Norway has
14 years ago
successfully moved into his new apartment. It has a wonderful view of Oslo.
latest #143
William will
14 years ago
just crash, with a bottle of wine... yep yep. Maybe he can get a free meal out of it... he did bring a house warming gift after all~
14 years ago
stares. "Who are you again? And why are you in my house...?"
14 years ago
smiles, 'I'm Australia... we don't really see eachother all that often because we're on different ends of the equator.' He holds out a hand_
14 years ago
to shake
14 years ago
shakes his hand, staring at his face. "Those eyebrows... are you England's son?" Such creepy eyebrows..
14 years ago
... makes a face,'I'm not his son... I was unfortunate enough to find myself under his care.'
14 years ago
nods. "We used to beat him up... it was fun. Have you tried.. waxing them to make them not as.. bushy looking?
14 years ago
shakes his head, 'It sounds like it would hurt... if I'm being honest.' And then he looks around to check no one is looking and adds in a_
14 years ago
whisper, 'And I think my boyfriend is attached to them.' He grins, tapping his nose to indicate it's a secret.
14 years ago
doesn't know many people that would be attached to those eyebrows. "Oh.. so like a fetish?"
14 years ago
... shakes his head, 'Just a mild fondness.' He shouldn't add that despite Matthew's protests he thinks the other is into cuffs.
14 years ago
offers him a glass of the wine he brought. "You should be careful that they don't get a mind of their own and attack your face."
14 years ago
... looks offended because he is D<'I'll keep that in mind *mate*.'
14 years ago
[DON'T WORRY OZ IT'S NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE. U: /lolhiwhere'dicomefrom ]
14 years ago
blinks. "I'm not your mate." Really, didn't he have a partner already?
14 years ago
stares back, taking the glass. He would need to drink himself silly it seemed, 'Thanks for the wine.'
14 years ago
sips his glass. "You brought it. A very nice choice." Not like that annoying Dane that drops by with cases of of his beer.
14 years ago
grins at that, 'It's the best wine to come out of Australia this year so it better be nice.'
Norway thinks
14 years ago
it's nice to have wine once in awhile. "So, why did you stop by?"
14 years ago
smiles, 'Well, I had to give you this house warming present didn't I?' And well, it's important to keep an eye on your rivals in the world_
14 years ago
rankings... he coveted the number one spot afterall.
14 years ago
raises an eyebrow. "Rival? Rivals in what?" He was good at a lot of things after all. Years of experience.
William thinks
14 years ago
Norway is far too full of himself. 'Well recently, you were the top in world rankings and I was second.' He sips his wine again, quickly_
14 years ago
making his way to the bottom of the glass.
14 years ago
nods. "I'm often on top of world rankings. Which one was this?"
14 years ago
rolls his shoulder, 'Best living conditions overall... I think.'
14 years ago
adds, 'And I'm often right up there with you! In fact one of my Universities is better than yours, If I remember correctly.'
14 years ago
shrugs. "We have good scholars. I'm not worried about having the best compared to everyone else. Just the best for my people."
14 years ago
places his glass on a counter, 'Well, thanks for the wine. I'll leave you to settle in, will I?' And he's already making his way to the door
14 years ago
watches. "Sorry if I seemed to have offended you. There's nothing wrong with wanting to be the best. It makes everyone strive more."
14 years ago
smiles, 'I know mate.' He opens the door for himself, 'Nice flat by the way.'
14 years ago
nods. "Thank you. Don't tell Danmark where I moved to. Or else I'll make sure you're last on every list possible."
14 years ago
laughs, 'Alright, I won't.'
Norway has
14 years ago
his ways of finding him if he does. "Thank you for visiting then, have a safe trip home."
14 years ago
'Thanks.' He closes the door, not all that scared.
14 years ago
shows up sometime later, with gifts as well! [Hurr, hope this is okay rather than make a new plurk >>]
Norway loves
14 years ago
gifts from his bror, and welcomes him into him home. [Yea, it's fine ^^]
14 years ago
looks around as he steps inside. Such a nice place! He offers his brother a baking dish and a bottle. "From my latest batch of pontikka, and
14 years ago
eplekake! It's not as good as yours, but it still tastes pretty good!"
14 years ago
nods, taking the gifts to the kitchen. "Welcome bror, you weren't followed, ja?"
14 years ago
shakes his head, sticking his hands into his pockets. "Just me! I made sure the whole way here!"
14 years ago
offers him a glass of the pontikka. "Good. I keep moving around. I'm feeling restless lately."
14 years ago
smiles and takes it with a 'thanks'. "I know how that is. I have several small homes to help with that."
14 years ago
sips his glass. "At least winter is coming. I'm not suited for warm seasons really. How are you and Sverige?"
