Gilbert is
14 years ago
going out drinking and buying drinks for the entire bar. Fuck it! Fun times for everyone.
latest #166
14 years ago
does think that sounds like fun. a small drink never hurts.
14 years ago
cheers loudly. Time to get fucked up!
14 years ago
gave the bartender her card already, so go on and order. But just so ya know, she's already told him not to sell full bottles. No gettin'-
14 years ago
sneaky. And that's about the last sober thing she did. She already has a head start.
Matthew is
14 years ago
simply going to pay for his own full bottle, he supposes.
Gilbert is
14 years ago
cool with that. Whatever works for him!
14 years ago
rather just pay for the bottle. Thanks, though. Now to sort of just wave at her.
14 years ago
sort of just waves back but far more enthusiastically and with a great deal less balance.
Matthew is
14 years ago
going to sit next to her, taking notice. It would be bad if someone were to take advantage. "Hello Prussia."
14 years ago
drukenly lounges on the other side of her, downing his drink. "Is miss Prussia. Hottie Prussia."
14 years ago
stares at him for a second then grins widely. "*Canada*! Where you been, man? 's'good to see ya! ...ja, ja, what that fucker said. *Miss*."
Matthew hopes
14 years ago
Mr. Greece does not drown over there. He weakly smiles at Prussia, "I've been...up north, I think?"
14 years ago
doesn't get that this is a joke at first. She almost questions what he was doing up there, then snorts and laughs. "You need to get out-
14 years ago
more often."
14 years ago
just continues to smile, taking a sip of his beer. "I will try to find reasons then."
14 years ago
lifts her beer unsteadily, spilling some of it down her arm. "Right here's an awesome reason!"
14 years ago
leans over and uses his hoodie sleeve to wipe the beer off of her. "I...I guess so."
14 years ago
pats hisshoulder and pushes a full glass of beer over the counter towards him. "Thanks man. 's'real nice of ya. Imma...Imma buy ya a-
14 years ago
new'un." After a few more shots and a lot more beers.
14 years ago
watches her for a moment. "Just be careful, e-eh?" He is still trying to finish the bottle he just bought.
14 years ago
takes a long drink out of her beer and bangs it back down, fixing him with a bleary-eyed look. "Now I made it from France tah Amsterdam an'-
14 years ago
some place or th'other, right to here in a couple days, drunker'n fuck. I can manage a bar stool."
14 years ago
laughs and falls off the stool. "I cant feel my legs."
14 years ago
stumbles upwards and drinks another drink. He's been drinking steadily while they've been talking. "Hey sexy lady wanna help me out?"
14 years ago
nods, "Oh, alright." He is not Prussia's daddy, anyway. It is only then he does the same thing, sucking down some beer and then slamming the
14 years ago
bottle down like the idiot he is. He blinks, turning his attention to Greece. "...are you okay?"
14 years ago
's eyes go cross eyed. "I'm chill." He pulls himself up the counter. "Yo Bartend! Nother drink!"
14 years ago
giggles stupidly. If she sets foot off that seat right now, there'd be two of them on the floor.
14 years ago
"He's fiiiine. 'nother couple minutes an' he'll be bitchin' 'bout somethin' else."
14 years ago
...stares. Yeeep. Someone has been drinking. "Um, okay."
14 years ago
chugs down his drink then sways. He glances at Matthew. "Whatssup?'re not drinking alot..."
14 years ago
"Um...It's called drinking in moderation."
14 years ago
nose wrinkles. "I thought this was still Amsterdam. Wha'country is moderation in?"
14 years ago
sighs, preventing himself from pinching the bridge of his nose. "Moderation is in no man's land."
14 years ago
laughs and flops over on the counter. "pfttttttt. Thats no fun"
14 years ago
tips her drink back again. "To hell with that. I like manland."
14 years ago
forces a laugh. "Yeah, me too." It's too awkward land over here.
14 years ago
grins ins and wiggles his hips. "I'm having a great time but you know what would make it better?"
14 years ago
pats Matthew's shoulder. "Gettin' this dude drunk and findin' a lampshade?"
14 years ago
blinks. "Um..."
14 years ago
pats his cheek next, winking. "Trust me. It'll be fun." Don't. She's Prussia with breasts. Those are two extra reasons not to.
14 years ago
tilts his head before pointing over at Greece. "Wouldn't he look better with the lampshade on, eh...?"
14 years ago
grabs him and gives him a noogie. "Naw dude! You would totally look great with one!"
14 years ago
flails. Okay. These people are out of their damn minds.
