also has no idea what to do with the joint. Eat it?
sets the bottle down and waves. "What's with the glare?" He's a little drunk.
waves right back and folds his arms. He's not even gonna amuse him.
tries to get up off the couch and falls back down. "Asshole. I haven't heard from you for a few days and you wanna be bitchy?"
(hello! :3 you doin better?)
watches and shrugs. "Yer the one that's bein' stupid." [Somewhat better, mhm. You doin' ok? :] ]
squints at him. "Thanks asshole good to see you too. How have I been? fine. yes I did mean to leave a message saying-
where I was gointg." (well better is better is good. You should try for awesome

Im doing okay. School fin. aid stress but okay)
rolls his eyes and steps off to go feed the cats, since he's guessing he's too drunk to do such a thing. "That's nice, punk."
[Awh..good luck with that!]
falls off the couch and inches on the floor. "Where you going?"
(What about you? I know you went on hiatus. It wasnt too serious shit that went down right?)
looks around for the cat food. "Ya fed yer cats lately? Where the hell is the food?" [Eh, just family/relationship stuff..]
sticks his tongue out. "I fed em last night. Hey lookin fine."
(I thought it'd be like you lost your legs to a shark cause you gamble and couldnt pay the mob off)
sighs. He knows where this is going. "Hell no, kiddo. Not in the mood for that shit. Go hire a whore."
[Actually, yeah, it went somethin' kinda like that.]
uncrosses his eyes. "Whazzat supposed to mean? Isa compleement."
(Aw snap. so if you really lost your legs I got a spare wheelchair.)
snorts. "Shuttup, ya know what that means." [..hah. Hey brb, a'right? It'll be quick.]
laughs and flops over on the floor. "I missed you."
rubs at his arm out of habit. "I bet ya did."
glomps his leg. "Whatcha doin all the way up there?"
tugs at him. "Get down here."
"And why not?" He asks through gritted teeth.
shakes his legs a little. "Don't need to deal with a drunk right now, Herc."
narrows his eyes. "Why ya gotta be a dick? I'm just trying to have fun and be nice. I wasnt going to dry hump you."
chuckles weakly and shakes his leg again. "Hmm, sure ya weren't. Getoff."
's grip tightens. "I don't want to. Get down here and visit me."
attempts to kick at him. "Oi. 's just gettin' ridiculous, kiddo."
bites at his foot. "Careful, I got fucking stitches in me head. How the fuck is it that?"
cringes and jumps back, before eventually lowering himself down and pushing at him. "Herc. Fuckin' let go."
shuts one of his eyes but doesn't move. "What the hell crawled up your ass?"
leans over to ruffle his hair. "I've had quite a week, kiddo. And it looks like ya have too."
hisses and tosses his head to side. "Watch the stitches." Pain throbs at the back of his head and he glances around for his pills.
lets go and crawls back a bit. "The hell didya get stitches for?"
finally sees the bottle and grabs for, shaking two pills into his hand. "Prussia straight up nailed me. Asshole can punch."
blinks, standing and dusting himself off. "..Why?"
tilts his head to the side but doesn't get up. "Wanna hand me that glass of water on the counter? Cause I asked him to. Well, not to punch-
me but it turned out that way." He shifts and looks away then back at him.
looks at the glass of water and grabs it, crouching to give it to him. "Asked 'im to /what/" he somewhat glares.
takes it and swallows his pills, grimacing. "Yo back off the fourth degree. Asked him to stop being a pussy and be manly bout it."
snorts and leans back against the nearest wall, shaking his head. "Wow."
for a second. "Then he nailed me in the back of the head and I tacled him. Then he sorry, SHE, drove me to the clinic."
grins at him. "Then I got these and came home with pills." He wonders if he there was any evidence of their fucking on the couch.
"Well...sounds like ya didn't miss me at all." he snorts and waves a hand. "Fuckin' fun time, yeah? Listen, I'll leave ya be, then."
smile turns instantly into a frown and he rushes to get up then wishes he doesn't as the world spins. "Don't leave. You just got here.-
". He tugs at his arm and places a kiss on his cheek. "You have no idea how lonely it's been with just the cats."
groans and keeps him close, patting his cheek. "Yeah, yeah, spare me. Yer drunk and babbling. How much have ya drank?"
sways on his feet, pain killers kicking in. He flails and reaches out for something so he doesn't fall. "I have not drank a lot."
holds him a bit tighter against him and grumbles. "Missed ya, kiddo." he nuzzles at his hair and tries to drag them to the couch.
tries to walk backwards and almost trips over one of his legs. "Oh gods...are we gunna sit? I dont think I can make it."
