she doesn't really seem bothered by this. Instead she pets his hair, trying to keep_
14 years ago
the beer out of reach with her free hand. "Because you might think it's awesome to be alone and keep everything bottled up, but I'm here,_
14 years ago
right now, to listen. Is there anything bothering you?"
14 years ago
closes his eyes and sniffs. Nope. Not a thing, not anymore. That trip cured all that because he had lots of drunken epiphanys ever single-
14 years ago
time he set foot in a bar. No problems at all. He's definitely not sulking either. ...damn it. "The only thing botherin' me is not-
14 years ago
gettin' that bottle."
14 years ago
does not look impressed at all. Then again, she never seems very impressed with Gilbert or his antics. But right now it is sort of different
14 years ago
, isn't it? "You'll get it once you're honest with me, mister."
14 years ago
presses his face right up against her belly and groans. Well, it's more like a whine, but it's also him stalling. He rolls his eyes and-
14 years ago
looks up again for a second, then back down. "*Okay*, so maybe I shoulda called West or answered the phone., I got in this-
14 years ago
fight with somebody and couldn't think about shit but that. Pissed me off. So y'know, figured I'd go out, have some fun and forget it."
14 years ago
just sighs and keeps petting his hair. She's not really thinking about getting sick later; motherly instinct is kicking in and well, he's_
14 years ago
sort of opening up. "A fight?" She pauses. Ok, she could say names like Antonio or Francis or someone, but she's not gambling here. "You're_
14 years ago
right, you should have called him." She sighs again. "But... it's not like you were thinking properly. It's only natural. What happened?"
14 years ago
almost counters with 'he could have called *me*', but...he did. He wore Gilbert's phone out the very first day. All the calls started-
14 years ago
going to voicemail the second day because the battery died in it. "Ja. A fight. I said some shit and he...said some shit. Yeah. Just-
14 years ago
stupid shit, not important. That feels good. Thanks." Yes, that is his attempt at changing the subject.
14 years ago
could almost smile, just a tiny bit, while she keeps petting his hair. But she's still letting everything sink in. "Gilbert... Who's 'he'?-
14 years ago
And it sure as hell is important if it got you like this."
14 years ago
doesn't like this questioning crap. It's making him feel weird. "Nobody. Well. Not *nobody*, just somebody I said somethin' too awhile-
14 years ago
ago. Real personal shit, y'know, somethin' he seemed mostly okay with. But he kept on disappearin', running around with people and shit.-
14 years ago some shit was said the other day and there. Yeah." That all comes out in a rush, actually. The story was getting way too long.
14 years ago
just wants to try and understand him a little bit. But speaking like this, she actually has to let everything sink in. "Something personal?_
14 years ago
Ah..." She pauses. Yeah, she can't see him getting like this over Antonio or something. Since he's kind of a big sweetheart and all. "Was it
14 years ago
cousin Francis?" Hey, there's the whole friendship thing. It's worth a shot and he's sort of promiscuous, so... "Did you and him fight?"
14 years ago
chews at the inside of his cheek. Eva's pretty alright. Sure, she gets on his shit all the time and won't let him get away with anything-
14 years ago
but she's not so bad. Kind of okay to talk to. He rubs his face a moment. "Yeah. Yeah, man. I love him but we're not *in* nothin'. He-
14 years ago
fucks around. I fuck around. But all I did was say somethin' about Greece and he just fuckin' flies off. Sayin' he doesn't give a shit-
14 years ago
about me or what I do. I don't care, y'know, let him do what he wants. Just uh...kinda shitty. I guess." Yeah, he doesn't care at all.-
14 years ago
Like he's said a million times, it's way better to be alone anyway.
14 years ago
would tell him then, that that's what people call denial. But she won't, really. She's not here to antagonize him like she usually does, _
14 years ago
after all. And he's opening up. That's more than she'd ever expect from him. "Well ah..." Well what? She can tell him that's odd, but that _
14 years ago
as much he knows. Francis' reaction, that is. And she doesn't want to go and feed his chances so they'll get crushed or something. "How does
14 years ago
he feel about you?" Wait, he should know this already, right? "Because it sort of sounds like he was jealous, you know? Kind of... People_
14 years ago
tend to say that sort of shit when that's the case. Act like they don't care."