14 years ago
takes a sip as well, rather pleased with how the flavor came out. He nods in agreement, it seems all of the north has had *such* a hot-
14 years ago
summer this year. Hopefully this winter would make up for the heat. "Oh, pretty good. The same old stuff, you know?"
14 years ago
smiles faintly but it's soon gone. "Is he still calling you his wife or have you shown him your manliness yet?"
14 years ago
"Oh...well..." That was probably a clear enough answer. "I thought the Winter War would've shown him, but I'll still the 'wife'."
14 years ago
nods, he thought so. "Danmark tried to put me in a dress once. I think his eyes were so swollen he couldn't see for weeks. Maybe you should
14 years ago
take Sve behind the shed and settle it like men. Unless you like being the wife? Although Sverige would never hit you.."
14 years ago
laughs. He can't imagine Norway in a dress, though he can picture Denmark with a swollen face. "He wouldn't, and I don't really care to-
14 years ago
start fight, especially with someone bigger than me." And, yes, sometimes he does like being the wife..
14 years ago
smirks a tiny bit. "I do, Danmark needs to be taken down a few notches every now and then. And I know you were trying to picture me in a
14 years ago
dress, those tunics we wore were close enough."
14 years ago
nods in agreement, to both points. He got along well enough with Denmark, but his ego could prove to be annoying. "At least there were-
14 years ago
leggings to go with the tunics. And I did try, but I just can't picture it. It's too ridiculous!"
Norway thinks
14 years ago
it is pretty ridiculous. "The big weapons we carried were useful when people asked about our attire. The good days... have you seen Island?
14 years ago
I haven't seen him lately. I'm worried about him. It was nice when we didn't have financial problems."
14 years ago
"It was nice back then. The only worry was making sure a longship didn't sink." He shakes his head, "I haven't seen Islanti lately. A lot of
14 years ago
news is coming out of his country about that Prime Minister and such, but no other news lately..."
14 years ago
sighs. "He doesn't rely on the rest of us like he used to. I guess it's his way of showing he's an adult now. He'll find us if he needs us."
14 years ago
nods. "They grow up so fast, don't they?" He remembered when Iceland was still very little!
14 years ago
remembers when all their little ones were still in nappies. "Too bad we didn't have cameras then.."
14 years ago
"Too bad indeed...So many things we could've immortalized.."
14 years ago
smiles. "At least we have cameras now, for all those great moments. Your wife carrying.. sport, Danmark crying, Iceland doing cute things.."
14 years ago
nods. "I think I still have shots on my camera from your punching Tanskassa in the face the last time we all got together...was that his
14 years ago
birthday? Or Su-san's?"
14 years ago
smiles at the memory. "Sve's... he was making a fuss and trying to start a fight, he deserved it."
14 years ago
nods with a smile. "That was quite a night in the end! How much of it do you remember?" Large parts of that night were missing to him...
14 years ago
shrugs. "I don't remember much.. just punching that idiot and waking up in someone else's shirt.."
14 years ago
laughs. "Pretty much the same as me then. Well, other than the shirt thing. Ever think we drink too much?"
14 years ago
shakes his head, sipping his drink. "Not at all. Maybe a bit too much in the past, but there wasn't much else to do than drink and pillage."
14 years ago
nods. "Very true. I've cut back a bit, but only because I haven't had enough time to brew as much as I'd like. And I'm now sure its
14 years ago
*impossible* to quit drinking coffee."
14 years ago
agrees fully. "When did we even start drinking coffee? Now I'm one of the mass consumers of it... I'm so lost on this.."
Tino thinks
14 years ago
for a long moment and shakes his head. "No idea. I can't remember when it started..."
14 years ago
scowls a bit. "Lets blame Danmark, it was probably one of his idiot ideas."
14 years ago
laughs, but shakes his head. "I like coffee too much to let him take credit!"
14 years ago
raises a brow. "But I bet you'll be blaming him for it when you wake up one morning and there's no coffee, you're snowed in and your lil one
Norway has
14 years ago
a fever and won't stop crying."
14 years ago
doesn't have a little one but... "Then I'll be cursing his name. But until then!"
14 years ago
thought he had Sealand? "I've been there before but multiple lil ones that are sick. Luckily Danmark was there."
14 years ago
does, but he's not necessarily young enough to be crying when he has a fever. "So he was useful for once?"
14 years ago
nods. "A nice punching bag. Eventually he shoveled a way out and got me coffee."
14 years ago
laughs. "Well, good!"
14 years ago
finishes his drink. "Do you want more?"
14 years ago
nods, handing his glass to the other. He could never turn down a drink!
14 years ago
goes and fills the glasses up, handing him his drink. "Your favourite day is getting closer. What are your big Christmas plans this year?"
14 years ago
takes a drink and grins. "Oh, the usual santa job. Beyond that, I haven't really decided anything."
14 years ago
raises a brow with a small smile. "And does Sve get a 'special' visit?"