"Calm down.." he hums and eventually sets him down on the couch, but he remains standing. "Geez, kiddo."
flops back and smacks his head. "Fuck!" He kneels over and holds it. "That hurt." He looks up at him. "Yew gonna join me or whut?"
flinches while watching, almost as if he felt it too. "'s fine, kid. I'm fine standin'."
sulks. "You're making me uncomfortable and nervous. Sit down and lose the mask." In all play until now, he's starting to show how much-
he really missed him on his face. He chews on his lip.
sighs and, after a while, crouches by him, tipping his mask up so it rests on his head. "Better?" he grabs at his hand, carefully.
blinks and swallows, quickly grabbing his hand and flushing. He takes shallow breathes and blinks even more rapidly. "So what have-
you been doing?" He looks in his eyes then looks above them, nervous all of a sudden.
swipes his thumb over his hand, unsure why. It's just instinct. "Been dealin' with stuff. 's all there is to it." he clicks his tongue.
flushes. "Not much. Prussia stopped by and we drank. Francis had a breakdown and I let Eva stay here to stay away from him. Something about-
expanding his borders. He talked old school." He sighs. "I've been chilling with the cats." He touches his foot with his foot.
frowns. "Heard about that.. sounds like I missed out on quite some shit." he chuckles and brings himself to lean over and kiss his forehead.
"You've been okay though, right?"
freezes up at the kiss. The few days without him have kind of made him regress. "I guess so." he sighs. "This couch feels so empty..."
shakes his head and sits down on the floor, leaning against the couch. "Mm. How come?"
grabs a handful of his hair and plays with it, quiet for a moment. He glances at the empty spot on the couch next to him and sighs.-
"Probably cause you're sitting on the floor."
leans into his hand instinctively, his shoulder slumping as a sign that he's relaxing. "Didn't know ya were a sappy drunk," he chuckles.
shrugs and tugs closer to his curl but not too close. "It's either this or horny. And naked. In fact it's kinda hot." He doesn't get up-
but strips his shirt off, then oes back to stroking his hair.
rolls his shoulders and sighs, watching him. "Mm, can't we go a day without fuckin' each other senseless?" he's plotting to take full-a
*-advantage of this sappy thing.
yanks a little bit harder but doesn't do anything else. "Did I say let's dry hump on the couch? No. I just took my shirt off. But if-
it turns ya on that much..." He grins and stretches out his legs. He's not really serious about fucking, it's just fun to fuck with Sadiq.
grunts and pushes himself up to sit on the couch, then tugs Heracles onto his lap and nuzzles at his head. "Shuttup. Lemme just hold ya."
ducks slightly and laughs. "Hey asshole, the head. And quit acting so godamn queer." He shifts his hips open to be more comfortable.
"So wanna split this joint?"
"I said shuttup, kiddo." he /is/ more careful, though, and decides to carefully kiss at his neck. "Nah. Ain't doin' that shit ever again."
shivers and looks back at him, smirking. "Why not? And don't fucking tell me what to do faggot." He reaches back and licks his chin.
"Last experience with shit like that wasn't pretty fun." he chuckles and kisses him quickly, then rests his head back against the couch.
sighs. "Well damn I dont want to be the only one doing it. Tell me what was so bad about last time." The spot near the back of his neck-
starts to feel like a target with Sadiq behind him and he flunches.
just stares at the ceiling as he calmly shrugs. "There's the thing. I can't remember half of that shit. And I like rememberin' shit."
"You sound like a grandpa. I feel dirty. Feels like I'm trying to bone wrinkled skin and spots now."
smacks his shoulder. "Watch it."
laughs. "What's up Grandpa? Oh you got a boner for me? That's alright I got your medicine for you." He slides a hand up his leg, looking-
to yank some hair out. "Greybush."
"You are an annoyin' little drunkard." he smacks at his hand and presses a firm kiss under his ear. "Shuttup, brat."
's laugh turns to a gasp and he brings a knuckle up to bite. "Don't...don't do that..." he pants, flushing and breathing heavier. He can-
feel himself stiffen slightly and he wants to head slam. Damn his libido.
snickers and merely presses another kiss there. "Mm, I know ya like that, huh? Punk. Will ya be good now?"
a small whimper. He bites down harder on his knuckle. "I don't have to listen to you Granpa Greybush."
theres no way he's going to give in and do what he says. He'll show him. After hes done panting of course. And his cock stops hardening.