14 years ago
shrugs. "I don't know. We've been friends for a long time, y'know?" Hold on a moment while he coughs into the blanket instead of her leg-
14 years ago
. "Long-ass time, through wars and shit. Beat each other to hell and back. I don't know." That makes sense, but jealousy just doesn't-
14 years ago
sound like him, not when he does the same crap. "Francis is a world-class liar when he's tryin' to get in somebody's bed. But I don't-
14 years ago
think he'd act about somethin' like that. It's stupid, just forget it. Shit's over and done with."
14 years ago
just pushes some hair away from his forehead; maybe Gilbert's kind of not so bad to deal with. This goes to show he's got some emotion there
14 years ago
, somewhere. "I know you have." She's been around too. Except for her, there's Spain and her siblings and a whole other set of stories to _
14 years ago
tell. "And I know what he's like. Maybe he cares?" It's a bold suggestion, sort of. But not at all impossible. "Everyone goes to him when_
14 years ago
something goes wrong and they're falling in and out of love. He'll get into anyone's bed with all the skill of, well, his skill. But his_
14 years ago
own feelings aren't really brought up, you know? Sure he'll kiss and smile and hug and all. But really... Maybe he kind of cares. Maybe_
14 years ago
he hasn't realised. Or something. I wish I could help you."
14 years ago
lays there thinking all that over. Okay, call him a sap, but he wants to believe Francis really does care. Eva's got him down to a tee-
14 years ago
for sure, better than Gilbert could have said it himself. But he's not naive. He and Francis are on even playing fields when it comes to-
14 years ago
talking their way into someone's bed. They've both broken plenty of hearts. He was just dumb expecting this situation to be different.-
14 years ago
Not going to say that to her though; that's pussy talk right there. S-suck it up and get over it. Yeah. "I think he's fucking West."
14 years ago
really wishes she could prove otherwise to him - but honestly, she's not sure what she said herself is all that accurate. It's always a -
14 years ago
touchy subject and Francis is actually kind of difficult to figure out sometimes. And in bed is not exactly where she would talk about_
14 years ago
his feelings in general, all things considered. But Gilbert seems apt at changing the subject. Enough to make her splutter. "*What*?"
14 years ago
rubs his face again, this time because he can feel it going red and not from the fever. "I came home one night and he was up there with-
14 years ago
somebody. I mean *with* somebody, fuckin' bouncin' the bedsprings, y'know what I mean. Wouldn't seem weird, but you gotta know West.-
14 years ago
Other than the times we fuck around, the guy hasn't gotten laid since the 40s. He had this thing, ended bad, fucked him up real good. That-
14 years ago
and the Reich. Off topic. Anyway. Somebody's shit was in the closet downstairs. I fuckin' swear it looked like France's. He's been gone a-
14 years ago
lot too. Dunno where. But we had this thing the other and him tied France up and fucked him. West was West. Total-
14 years ago
hardass and all. But I've *never* seen him look at somebody like he, whatever. Probably imagination anyway. It's just off."
14 years ago
stays quiet for the most part. She really can't interrupt him on this, and maybe it might just be imagination, but if it is, it's sort of_
14 years ago
getting to her to. At least from the way she is connecting the dots - from some of the latest conversations she has had with Francis and _
14 years ago
from what Gilbert is saying. She wouldn't know from Ludwig's behalf since she seldom tries speaking to the man but still. All of this sort_
14 years ago
of could make sense, but she can't really say for sure, rights? Things have often proven to be different. With a sigh, she finally wills _
14 years ago
herself to say something. not as smart or deep and understand as she would hope, but it is something, nonetheless. "Maybe it's not your_
14 years ago
imagination, sweetie. If anything... if anything talk to your brother. Don't let this situation keep dragging itself over time. If anything,
14 years ago
it's best if you don't like the outcome but you hear it *now* than in a long time from now. It'll hurt more."
