William wants
14 years ago
to help New Zealand as much as he can, a 7.1 Earthquake is serious business e_e'
latest #384
14 years ago
might try something, himself. He sort of has a fair relation with New Zealand.
William is
14 years ago
glad... it would be awkward if Canada and New Zealand didn't get on.
Matthew thinks
14 years ago
it is partly a commonwealth thing.
William will
14 years ago
continue to be glad none the less, New Zealand's and Australia's bond is invaluable.
14 years ago
probably has a better relation with New Zealand than australia.
William thinks
14 years ago
that's good, because he probably has better international relations with America.
14 years ago
forgets he was cut off. Though he think it is cruel to not see a friend for a month.
14 years ago
... they can see eachother... e_e''
14 years ago
hands him a CD case with the DVD in it. He does not appreciate being thought of as someone who just wants sex.
14 years ago
... does not think that about him. Even if he does have handcuffs...
14 years ago
put those on him because he was being a bastard. He does not use them for those sorts of reasons.
William was
14 years ago
just teasing him is all. He'd like to point out it stopped being a joke when he had to dislocate his thumb to get to sleep.
Matthew was
14 years ago
going to come back for him, but for some reason, there was time when his life was blanked out.
14 years ago
... guesses that can't be helped... It still wasn't a funny joke :T
Matthew thinks
14 years ago
what he did was not funny either. He will not mention the being left in the dark part, because he thinks Will does not know he does not like
14 years ago
it too much. But he thinks it is just cruel to do that to him for a month because they are just getting back together.
14 years ago
... thinks they can still hug and stuff? If he isn't fussed about sex then it shouldn't be an effing problem, infact, no sex would probably_
14 years ago
be a bloody good thing for the two of them. And he knew the other didn't like the dark too much, younger Matt told him. e_e'
14 years ago
just wants a damn hug, dammit. He likes him just falling asleep with him because it makes him feel safe, dammit. Younger? Oh, damn it all.
14 years ago
spoke too much when he was younger.
14 years ago
... thinks they can hug then... only hugs. :T He holds out his arms, looking at the other with a half smile. 'We're a right pair, we are.'
14 years ago
inches in closer to him. No kisses for a month. Fine. "Eh? What do you mean?"
William says
14 years ago
, 'I'm saying we're a bunch of idiots mate.' He gives Matthew a hug, rubbing his back.
14 years ago
peers up at him, "I let you down?"
14 years ago
looks down at him, 'No! Why do you think that?'
14 years ago
"Because I treat you badly."
14 years ago
shakes his head... 'There should be some room for banter... but no cuffing to beds eh, bad memories.'
14 years ago
blinks."England did that to you?"
14 years ago
... 'I was caught for under age drinking... quite a few times and they always put me in the cells.'
14 years ago
pulls back, frowning. "You shouldn't be drinking to begin with."
14 years ago
frowns back, 'Says the guy who drank Ale at 15.''
14 years ago
points out, "Time was different then. I barely liked it, so I did not drink it every day."
14 years ago
shakes his head, 'I'm not going to stop drinking the occasional beer mate.' He crosses his arms, frowning
14 years ago
"I have to be always sensitive to your feelings. If you told me about being arrested because of drinking, I would have never done that to
14 years ago
you. But you knew I was scared of the dark and you did that to me."
14 years ago
... frowns, feeling guilty. 'You're younger self said I should get back at you for the event... I took that as a blessing. I shouldn't have.
14 years ago
14 years ago
...hates his younger self. He was sort of dim. "O-Oh...well...if I told you to, then, it's fine."
14 years ago
thought he was cute and tells Matthew so. 'I don't really miss the girly hips though...'
14 years ago
wraps his arms around the front of his own waist. "No one asked you if you did," he says with a red face.
14 years ago
keeps a hold of him, despite that. 'You had smaller shoulders too... and your eyes were almost too big for your face... very cute.''
14 years ago
makes a bit of a face. "You make me sound like a bad drawing."
14 years ago
lets go at the face, 'Well I'm sorry I'm not a bloody author mate, I can't write poetry to save myself.'
14 years ago
does not move. "You are saying those things like you preferred me when I was younger."
14 years ago
shakes his head, 'Not at all... although... I wish you'd be a bit more open like back then.' He takes a step back, wary e_e.
14 years ago
"I guess I wanted someone to like me."
14 years ago
... frowns slightly, 'Well, I would Have I'm sure... if I wasn't still about 2 foot tall.' He smiles, 'You were a pleasant kid.'