"Then I'll just..y'know...stop." he licks at that spot, and sure enough, stops halfway and just settles back and relaxes. Dum de dum.
could scream. Loudly. And throw in some cuss words. "Where ya going? Get back here and lick me." He turn and glares at him. Asshole. There-
no way he's gonna start then just decide to quit. "That's cheating."
chuckles, rather amused. "Babe, just chill out. 'm not in the mood for that shit anyway, not today." he cranes his neck. "Tomorrow, maybe."
not amused. He points at his dick. "You motherfucker. Do you know what I have to do now? Jack off. There is no off button."
looks down again. Godsdamnit.
shrugs and calmly folds his arms behind his head as a cushion. "Well, then. Ya should've been nicer."
stares. Hard. "You cannot be fucking serious." There was no mistaking his smug face. "Seriously?"
simply beams at him. "Hey, if ya would've behaved, I might've pleased ya later.Just sayin'."
's face falls. He thinks quickly then gets on his knees and places a hand on his thigh. He puts on hopefully his most pleading face.-
"I'm sorry. What do you want me to do?"
's lower lip even quivers.
peers over, thinking of it as an act for a while. But, that face. "..just seriously lemme hold ya for a while. Haven't seen ya in days,kid."
can't stop the words coming out of his mouth. "I got something for you to hold." He bites his lip then bursts out laughing. "Sorry-
but I wait for these set ups." Trying to ignore his raging hard on, he settles on his lap. And tries to think undirty things.
snorts and kisses his cheek. "Punkass." he shakes his head as he wraps his arms around him. "Yer not unexpectable at all.."
can honestly only think of one thing while being held so close and being extremely horny. At each puff of air on the back ogf his neck-
he wants to groan. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" He strokes his hands.
rolls his eyes. "Never mind, kiddo." he smirks and shifts his hands to rub at his shoulders, as if giving him a massage. "Ya ok?"
stiffens and tries to relax as much as he could. "Don't bring something up then say nevermind. I'm curious as a cat. Why, am I acting not-
okay?" He relaxs slightly but not a bunch.
"Yer just pretty predictable, that's all." he shrugs and continues to knead at his shoulders, being careful. "I'm just wonderin'. Tense."
scowls. "Thanks a lot dick. I'd rather not be all predictable and shit, makes me sound boring." He growls at the massage, hating his dick-
for once. "And I'll give you one guess for tenseness. Besides the fact you didn't call, leave me a note, or anything."
"Start bein' nicer, then. That's totally unlike ya." he grins and quickly kisses at his head, softly. "Sorry 'bout that, babe. But I really_
needed to leave for a while."
rolls his eyes and bites at him. "I am nice. I don't punch you or scratch like I used to. I'd say it's improvement."
hunches his shoulders and sort of leans into the massage, feeling the knots disappear.
huffs, and decides to leave it at that. It /is/ an improvement. And he's getting less tense so this is good too. [Sleep time. :I ta~]
looks back and smirks. "Sides, you gotta earn the nice."
kisses at his cheek once he looks back. "I've put up with ya for years. I think I've earned it by now."
laughs. "No you were a dick for years. And I am nice. I said you had pretty eyes."
's breath hitches. "They ain't pretty, Herc."
leans back to look at his face. "Yes they fucking are. I dont lie about stuff like this. Theres no point."
forces himself to show a smile and rolls his eyes. "Whatever, kiddo. But while we're on this topic, I like yours too."
frowns and reaches back to cup his face. "Hey. You don't have to pretend around me. There is nothing wrong with your eyes."
turns his head to kiss at his hand. "Annnd we're changin' the topic now. Still drunk and sappy, kiddo?"
huffs. "Fine I like your hair."
yanks on his hair then puls on his stubble.
"See? Change of topic. Happy now?"
growls a little but smiles. "Oi. Fine, I like yer hair too." he goes over to nuzzle by his curl. HAH.
flails. "What the fuck asshole! Hey I got a question." He lets him play with his hair but twitches.
laughs, kissing at his hair. "A'right, I'm listenin'."
"Have you STOP PLAYING WITH MY CURL IM TRYING TO THINK Have you told anyone about us?"
stops with a roll of his eyes and rests his head on his shoulder. "..Mm.. one person, yeah." he shrugs. "Why?"
turns and bites his ear. "Cause I was at the bar and Matthew kept bringing you up. I dont recall telling...then again it should be obvious."
growls and nuzzles into his shoulder. "Really? That's pretty new, haven't told 'im. At least I don't think. Matthew...Canada, yeah?"
gets another nip in before pulling away and licking his neck. He loves to hear him growl. Gives him the shivers. What was he saying again?-
oh yeah. "Yeah. I was playing with Prussia and he brought you up. I just didnt know if you told. I haven't even told Francis yet. Well-
he and Francis know we fucked but Francis and me are friends." He bites again, feeling sort of content to lay in his arms and gossip.
lets out a sharp breath of air, snarling afterwards and pressing him closer. More, damn it. "We don't need to tell 'em shit. They can figure
chuckles against his throat and bites him sharply near his jugular, lapping at it. That'll leave a mark. "I would think me crawling all-
over you would be good proof of that. I didn't take to kindly that he implied I was intent on sleeping around that night."
hooks his arms around his neck, anchoring himself to him and holding himself up.