14 years ago
laughs, but he's too tired for it to sound authentic. He spent all week trying not to think about this. "He'll look at me like I'm stupid-
14 years ago
and tell me to get out of his office, and for Chrissake's Gilbert, beer bottles go in the recycling bin for *glass*, not paper." He grins-
14 years ago
over the decent impression but shakes his head. "Nah. Last I remember, West hates him. Francis likes to touch; Lud doesn't like bein'-
14 years ago
touched. But if they've got a thing going, that means...means that Francis' gotten past that and Lud trusts him. I'll just wait and see-
14 years ago
how what happens." In other words, if someone finally got through to his brother, he isn't going to be the one to fuck it up for him. He-
14 years ago
doesn't see Francis as the relationship type though.
14 years ago
shifts around a bit to make herself more comfortable but doesn't ever tune him out. Alright, so she knows how shit happened then and again,_
14 years ago
but she's not in their skin. It's how deep down she's still kind of bitter about 1914, but she's not bringing that up. And then it really_
14 years ago
doesn't help how they're talking about two men with opposing personalities. And she does understand his reasoning about not fucking things_
14 years ago
up for his brother, but she can't help feel like he's giving away a part of himself for that. "So you're willing to end up on the bad end_
14 years ago
of the deal if it turns out to be true?" She blinks, leaning down slightly to set the bottle of beer aside for the time being. "I mean, I _
14 years ago
get what you're going at here, but the longer it takes to sort things out, the worse it'll get. You can't just bottle everything up." Which_
14 years ago
makes her a big hypocrite, all things considered. That's exactly what she does with plenty of touchy subjects.
14 years ago
watches the beer go, noting where it ends up for later. He hasn't forgotten it but doesn't want to move. "I'm already on the bad end-
14 years ago
apparently. If Francis isn't acting, I mean. I don't wanna fuck up and ask Ludwig about it if they're a thing and he's...assuming...-
14 years ago
Francis is faithful. Pft. Like that makes sense. West's too fuckin' sharp for that shit. I don't get how they could be though. We-
14 years ago
fuckin' damn near *ruined* that country. Dunno. I don't bottle shit up. I just don't talk about shit when talkin' doesn't matter." -
14 years ago
That and he isn't open about anything. Ever. As opposite as he and his brother are, that's where they're completely alike. "Look, I love-
14 years ago
talkin' about me, I'll do it all day, anytime. But uh...'sup with you, woman?"
14 years ago
just wants to hear him out. Hell, she'll get him all the beer he wants later and then some. But right now she's getting that gut feeling_
14 years ago
that something's going to happen to one of those three, sooner or later. And she damn hopes she's wrong. Then there's also how she can be a_
14 years ago
complete bitch to this guy, but in retrospect hates seeing him this miserable. Or what she thinks is miserable. "It does matter. Or will be_
14 years ago
in time." She sighs and tugs at his arm like she's asking him to sit up. "But we'll talk about that some other time. If you want. And I'm_
14 years ago
fine. You know the usual; government is hell, rumours about the country breaking up. Been talking to ah... People. 'S always good."
14 years ago
gathers his blanket and sits up. Time to get a tissue anyway. He'll be fine in a few days anyway, right back to his old self. He can take an
14 years ago
asskicking and keep on coming. He shoves that tissue up one nostril and looks at her, brow arching. "People? People like who?". He wants to
14 years ago
ask about those rumors, but that hits a little too close to home. Save that for their next heart to heart or whatever.
14 years ago
wordlessly hugs him; which is stupid, she might get sick or something. But it's over only a moment later, anyway. It's not like she can_
14 years ago
properly comfort him over this situation, so that should suffice for now. She does hope he gets back on his feet, even if he's usually such_
14 years ago
a pain in the arse. "Eh, Canada 'n Turkey mostly. Nothing too interesting, I'm boring like that." Save for all the shit that's been going_
14 years ago
on lately, but ah. Details.