14 years ago
laughs and licks a finger. "Wet willy!" and shoves said finger in his ear.
14 years ago
tries to pull away, punching Greece in the face...without the intention of doing so.
14 years ago
takes it and falls the floor. He laughs though. "Next time just tell me to stop."
14 years ago
makes a face, looking down at him. He gets up to assist him.
14 years ago
takes it and falls the floor. He laughs though. "Next time just tell me to stop."
Gilbert is
14 years ago
rather occupied with her shots and beer chaser. She watches though, snickering. "Careful. That's like foreplay for him."
14 years ago
flushes then laughs. "Naw he didnt punch hard enough."
14 years ago
finishes off the bottle he has before standing up. Time to go.
14 years ago
blinks at him in surprise but goes back to her drink. She can sit there and drink alone; that's just fine.
14 years ago
slides in his seat. "Oh are you leaving?"
14 years ago
"Do you plan on grabbing her ass?"
14 years ago
snorts. "Can't assgrab if I'm sittin'"
14 years ago
shakes his head, slipping back onto his seat. "If pigs can fly these days, so can that."
14 years ago
"Well I cant if shes sitting. But what does that have to do with anything? Bartender nother drink!"
14 years ago
" have sex with random people, like, all the time. Isn't...aren't Turkey? So isn't that just cruel to go
14 years ago
out and get drunk and do whatever moves? Like...doesn't it make you wonder if you're a shitty person or not? Is there anything else on your
14 years ago
mind? So what if Turkey were to fancy someone who was much more decent, eh? You're sitting here and wasting that. So, you should just really
14 years ago
go home."
14 years ago
sticks her fingers in her ears. It's not that what Matthew's saying doesn't have a valid point. It just reminds her that she's not out on-
14 years ago
this world tour of a drinking binge for the fuck of it, no matter what she tells herself. It *is* kind of hard to pick up her glass with-
14 years ago
her hands occupied though. Hold on...yeah, she can pick it up with her teeth and tilt her head back to get a drink.
14 years ago
turns away from Greece to look at her, brow furrowing, "...You okay?"
14 years ago
looks at him, fingers in her ears, cup in her mouth and brows arched. Can't...give a thumbs-up like this...shit. So she makes a few noises.
14 years ago
reaches out to remove the drink from her mouth, 'cause...she does not look entirely comfortable.
14 years ago
taps his teeth and thinks. As best he can drunk and insulted, anyway, so he politely taps Matthew's shoulder. "I got a question for you."
14 years ago
does not want to know what the question is, but he shifts in his seat to look at Greece. "Um...yes?"
14 years ago
narrows his eyes and takes another sip of his drink. "Did I say *anywhere* that I was going to bone her? No I did not. So what the fuck-
Heracles gives
14 years ago
you the right to try and bring Sadiq into this? Would you like it if I brought William into this discussion also? What me and Sadiq
14 years ago
are doing is none of your damn worry. It's our worry. So don't you try and talk down to me. I am not cruel to him, he knows how I stand."
14 years ago
"You simply gave off the impression, sir. Simply because you do not think it is cruel, it does not mean he will think the same deep down. So
14 years ago
what do you want to mention of William? How we only slept together once? How he gets distracted by women's breasts?"
14 years ago
growls. "It's a manor of principle. You don't try and bring my other up I don't fuck with yours. And don't you fucking dare try and put-
14 years ago
words in his mouth." He rolls his eyes. "Great now my buzz is ruined. Thanks a lot."
14 years ago
shrugs lightly. "I think there are other things you should be worried about. Karma will hit you later."
14 years ago
stiffens and gets up to walk to the other side of Maria and sit so he doesn't say anything or do anything too bad to Matthew. "Problem-
14 years ago
solved." He orders another drink and starts chugging. He bumps Maria. "So what's up?"
14 years ago
watched that entire exchange with her jaw slack, lips parted slightly. When they're finished she straightens up some and inhales, almost-
14 years ago
as though she's been napping the whole time. Then she snickers. "He said *bone her*. *Boner*." Few things *ever* kill her buzz.
14 years ago
purses his lips and bumps her knee with his. "Damn straight I did. " He laughs.
14 years ago
( class now. bbl. )
14 years ago
repeats this a few more times, since it's so entertaining.
14 years ago
sets a hand on her knee and lifts her chin with his other hand. "You alright?"
14 years ago
pulls back and shrugs the concern off. "Yeah, 'course! I'm awesome, like always! Good man, I'm good, 'm great."