's left breathless for a while, and just gives a hoarse chuckle as he tilts his head to the side. "/Did/ ya sleep around?" he wouldn't be-
too surprised, after all.. it IS Heracles.
scowls at him. "Maybe I should have. I don't like being called a whore though."
perks up his eyebrows. "Ya didn't? Well, kid, 's a surprise. Yer known for sleepin' around and whatnot."
narrows his eyes. "I don't fuck every night. I wouldn't be able to move if I did." He won't mention the reason why he did n't feel like it.-
asshole doesn't have to know how much he wanted to find him and fuck the shit out of him and not a stranger with no muscle or brains.
shrugs and tilts his head back, letting it easily rest on the couch. "Mm, sure." he yawns then, and stares at the ceiling, idly thinking.
angrily blows the bangs out of his face. "If you must know I didn't feel like it. I wanted you. I was gonna hunt you down and fuck your-
godamn brains out. You'd be fucking cumming in me all night long."
leans back on him and hooks their legs together.
glances down for a second and blinks. "...Wow, kid." he laughs and lightly rubs against his leg with his foot. "Is that so, huh?"
's quite amused. And turned on.
looks back at him with smoldering eyes. "You godamn right it is." He places his hands on his hips and leans up so he can lick under his-
chin and nip lightly. "Of course it helped that there wasn't a dick there as big as yours."
snorts and tilts his head down, stealing a kiss from him and then nipping at his chin. "Gee, thanks kiddo. But don't think yer gettin' any._
I'm still pretty worn out, babe."
sulks. "So you're just going to fucking tease me into hard and then sit there." He sighs. "You suck. And not even in the good way."
pauses to think, then nods. "Pretty much, yeah." he chuckles as he kisses at his cheek. "It ain't that bad."
him a blank stare and unbuckles his own pants. "I'll show you aint that bad." He moves to slide his pants off and flaunt his dick.
stares and snorts, shaking his head and placing a hand over Heracles's eyes to blind him temporarily. "None of that!"
shakes his head, trying to get his hand off of his face. "Hey asshole I kinda like to see and shit. None of fucking what you gotta-
fucking look what you do when you play tease and dont satisfy." He almost can taste the freedom of freeing his cock from his pants.
presses his hand more firmly against him and starts to push him back with his other hand, laughing a bit. "Aw, shuttup, brat. Yer way too_
loose with this shit." he snorts and pushes him onto his back, then makes a move to straddle him but actually stands instead.
[*gets off and stands. how dare you swallow my words, laptop]
lays on his back, dick straining. "I swear to all my gods if you don't at least help me with this..."he pants, face flushed. "Why are you-
(I KNOW RIGHT it might be hungry)
folds his arms and watches him, taking in the view for a while, and grins. "Hush. 'm enjoyin' this."
[Maybe! Argh this thunderstorm.]
hitches his hips upwards and works on his pants button. "Asshole." He breathes as he slides his pants down, not breaking eye contact.
tosses his pants to the side and leans back to prop himself up on his elbow. He wore boxers for once, light blue ones.
(its stopped being so shittily stormy here

smirks a bit more and whistles. It's an extremely nice view. "On the couch? Yer really gonna strip naked on the couch." [/shakefist]
purses his lips then laughs. "Who the fuck else is going to see me? I don't give a shit. Three counts of public indecency right here.-
". He plucks at his boxers, not completly removing them yet. He also trails a finger from his happy trail up to his mouth where he sucks-
and nibbles on it suggestively with a smug look in his eyes.
looks around for a while, and steps to the side, pulling up the nearest chair and sitting down to watch. This is pretty good, after all.
almost wants to faceplant. He shakes his head and gives a sultry laugh. "You asshole you can't be the lazy one. I'm the lazy one.
calmly grins and leans forward. "I can be lazy for one damn day. Keep goin'. This is gettin' interesting."
shrugs. "Fine dick." He slowly slides a hand down under his boxers and almost jumps at the feel of his hand on his cock. He closes his eyes-
as he strokes, laying on his back and spreading his legs. Using his other hand and feeling Sadiq's eyes on him, he slides the boxers off-
with his free hand and lets them fall to the floor. He groans and spreads his legs open further.
[Hmmm. Private or still here? ;]]
(OOPS XD Private. Hang on.)