14 years ago
reaches up to gently hug him around the neck. He almost leans in to kiss him, but catches himself before he does, only to rest his head
14 years ago
against the side of Will's. "You were cute...even if you did want to hit everything with a stick."
14 years ago
runs a hand through Matthew's hair, ignoring the urge to kiss him. 'Well everyone was a bunch of weirdos back then.'
14 years ago
"I still love you."
14 years ago
blushes a little, 'I love you too.'
14 years ago
presses a chaste kiss to Will's lips, pulling back to start running. "I don't care if you add on an extra month to that."
14 years ago
blushes, 'I knew you couldn't last a month.' He doesn't sound mad, in fact he's rather happy if his little smile is anything to go by. He_
14 years ago
rubs the back of his neck, looking smug and embarrassed at the same time.
14 years ago
weakly laughs, putting a bit of distance between himself and Will. "Because I wondered what would happen if I didn't."
14 years ago
smirks, wiping his lips with the back of his sleeve. Hmm, what should he do... 'Every time you kiss me I'll add on a day.'
Matthew thinks
14 years ago
. "Okay." He gets close to Will again, only to grab him and begin pressing short kisses to his lips.... *7, 8, 9,*
14 years ago
... blinks, pressing a hand against the other's chest. He's not exactly being forceful but he wants the other to stop, turning his face to_
14 years ago
the side with a small pout, 'I'm serious mate. The more I think about it the more I think it would be good for us.'
14 years ago
pulls back. "You'll have an extra month to think about it, then."
14 years ago
then pauses. "...Is this like you breaking up with me?"
14 years ago
shakes his head, 'No... it was just, well we swung back into things quickly and while I wouldn't take any of it back... I miss just spending
14 years ago
time with you and nearly falling into waterfalls.'
Matthew thinks
14 years ago
for a moment. "So you want to do something...like start over?"
14 years ago
shakes his head, 'No... I like the time we spent together too much, I just think a little rekindling would be good for us... and even fun.'
14 years ago
lightly sighs. "Okay."
14 years ago
... presses a light, lingering kiss against Matthew's lips for reassurance. 'I promise that I'll probably suffer more than you,' he whispers
14 years ago
and then adds in a slightly louder voice, 'And I'd say that's back down to a month.'
14 years ago
shakes his head, whispering in response. "I will...because I love you too much."
14 years ago
smiles, nuzzling Matthew's cheek. 'Doubt it, I'm heads over heels.'
14 years ago
lightly chuckles at the feeling. "Maybe we can try to put together a scarecrow. We can make it look like Mr. England."
14 years ago
... smiles, 'I'd love to do that... cause Autumn is just around the corner over there, right?'He associates scare crows with autumn for some
14 years ago
reason... probably pumpkins...
14 years ago
nods. "I bet we can just go take some of his clothes, egg his house, then spray paint the door." He is innocently smiling, yes.
14 years ago
grins widely, tempted to press another kiss to his lips. ' I love you Matthew Williams.'
14 years ago
"I was also thinking of leaving a 'used' condom in his bed, but maybe that is too mean."
14 years ago
14 years ago
shakes his head, 'Not at all, not at all. In fact, I think we could go even meaner still and leave one in his basement too.... you know, the
14 years ago
one he keeps 'secret' for magic?'
14 years ago
blinks. "We could leave underwear down there, too."
14 years ago
nods slowly... 'Ones with the Union Jack on 'em.'
14 years ago
"Isn't that on your flag, though?"
14 years ago
.... gives a small nod, 'It's only in the corner though... and small. Kind of like those stars America has :T'
14 years ago
nods as well. "I...I actually still hang the Royal Union Flag under mine...sometimes," he admits, sheepishly.
14 years ago
... sighs, 'For some reason now I feel like we shouldn't pick on England...' His PM will tell him off and well... he did have the union jack
14 years ago
on his flag e_e;
Matthew has
14 years ago
the Royal Union Flag on three of his county flags. He sighs. "You're right..."
14 years ago
sighs softly, 'We can still make a scare crow though, right?'
14 years ago
nods, gently pressing his forehead against Will's. "Sure."
14 years ago
smiles, trailing a hand down his back. 'Okay.... when should we do it?'
Matthew thinks
14 years ago
, pulling back. "We could do it now, if you wanted."
14 years ago
lets go, hands slipping into his jeans pocket. 'Let's
14 years ago
14 years ago
smiles, lightly. "I guess we could dress it up as a mountie," he says, walking along.
14 years ago
blinks... 'Why a mountie?' He follows along, 'Aren't they usually farmers?'
14 years ago
"Maybe I want it to be different is all." That and save money on clothes.