14 years ago
stares at her a second. He couldn't give one back since his arms were all wrapped up, but he does go pretty red. Stupid Eva, stop being-
14 years ago
so damn nice and likable. He grins weakly and snorts, accidentally shooting the tissue out. "Well shit. ...that's a real odd combination-
14 years ago
of people ya got going on there. I can't even picture that kind of party.That ain't boring. That knitting stuff, *that* was boring."
14 years ago
tries to stay away from that tissue, just for the sake of... Not getting sick just yet, yeah. And hey, don't ask her to stop being likable,_
14 years ago
it's her job man. "Not at the same time!" She shakes her head. "Jus' hanging out with one or the other. You know. Do stuff. And oi, knitting
Eva is
14 years ago
just fine, thank you."
14 years ago
picks the tissue up by one corner and tosses it in the trash. Problem solved! "Ooh, oh, okay. I was wonderin' why Turkey would wanna hang-
14 years ago
out with two chicks. *Do stuff*. Eva dear. You're so vague." But you're also rather adorable, Gilbert likes adorable things, so you're-
14 years ago
more than welcome into the blanket cocoon. Or blanket...cape, as it looks like when he flings it out to get around the both of them. -
14 years ago
"Grannies knit. Please don't ever turn into a granny. I can't stand those huge white panties. How's your brother?"
14 years ago
rather likes it in the blanket cocoon-cape-hideout of sorts. Never mind she might get sick, she can deal with that later. Oh Gilbert, how_
14 years ago
generous, really. See, she'll be even more adorable and everything, maybe. "Not the kind of stuff you want me to say I was doing. And Canada
14 years ago
isn't a chick mister." She huffs and pokes his cheek. "I won't be a granny, man. Not unless like... Romano has kids or something. Brother's_
14 years ago
eh... He's missing in action for the most part. I dunno."
14 years ago
shrugs, smirking. See? Just about back to himself. And by the way, he's laying down, so you're going to. Either go or find a way to-
14 years ago
squirm out of his arms around her waist. "I won't snot on ya, don't worry. 'sides, I think I caught it from a human. Dunno if you-
14 years ago
can get it. I can't remember if I ever had one that didn't have to do with country stuff. But I guess I'm what, 50 percent human now?" If-
14 years ago
he passes this on to her, yeah, he'll feel bad. "Ugh, I don't want you to say you were doin' *that* stuff. I don't have the energy to get-
14 years ago
turned on. But hey, no grannypanties, that's reassuring!" He frowns a little and sniffs. "Ah. Sorry, man. Didn't mean nothin' by it."
14 years ago
Aw, fuck. Now he's *apologizing* for things.
Eva thinks
14 years ago
that means she might have to resist the urge to strangle him eventually then. But nah, seriously, it's good to see him getting back to his_
14 years ago
usual self and all. And eh, she won't squirm away now; her back was starting to hurt from sitting like that anyway, so this is better for _
14 years ago
now. "Well, that's reassuring. Nn, don't get snot on me then, I showered and all. And no, no grannypanties." She likes uh. She likes lace_
14 years ago
and sexy, black things better. Or whatever else she could say out loud just for fun. But eh, too much work right now. "It's ok. I mean he's_
14 years ago
around sometimes, just not much lately. Then half the time he's around he's all locked up in his room or some shit. Don't wanna bother him."
14 years ago
isn't going to try anything either. As long as she doesn't mention those things, because then he might have to force himself to get-
14 years ago
un-exhausted right fast in a hurry. He just kicks the covers back into proper order and shifts around on his pillow. "You did? Shit, what-
Gilbert was
14 years ago
the occasion?" This is even better like this since he figures it'll make it harder for her to hit him. "Well shit, that sucks. He's an-
14 years ago
alright guy, seems like."
14 years ago
won't mention them unless he's the one to bring them up first, really. So that evens out, sort of. Right? She just rolls her eyes; hey she_
14 years ago
can try and pinch him at least. "Jerk. I like being clean, you know." Yeah, she'll just keep saying things to bury herself some more. Smart,
14 years ago
smart. "Yeah once you get past the bad temper and all. And even so he'll punch you for saying the wrong shit or something. But he's cool."