14 years ago
blushes. "Ah. Well. ...I'd like to give him one..."
14 years ago
snickers. "He keeps tight lipped about you two. You're the only one I can tease about it."
14 years ago
blushes even more at that. "Well, you know he's really tight lipped about everything."
14 years ago
nods. "He doesn't even speak much in general. I wpnder how to two of you even get along.."
14 years ago
14 years ago
laughs. "Well, he never talks, and I never stop talking! It balances out."
14 years ago
"Well how do you guys communicate then?"
14 years ago
"Well, we have a lot of miscommunications. I know how to read him though."
14 years ago
covers a smile with his hand. "I remember when you used to be absolutely terrified of him.."
14 years ago
"I still am sometimes!" He laughs. "That stare is so serious!"
14 years ago
coughs back a laugh. "he's just a big suck over you. I don't he'd ever get rough with you.. outside the bedroom. He is so serious though."
14 years ago
smiles, blushing a little more. "...You know...I'm thinking of proposing to him."
14 years ago
balks. "You.. what? But you're the wife."
14 years ago
chuckles. "I know, he'll never see it coming. But I don't think he'll ask me. I've been denying all these years and insisting he didn't call
14 years ago
me his wife and...well, I want to be, a little."
Norway thinks
14 years ago
he should be offering brotherly advice but isn't too sure what. "Ahh.. but if you ask you won't be. No use waiting on Sve either.."
14 years ago
nods. He's thought this out very carefully. "We'd just be wed and people, of course, not nations. I like my independence too much."
14 years ago
smiles. "I'm glad that you two will be happy. You're my brødrene, I only want the best for you two."
14 years ago
"Kiitos, Norja. It means a lot." He would ask about him and Denmark, but they always seemed happy being dysfunctional, to him anyways.
14 years ago
couldn't give him an answer anyways. "When do you plan on having the wedding, that way I can get the giant sack of coffee for your wedding
14 years ago
present as soon as possible."
14 years ago
grins. "Honestly? That sounds like the best wedding gift in the entire world!" He laughs. "I'd like to aim for the spring. Or sometime late
14 years ago
winter. He has to say yes before I think too much on it."
14 years ago
rolls his eyes. "Your worry too much, of course he'll say yes. In his mind you two are already married."
14 years ago
chuckles a bit. "I suppose so. I've picked out the rings and everything even! Just need to figure out how to give it to him."
14 years ago
nods thoughtfully. "Danmark... he just did it spur of the moment. All the romantic stuff is a bit too much. Just two people doing ordinary
14 years ago
stuff, that's a good time."
14 years ago
nods, thinking that is a good idea. "I'll have to make it...quite obvious so I don't miscommunicate what I mean!" That would be awful..
14 years ago
laughs. "I don't think he'll get the wrong idea when he sees the ring! He'll probably sweep you away to get you fitted in a dress or to the
14 years ago
nearest town hall or church."
14 years ago
laughs at the mental image, shaking his head. "Oh, I will *not* be getting into a dress! Absolutely not."
14 years ago
smiles. "But you'd be crushing all of Sve's fantasies. How cruel you've become Tino.."
14 years ago
shakes his head again. "Fantasies or not. I will not be wearing a dress at the wedding.
14 years ago
14 years ago
(gdi enter button)
14 years ago
raises a brow. "At least a white suit?"
14 years ago
nods. "That I can agree to. If he really wants a dress, he can wait until the honeymoon."
14 years ago
stares at him. "You two... are so odd..."
14 years ago
tilts his head taking a bit, taking another sip of his drink. "Really?"
14 years ago
blinks. "You don't tell other men that you're going to wear a dress Tino, not even your brødrene."
14 years ago
blinks as well. "...I think I may be a bit tipsy..."
14 years ago
laughs, drinking his drink. "It's alright, the couch turns into a bed, it's yours for tonight."
14 years ago
shakes his head, blushing a bit. "Oh, I don't want to be a burden in your new home!
14 years ago
14 years ago
"No, no it's fine. You'd do the same for me."
14 years ago
nods, that's true. "If you're sure..."
14 years ago
gestures to it. "It's all yours. You can call Berwald and tell him you're staying here if it'll make you feel better."
14 years ago
removes his shoes then, stretching out a bit on the couch. "Kiitos, veli! You can be nice sometimes."
14 years ago
finishes off his drink. "I'm nice to every non-Dane. Also you made this stuff strong this time, I like it."
14 years ago
grins, very happy with the compliment. "Thank you! I think it's my best batch yet. And I made quite a bit, if you ever want some more."
14 years ago
goes and gets him a pillow and blanket from the closet.. with a little difficulty. "This stuff really hits you when you stand up.."
14 years ago
nods. "Stairs...stairs are the worst for sure on this stuff."
14 years ago
laughs. "I'm so glad this place doesn't have stairs, I'll just stumble to my room."
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