14 years ago
nods, 'Alright... where are you putting it?'
14 years ago
"Eh? Would you want it?"
14 years ago
blinks before shaking his head, 'Wrong time of year over there.'
14 years ago
shrugs. "You could save it."
14 years ago
shakes his head, 'A mountie would be better suited for Canada.'
Matthew thinks
14 years ago
. "...We could make it a surfer?"
14 years ago
laughs, shaking his head. 'I think you should keep it mate. I already have my heart set on making it a mountie.'
14 years ago
tilts his head, "Okay...If you're sure." He magically pulls open the shop door for Will.
14 years ago
walks into a shop... 'Why are we here?'
14 years ago
"I need some pine needles for the scare crow...That and a plastic pumpkin."
14 years ago
.... nods, 'Why pine needles?... can't you pick them off the forest floor?'
14 years ago
... "I don't want to steal beds from the forest animals. .~."
14 years ago
... awwws and hugs him around his waist, nuzzling his neck. 'You're adorable mate... The pine needles are more like their carpet though,eh?'
Matthew is
14 years ago
basking in the glory of love. "But what if they mistake me for America and attack?"
14 years ago
blinks... 'Your animals attack America?' He loosens his hold a bit, 'You have them well trained.'
Matthew is
14 years ago
being serious. "A dog attacked me on my bike, once. .~."
William wonders
14 years ago
why Matthew is so cute today. He lets go, only to squeeze his shoulder... 'I could go get em... unless they also attack eyebrows.'
Matthew is
14 years ago
probably cute because he is thinking of ways he can get attacked. "Well, I guess going to get pine needles from the forest is cheaper. We
14 years ago
can do that."
14 years ago
nods, think Matthew is adorable none the less. If Matthew told him to jump at the moment he might reply, 'How high?' 'But we still need to_
14 years ago
get the pumpkin... it's October that they come into season right?' He likes to know these things since he has to get them from abroad.
Matthew is
14 years ago
not aware of how much control he has over Will. "I think I really am just going to get a fake one. It will last longer and what not."
14 years ago
smiles, 'Okay.'
14 years ago
looks around. "I'll go buy one and we can go get pine needles. They are always falling off. You can wait outside for me."
14 years ago
... doesn't like that idea... but he guesses it'll be quicker. 'Fine, see you there.'
14 years ago
wanders off to wait outside.
14 years ago
does not run into anything that would endanger their relationship, endanger Canada, or would make Australia jealous. He comes out with the
14 years ago
fake pumpkin a few minutes later, brightly smiling.
14 years ago
blushes when he sees that smile. 'What's got you so happy?'
14 years ago
lightly shrugs, holding the pumpkin in one arm where his other hand extends to Will's sleeve to lightly tug him along. "I guess it's because
14 years ago
I'm with someone who is special and can relate to me."
14 years ago
follows along, a little lovestruck. 'I'm glad I can finally make you feel the same way that you make me feel.'
14 years ago
lets go of his sleeve. "You always made me felt that way."
14 years ago
takes his free hand, 'Good...' He squeezes Matt's hand, 'Can you carve a fake pumpkin?'
14 years ago
looks over at him. "Yes. It's not too difficult."
14 years ago
blinks... 'But it's made of plastic right?
14 years ago
"So are a lot of things. It takes practice."
14 years ago
lets go of his hand, 'Alright.'
14 years ago
uses his now lonely hand to support the pumpkin. They magically get inside Canada's house.
14 years ago
kicks off his shoes when they get in.. 'Do you have Pine Trees out back?'
14 years ago
shakes his head, setting the fake pumpkin on the coffee table. He leaves the room momentarily to return with a straw hat on his head and
14 years ago
a couple of garbage bags.
14 years ago
stares at the garbage bag before picking up the hat and putting it on his own head, 'The clothes in there?'
14 years ago
"They are for the pine needles."
14 years ago
nods, taking the black bags. Let's go find some then?'
14 years ago
takes the hat and the bags back. "There is a bunch of pine trees not too far away from the house."
William wants
14 years ago
the hat... He nods, heading to the door and the suddenly they're at the trees~ Hyuu hyuu
14 years ago
puts the hat back on him when they get there, then. If it makes Will feel that special. "We're just going to fill up the bags and then tie
14 years ago
them, okay?"
14 years ago
.... nods, 'Yes mum~' He takes a bag and starts filling it up but not before returning Matthew's hat. He just feels childish now
14 years ago
wears the hat, beginning to bend over and start pulling at pine needles.