14 years ago
shrugs and lets go of her chin, but keeps his hand on his thigh. "Whatever. Lets get wasted some more! Bartender!"
14 years ago
doesn't mind that hand as long as it doesn't try going any higher while she's trying to drink. "Yeah! Get this fuck caught up! 'm'already-
14 years ago
14 years ago
massages with his thumb. "I'm halfway there." he gets the vibe and keeps his hand still. No need for more stitiches
Gilbert likes
14 years ago
that a little though. She grins and orders a new round of drinks for both of them.
14 years ago
drinks until the world is spinning and leans all over the counter. He looks up at Gilbert and hiccups. "We're two sexy bitches right?"
Gilbert has
14 years ago
slid farther down in her chair by that point. "O-oh yeah. Fuckin' sexy bitches. Th'bess'in here!"
14 years ago
laughs until he sneezes. "Bless meh! Thas right and we dun need.....anybody! CAUSE WERE SO SEXY BITCHEZ!"
14 years ago
knocks a few empty glasses over throwing her arms up. "FUCKIN' RIGHT! Don't gotta fuckin' answer ta *nobody* for *nothin*'. Fuck 'em all!"
14 years ago
chuckles. "You....youre spilling stuff. Pfttttt yah screw all those guys!"
14 years ago
sticks her tongue out and sweeps all the glasses and bottles in front of her right off the bar. Thankfully, there weren't but a few with-
14 years ago
anything left in them. "Fuck 'em glasses, too! Imma spill whatever I wanna spill! Imma be motha'fuckin' *BP* up in this joint!" She pauses-
14 years ago
and hiccups, swaying in her seat. "Yeah, screw those guys. Man, screw-..screw fuckin' law 46. Fuck that goddamn *Alliierter Kontrollrat*
14 years ago
and fuck France, man. Buy me a goddamn *shot*, pussy!"
14 years ago
cant stop laughin. "Will do! Oi oi whut about France? That faggot cant drink." He taps the bar to get two shots and slides one to Gil.
14 years ago
tosses the shot back and wipes her mouth on her sleeve. That sniff totally has to do with getting booze up her nose, that's all. "Fuck-
14 years ago
him, that's what about him. 'm'not even gonna break a sweat over him 'ny'more."
14 years ago
pats her back and burps. "You gonna fuck him or fuckkkkkk him? Motherfucker I couldnt break a sweat under him."
14 years ago
swings her arm a bit too wildly to make her point. "Naw, naw. I mean I'm *done* with fuckin' 'im. 's'what a man's good for. One day ya-
14 years ago
tell 'im ya love him, an' the next he don't...he don't call for a fuckin' week an' then he says he doesn't give a shit an'' y'know.-
14 years ago
Fuck him."
14 years ago
grabs at her hand. "Hey hes the dick. I think THINK youre worth it. And hes retarded. Do you want to stay here or o someplace quiet?"
Gilbert wants
14 years ago
to stay right there, but the bartender's been giving them the hairy eyeball since she knocked stuff over. "We can go. I got a room over..-
14 years ago
uh...somewhere near here."
Heracles is
14 years ago
sober enough to remember the part bout love and worries a lil bit. But for right now, drunk sex bomb. he stands up. "lets go then."
14 years ago
makes to shout for her card, but the bartender's already shoving it at her and bidding them goodnight. She snickers and slides off the-
14 years ago
stool. "Ja, lessgo." *Going* takes a lot of effort though - it's hard for her to see where she's going when the room keeps tilting.
14 years ago
stops her. "Hey you want a piggy back ride?" He bends over in front.
14 years ago
stares at him for a second. That doesn't look safe at all. He's very tall and he's been drinking a lot. So of *course* she jumps right up-
14 years ago
there. "Hi-yo, Silver! Awaaayy!"
14 years ago
laughs and makes sure to hook his arms under her legs. He steps out the door and ducks. "Where to?"
14 years ago
waves off to the right. "It's a little building what's got a awning over th'door. Got an R in it's name..." And she's-
14 years ago
just a minute or too from nodding off right there on his back, cheek pressed against his shoulder. He's comfortable.
14 years ago
walks for a while before asking someone for directions. Upon arriving he shakes her. "Wake up. The doors locked."
14 years ago
walks for a while before asking someone for directions. Upon arriving he shakes her. "Wake up. The doors locked."
14 years ago
raises up some, shaking her head. Something about a door being locked...oh. "Key's...key's in my pocket. Wallet."
