doesn't know he's into that kind of thing. But he can't believe that the scary Turk allows himself to be treated like that too.
laughs. It wasn't really as much as allowed but tricked.
Oh hay scary masked bastard. So he guess he should say congratulations to Greece huh....?
that's highly inappropriate, what---
laughs. Calm down Sadiq. You have the photos of when he was a girl.
tied up pictures so what?
waaaaaaaves at Eva. :'D Tied up pictures sound like a good blackmail material.
just thinks that's... Ah, what if someone sees them? Poor mister Turkey... Wave, wave Lovi-- oi. Mamma taught you better than that. >:I
reaches for Sadiq's hand. It's fine.
's not going to grab his hand. This is bullshit. D////<
rolls his eyes. Stop being a baby. It's not that big a deal. If anything he should be proud
pretend he knows nothing /coughs
Really, Mama, when you spend your life trying to get the evil muffins away, you can't help but be like that.
kinda pity Turkey here, but... >>;;
grumblegrumbles. This is complete and utter bullshit argggh.
sulks. He'll make it up to him. Anything.
... Should pull Lovi by his ear and send him to his room without dinner. >:I But she is nice and will not. She feels bad for mister Turkey.
ajfhkfhwkufw is not a kid anymore! D: She can't treat him like that... Ffff, relieved sigh. He'll retreat before Eva changes her mind.
to know whats so embarassing about this? He wouldnt care if it was him
grumbles because goddammit this is just embarrassing ARGH. He needs chocolate now.
latches onto his leg. They are dating, he does this with every relationship. Every one.
still his mamma. Sort of. =3= And well, she speaks personally - she would not like it if Nederland did that with her.
shakes his leg. He's havin' seconds thoughts about this then! Dammit! Those pictures gotta go!
bites his kneecap. Is he serious?
suggest if Mr. Turkey is having second thoughts, he will gesture to the lovely lady on the right.
It's just pictures. PICTURES
doesn't like the picturesSHITFUCKDAMMITGHOST oh it's just Matthew. Okay what? He didn't hear the first time.
weakly waves at Mr. Turkey. Yeah, hey there. It's the ghost that sets tables. Well, there is this dashing woman over there if he is having
watching quietly from afar-- This is far too interesting to be left alone.
scratches his head. He though Eva was already taken? Sides Sadiq is his. His hot body.
informs the world that people do not belong to other people. Miss Belgium is somewhat wandering out there. She's family, so he is helping
out, over here. Ghost of the damned future.
fidgets. Um. WELL THEN. He's in an awkward situation.
glowers up at him. He better fucking not be considering this.
it is Mr. Turkey's choice. No pressuring is allowed.
pouts. Sadiq can't seriously think about leaving him over a joke, can he?
just kind of whistles. He just wants the damn pictures gone! Ahgskfhsdfs. But now you made him think goddammit.
maybe Greece should just stash the pictures away in a secret closet. Turkey looked like he's ready to do anything to get rid of them.
could almost cry. Please tell him he's not serious. What if he hides them where no one else can see them?
sure that Miss Belgium would not be cruel enough to do such a thing. If she did take pictures, she and Mr. Turkey could burn them together.
w-would not take pictures of the sort-- Adnjksgk she will hide behind Matthew now, thank you.
hold his hands out behind him to make sure she is still there. Maybe if she grabs onto his shoulders, she could be invisible, too.
just doesn't want to see the pictures! 's embarrassing, dammit. Kid's always embarrassing him and shit. Arghshgsh rage.
grab onto Matthew's shoulders to see if she can be invisible, then. 'Cause. Rage. She does not like.
the Ghostbusters now. He'll hide the pictures. He's only playing around. Stop being such a prude
huffs. He should stop being such a brat first. He better burn the things, not just hide them.
not sure if it is working. Time for brownies and coffee.
's eye twitches. He stands up suddenly. It's a fucking picture. Grow up. If he's gonna be this pissy he wants the pictures back of him-
...fuck. It's a fucking private picture. And they're still in an envelope in his dresser so HAVE AT IT.
pulls at his hair and pulls a lighter out then catches them on fire, burning his hand in the process. There
snaps. What the fuck is his problem now? He burned the private photos. Oh. His hand is on fire
points out that that's exactly it. His fucking hand is on fire. That's unnecessary. Why so dramatic?! Fuck, where's a fire blanket?!
points to the nearest tap?!
sticks Heracles's hand in there then. WATER!
takes pictures. Because people like to do that.
stares at it. He shrugs. Must have been the lighter fluid. He smirks at Matthew. Want to take pictures of him naked to while hes at it?
.... doesn't know Canada likes to do that. o.o
's going to go get drunk ttyl.
perks up on that word. Drunk? Can he go too?
if Romano likes the idea of waking up at the North Pole in a pox.
beginning to really think Greece is shallow.
give mister Turkey all the Stella Artois he needs to calm down. ;; And Lovi, love, be nice to Matthew. ;;
knows of a great bar. Drinking time? Anything to spend some time alone and fix this fight.
doesn't like the idea at all. Fine, he'll just go away before he says anything wrong. >w>;; Just never knew you have that in you, Mattie.
like killing something. Where's Bill Murray when you need him?
drag Mathieu away for brownies and coffee now. ;;
write Romano an apology card later.
doesn't think he needs that-- Sorry, Mattie. He'll just go back to the hiding hole he calls home now.
he better keep it clean. And do his laundry, mister. >:I
doooooes not know what she is talking about... He sure does his laundry though, unless you're not talking to him...?
talking to him, yes, mister. Just reminding him to be a good boy. :3
remembers it perfectly well, don't worry. :'D He doesn't want to be punished or anything. ;; Scary Mama.
pats his head. Good boy; go on now, to get rid of the evil muffins.
shall go on his merry way now. He won't-- disappoint her.