14 years ago
pulls out gloves from his pocket. Pine Needles are prickly x_x
14 years ago
just whistles and does it wit his bare hands.
14 years ago
fills his bag quickly, tying it up at the end. He's curious to see if any animals walk up to Canada..
14 years ago
takes a bit longer, hat falling into his eyes now and again. During that time, a black squirrel shows up, staying upright by a tree and
14 years ago
watching Canada.
William has
14 years ago
never seen a black squirrel before and creeps over to offer it a nut. It's really cute... kind of like Canada
14 years ago
does not notice what attraction is going on over there and the squirrel does not seem to care. It climbs up onto australia's head, only to
14 years ago
jump right onto Canada and sneak under his hoodie. So. Canada jumps up an panics. "E-Eh?"
14 years ago
picks up a branch... 'Stay still.... there is a black squirrel in your hoody!' He looks ready to hit you with this branch full of pine_
14 years ago
needles e_e;; He's not used to woodland creatures...
14 years ago
does stay still, but it does not mean he is less panicked. "Oi...What are you going to do?"
14 years ago
.... blinks, 'I'm going to try and hit it!' He sees a moving lump scurry over Matthew's back and proceeds to try and hit it... >>;;
14 years ago
flails, "That's not very nice, though--" Besides, the furry critter dodged the attack, leaving Canada to get hit instead and fall over his
14 years ago
bag of pine needles. The squirrel decides it is just smart to run away.
14 years ago
cheers triumphantly, pumping his fist in the air. He says, 'I wasn't going to hit it hard.... are you okay?' He kneels down and tilts his_
14 years ago
Matthew is
14 years ago
not sure what there is to be celebrating. He picks up his hat, putting it on his head, mumbling, "Yeah."
William says
14 years ago
, 'They really do go for you though, eh?'
14 years ago
ties up his bag, barely nodding. Life cannot get anymore depressing unless Will just turned into a zombie.
14 years ago
.... unfortunately can't turn into a Zombie... he's planning it for Halloween. He slings his own bag over his shoulder and slides an arm_
14 years ago
around Matthew, 'It's okay... I'll protect you~'
14 years ago
goes red in the face, sputtering, "I-- I'm fine."
14 years ago
cuddles Matthew, 'So I can't protect you from squirrels, you were fine?'
Matthew likes
14 years ago
being cuddled, so he's melting. "Um...well, you hit me with a stick."
William will
14 years ago
cuddle him so more, with some nuzzling. 'I was trying to hit the squirrel mate... fast wee bugger.'
14 years ago
sort of pouts. "You shouldn't be hitting squirrels, either."
14 years ago
pouts back, 'But he was roaming about your body... seeing things he wasn't meant to.' He runs a finger over his chest, 'And he might have a_
14 years ago
14 years ago
blinks, "He only went under my hoodie. I bet half the countries have diseases, too."
14 years ago
... sighs, 'well I wouldn't be with you if there was a chance you'd caught any of *those* diseases.' He rests his chin on Matthew's shoulder
14 years ago
'Surprised nations haven't tried.'
Matthew is
14 years ago
slightly perplexed. "What do you mean you wouldn't be with me? What haven't they tried, eh?"
14 years ago
blushes, glad the other isn't looking at him. 'Tried it on with you... you know, all... bar perhaps Vash and his little sis, are at it.'
14 years ago
shakes his head, pulling back, "I don't understand what you mean."
William says
14 years ago
, 'Well no nation has tried to have sex with you?' He looks off to the side, blushing. He's never been asked anyway... >>;
Matthew thinks
14 years ago
for a moment, bringing a finger up to his own chin. "Well, there was an occasion with Miss Belgium."
14 years ago
... frowns, 'But you said no right?' For some reason he feels Matthew has won a competition now >>;;
14 years ago
blinks. "Does it matter...?"
14 years ago
... nods.
14 years ago
14 years ago
replies, 'Because... well I thought you were a virgin.' He creeps back, creating some distance with a small frown.
14 years ago
cannot help but lightly sigh. "That means I said 'no,' then right? What is there to lie about?"
14 years ago
frowns, shrugging. He stands up, 'I dunno, you're the one who asked if it mattered.'
14 years ago
"You're the one who said that you didn't want to make a fuss over sex."
14 years ago
frowns, 'I don't want to think that you would sleep with someone while we're together, or that you'd lie about being with someone.'
14 years ago
stares at him. "Why would I do that to you?"
14 years ago
shrugs, bumping his nose with the back of his wrist. 'You asked, 'What did it matter?'... what am I supposed to think.'