14 years ago
sighs, his buzz almost completly gone. He feels bad to leave her here like this so he'll spend the night to keep her safe.
14 years ago
sets her down and digs the keys out. He unlocks the door and scoops her up, taking her to the bed and laying beside her.
14 years ago
isn't really coherent enough to tell him, but she'll probably ditch the hotel room as soon as she wakes up. She'll hop on the train and-
14 years ago
keep this binge moving. But right now, a minute or so after she hits the mattress, she's going to roll right up to straddle his hips and-
14 years ago
give him a crooked grin. "Who said you could crash in my bed?"
14 years ago
smirks up a her. "I did bitch. Im watching out for you."
14 years ago
smirks up a her. "I did bitch. Im watching out for you."
14 years ago
slides his hand around her. He wont turn it down if she offers.
14 years ago
's lips purse. "Oooh, are you? Fuckin' big strong man, lookin' out for poor, defenseless drunk bitches. He *sure* doesn't want anythin'-
14 years ago
out of it, does he?"
14 years ago
laughs. "Babe Im Heracles. I protect all the pretty ladies. Seriously though Im not leaving you here."
14 years ago
tries to flex her arms to do an impression, but her hands were on him for balance so she flops right onto his front. "Fhr, ouch. Hardbody.-
14 years ago
How come? I can do just fine on my own."
14 years ago
raises and eyebrow and uses the timing to slide his hands down her ass. "I can see that. Fine, huh?"
14 years ago
wiggles a little under his hands. "Hey, hey. I thought you told *Matthew* there wasn't gonna be any grab-ass."
14 years ago
chuckles and leans up to bite at her shoulder. "You were sitting. And that was fucking hours ago. Plus, youre laying on me and Im no saint."
14 years ago
snickers and wiggles more deliberately, particularly in the hip region. "You'd do that, with me bein' all drunk like this?"
14 years ago
fingers the edges of her pants, enjoying the lazy feel of her wiggling and his cock rising. "Sweetheart, who do you thin you're talking to?"
14 years ago
pushes herself upright again to pull her shirt off. "Sure as hell isn't a saint."
14 years ago
watches her, then remembers and removes his shirt. "Damn straight. So Im assmuing were gonna fuck?"
14 years ago
pauses with her bra strap halfway down her arm. She tilts her head, hair falling in a pretty silver-white curtain down over he shoulder.-
14 years ago
"Oh, I'm sorry. Did you not wanna? Conscience catch up to you?"
14 years ago
tugs at his pants off, or tries to. "I was making sure. Now get up so I can get them off. and take yours off."
14 years ago
doesn't exactly get up. She rolls off onto the bed, making herself so dizzy she has to lie still for a second or risk puking.
14 years ago
sits up. "Are you okay? Should we keep on?"
Gilbert has
14 years ago
to get her pants off. Now where did that button go... "Hn? Ja, ja, keep goin'."
14 years ago
purses his lips and pushes her down,yanking her pants off in one motion. "If you throw up on me.." he breathes, before kissing her belly -
14 years ago
14 years ago
hiccups a little and giggles, squirming. "I'm not gonna puke, swear."
14 years ago
slips his tongue in and nips her skin, leaving teeth marks. "Ill beat you if you do."
14 years ago
squeals and thrashes a little. "Promises, promises."
14 years ago
bites her hip bone and slides her legs apart with his hands. "Had oral as a girl yet?"
Gilbert is
14 years ago
so relaxed now that at first she only gives a contented moan. "Mhm, yeah. Tino."
14 years ago
blows on her snatch before leaning down and licking in small licks. stayin away from her clit in a teasing manner.
14 years ago
digs his nails in her thighs slightly, keeping her hips elvated.
14 years ago
would kick him if he didn't have her pinned to the spot. "Fuckin'...teasin' bastard.:
Heracles gives
14 years ago
her an almost evil smirk before licking her clit once and nicking it with his canine, burying his face in her crotch.
14 years ago
squeals and smacks the top of his head. "*Gott*, don't *bite* me like that!"
14 years ago
pulls away and laughs. "Is this a dont cause it hurts or dont cause it feels too good?"
14 years ago
might pop him right in the mouth and turn the question on him. "Because it hurts and it isn't the good hurt either."
14 years ago
laughs and kisses her clit in apology. "Sorry. Forgot most arent on my level of masochism."
14 years ago
shudders. "F-fucker, you don't know shit 'bout masochism til you get with my b-brother."
14 years ago
purrs and licks again. his fingers tap a steady beat on her belly button, scratching lightly. He sucks on her clit.
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