♪ Çricket ☻ asks
14 years ago
tell me something you have always wanted to say to me but have held back.. then plurk this so I can do the same. (swiped from red);-)
latest #17
♪ Çricket ☻
14 years ago
PP me if needed. ;-)
14 years ago
would if i could come up with something i held back. saying this probably means this will be followed by loads of intelligent stuff (LOL)
14 years ago
i mean, already said i adore and admire your strenght to go on (heart) (cozy)
14 years ago
i like you... but you already knew that. I fantasize about you, but you already knew that. I hope I meet you for real some day, but you knew
14 years ago
that too. :-))
♪ Çricket ☻
14 years ago
LindaN Aww, thank you honey! :-))
♪ Çricket ☻
14 years ago
Redbaby... lol, I knew, but it was nice to hear :-D
♪ Çricket ☻
14 years ago
Julieflip aw, thanks! :-D
Amle wishes
14 years ago
we talked more :-))
♪ Çricket ☻
14 years ago
Aw, we can make that happen I'm sure! :-D
♪ Çricket ☻
14 years ago
*huggles Amle*
Amle hopes
14 years ago
so. *purrs happily* (cozy)
♪ Çricket ☻
14 years ago
:-D I'll be on a lot more now that I have a laptop again! So if you want to add me like on Yahoo or msn that is fine? Or tinychat or stickcam
♪ Çricket ☻
14 years ago
whatever works for ya toots :-D
Amle says
14 years ago
I'm mobile at the moment but I'll send you a PP when I get to the laptop!
♪ Çricket ☻
14 years ago
Okie dokie! :-)
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