had plenty common sense of his own and doesn't need to borrow any of England's, thank you very much.
he doesn't like to use it, then. He still thinks he should read one. "You should read more books in general."
rolls his eyes. "I read plenty. I just reread all the Harry Potter books!"
sighs. Not the type of reading he meant. He does appreciate that he read from one of his authors, though."You should read some classics."
frowns. It totally counts... "Those *are* classics. And I read lots of Stephen King too."
frowns. Harry Potter isn't exactly what he would call classics. "You don't get nightmares from it?" He rolls his eyes.
flushes and looks off. "J-just the movies..."
him a look. "Really now?"
him one back. He won't be budged on that one. "Yeah, really. And I liked One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. And the guy who wrote-
Grape's of Wrath, he had that other really good book. I liked modern stuff too. Um. Burroughs. Hunter S. Thompson. Fuckin' brilliant-
, man. ...I ain't all the way stupid, y'know."
Grapes and like, not liked* )
smirks slightly. Maybe he should apologise, but he was too stubborn. "Do you want some of my books then?" He had too many to deal with.
probably won't be able to understand most of them. "Nah. You probably read the encyclopedia for fun."
snorted. "I do not read encyclopedias for fun. Even *I* think that's boring. Shocking I know." he rolled his eyes. "You can choose what--
looks properly shocked! ...for about a second. "*You*, find stuff boring? If you think it's boring, it would probably kill me. Whatcha got?
doesn't seem too amused. "Too much to list. In fact, it'd probably be easier just to show you them. A lot of them are very old. It's--
pretty much like your own personal library." he sighs.
isn't going to say it out loud, but he sort of likes the smell of old books. "Okay. Show me then!"
goes to lead him to his library, then. "Try not to hurt any of them." He said this to everyone, not just particularly him.
him an odd look. "You can't hurt books. ..you're talking about the books, right? Not those things you say you see?"
stared. "Yes. Alfred. I meant the books." he puffed. "And I meant damage them. Don't damage them." He decided not to go down the 'they are--
pushes his glasses up his nose and laughs. "Man, settle down. I'm careful with stuff!"
glances at him. "That is a giant overstatement, America." He opens a door to his house and reveals a room filled with packed bookshelves--
forgets to reply with something snarky for a second. That's a *lot* of books, and naturally he has to gawk some first.
shrugs. "They build up over time..." Most of them are dust covered.
already starting to walk around and go over titles one by one. Yeah, he'll probably get bored fast, but this is pretty cool.-
"D'you know how many you have?"
shakes his head. "Do *you* want to count?"
snorts and punches his shoulder teasingly. "Psht, like I can count that high."
rubs his shoulder. "I'm sure a calculator can." He comments a bit snarkily.