James!! says
14 years ago
i just realise that i didnt cook at home since last tuesday!!!=.=
latest #9
14 years ago
realised i didnt cook for myself for 2 months already, i forgot how to use the stove T_T
晴晴chengcheng says
14 years ago
hahahha..cook for us when we go visit u!! ah james, 28nov-1 dec u got go brisbane join the church camp, u wan join,
晴晴chengcheng says
14 years ago
after that we play at gold coast there!!
speedy lily says
14 years ago
walao........walao......walao.....^^hehehe.....^^put us plane.....
晴晴chengcheng says
14 years ago
i cant go taiwan i also sad !!don said me la
晴晴chengcheng says
14 years ago
brisbane u can go too
James!! says
14 years ago
oh so is 28 nov to 1 dec huh...tat mian mian never tell me anything de!!! BUAHAHAHHA=D
晴晴chengcheng says
14 years ago
so u got go that camp with us??
James!! says
14 years ago
still thinking...hahahhaa=D
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