Gilbert was
14 years ago
, believe it or not, being completely honest when he said he was too tired. There will be no perving to make her purposely uncomfortable.-
14 years ago
This is how you know you have a sick Prussia. "Oh you do? Well good for you. I'll get you some soap for the holidays." He shrugs. Sounds-
14 years ago
like an upstanding dude. "Just sounds like he doesn't like shittalkers. I feel him there. I mean not literally. I've never felt him. He
14 years ago
does have some nice muscles though."
Eva is
14 years ago
glad about this then. Well, not glad he's sick, but otherwise she wouldn't really be where she is now. Maybe. It would take a lot of _
14 years ago
convincing. "How thoughtful." She snorts; jerk. "Guess that's it. Not very patient 'bout a lot of things, but then it's a family thing. _
14 years ago
Lux is right about the same, just more of a classy bastard. Yeah, he does have some nice muscles. Been there 'n all."
14 years ago
does have *some* class to him, y'know. Not a lot, just enough to keep him from pulling the I'm-sick-sleep-with-me pity card. It exists.-
14 years ago
Hold on a second though, that sounds interesting. "Been where?"
14 years ago
would hope he didn't pull that card or he'd be disappointed. Though the fact that it exists is the saddest part. She snorts. "Amsterdam."_
14 years ago
Yeah, hopefully he'll get it.
14 years ago
blanks entirely. Nah, he doesn't get it, except for relating that to this week, since that was the first stop on his world tour. "Mn, nope
14 years ago
, not followin' ya. 's'at mean you fucked him?" Ah,yes, what class.
14 years ago
thought he'd get it and be classy about it but eh. Apparently not. Bummer. "Ja, ja. That."
14 years ago
would definitely highfive her for that if he were sitting up and felt like it. Or even say something crass about incest being the best-
14 years ago
cest. She'll just have to settle for him snickering. "Awesome. Hey, one day we can do bro-swap or somethin'. You take mine. He's-
14 years ago
got muscles." No, he hasn't had any sort of medicine. These are his own slightly fever-induced ideas,not the product of cold medicines. -
14 years ago
"You gonna take a nap with me?"
14 years ago
would rather if he took medicine. He would probably say less nonsense- eh, probably not. "Yeah, I can see either of them up to that and all.
14 years ago
And I dunno." She shrugs. "You want me to?"
14 years ago
won't unless held down and forced. He never has and never will, not even aspirin for headaches. "...they sound about evenly matched." He-
14 years ago
shoves his face in his pillow and yawns. "...would uh...would you mind? You don't hafta, though." It's just been sort of nice just-
14 years ago
laying there talking to someone with absolutely no ulterior motives. Weird.
Eva thinks
14 years ago
it would make him feel better though; but al, whatever he wants, she's not his mum or something. "Guess so. Eh, I don't mind. Just no_
14 years ago
badtouching." Hey, she feels like it's an important detail regardless.
14 years ago
sighs dramatically. "What if I wake up with a boner? That happens sometimes. You'd just blueball me like that?"
14 years ago
shifts around a bit until she's more comfortable and shrugs. "Ehh, I might."
14 years ago
isn't kidding about the boner thing happening, but he'd probably just uh...go hide in the bathroom before he'd wake her up. She doesn't-
14 years ago
need to know that though. "That's cold, lady." He gives up more blanket in case she wants more and sniffs. "Hey..Eva...thanks."
14 years ago
would think that would be a better course of action. Well, depends on her mood, really. But you know, just to be safe and all. "And yet_
14 years ago
you love me so." She sticks her tongue out. Regardless, she does appreciate his... Generosity, sort of. She smiles. "Don't mention it."
14 years ago
sticks his tongue out before burrowing deep under the covers. "Gross. Sissy shit. Go to sleep." Because he's going to here in a minute.
14 years ago
just snorts and sort of snuggles close so she's comfortable. "Eh, fine, fine." That's alright because she seriously will, too.
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