14 years ago
pulls the bag of pine needles up on his shoulder. "The idea of sleeping with anyone else never occurred to me, reason why I said that," he
14 years ago
bitterly replied.
14 years ago
scowls, 'Then I don't see why you couldn't have just answered mate.' He starts home with his pine needles, 'Did you expect me to laugh it_
14 years ago
14 years ago
just stops. "Shut up for a moment. I'm going to tell you something that's really crazy."
14 years ago
stops, '....?'
14 years ago
drops his bag. "Not everyone is existing to hurt you. I love you more than anything. I'm not here to say horrid things to you nor am I to
14 years ago
betray you. But I can't say the right things all the time, either. I can't be exactly what you want."
14 years ago
blinks before looking off to the side, with a small rueful smile, 'I thought you said you were going to say something crazy...'
14 years ago
"It has to be crazy, because I think you doubt me a lot."
William says
14 years ago
, 'Well I can't know what you're thinking all the time. You're harder to read than most people.'
14 years ago
"That does not mean you should question my faith to you. I don't think of having anyone else in my bed and I don't go out with people at
14 years ago
three in the morning after drinking too much. I drink with you because I trust you."
14 years ago
looks guilty, 'I'm sorry... I really do have faith in you most of the time. That answer just threw me off.' He looks either way, 'And lately
14 years ago
I only get drunk because I think you might come...' He smiles, 'And maybe I was hoping you'd take advantage a little~"
Matthew feels
14 years ago
he can sense some sort of truth to Will's apology. "...Lately? When was the last time you got drunk?"
14 years ago
blinks... '... not last night but the one before that.'
14 years ago
barely smiles. "Taking some advantage of you sounds like fun, but you panned me." Cue sad face.
14 years ago
14 years ago
... is almost swayed... He looks very conflicted. Damn that sad face ;;
14 years ago
"Spending time with you is really fun. I like it when we're outside. Some messing around at night wouldn't hurt, though." More sad face.
14 years ago
... pouts, '... I guess, If I happened to be drunk again I could lift the ban... only if I get drunk though.'
14 years ago
...sad face. "That's no fair. I want to when you're sober."
14 years ago
... is close to banning that face. He huffs, 'Fine... it's lifted, but I want you to initiate it.' He fails.
14 years ago
hugs onto him. "Okay~."
14 years ago
... ruffles his hair, the free arm hugging him back. 'You just played me... didn't you?'
14 years ago
nods slightly, pulling away to pick up the bag. "Yes, but you won't regret it."
14 years ago
steals a quick kiss, 'Then I might just let you off with it.' He starts off again, free hand reaching for Matthew's.
14 years ago
softly chuckles at that, slinging the bag over his shoulder. He walks off as well, grabbing onto Will's hand with a bright smile.
14 years ago
blinks at the new found... cockyness. He doesn't question the change though, they have a scarecrow to make :3
14 years ago
sits the bag out in the yard, letting go of Will's hand to go fetch the fake pumpkin and a few planks of wood. "Oh, I still need to get
14 years ago
the clothes, too."
14 years ago
nods... 'Then I'll nail the wood together... a cross right?'
14 years ago
also nods, going back into the house. "Tool box in the shed...!"
14 years ago
saunters off to the shed and nails the wood while Matt is away, doing a rather good job if he can say so himself.
14 years ago
takes a while to come back with a mountie uniform, wearing overalls.
14 years ago
.... laughs. 'I rhink you have it the wrong way round mate.' He knows it's meant to be a mountie but the overalls seem better suited.
14 years ago
blushes. "I like overalls."
14 years ago
laughs, 'They look good on your Matt~'
14 years ago
leans over to give him a kiss. Then he sits on the grass, pulling the pine needles together.
14 years ago
blushes slightly at the kiss before sitting down to help him... 'So how do we do this?
14 years ago
"We need to form a person."
14 years ago
nods... 'But what are we using to keep it all together?'
14 years ago
"Um, rope."
14 years ago
nods, 'Alrighty.' He stuffs the trousers with pine needles then.
14 years ago
does the same with the shirt.
14 years ago
ties up the feet with a small smile, 'Isn't this something important to you... this outfit?'
Matthew thinks
14 years ago
for a moment, tying up the wrists. "I have a few others."
14 years ago
smiles, 'Ohh okay then. I was worried you were going to lose something important to you.'
14 years ago
shakes his head. "If I was, I would have not suggested it," he replies, smiling as well.
14 years ago
works on stuffing the legs some more. 'This was a great idea mate, thanks.'
14 years ago
pokes at the shirt before pushing in more pine needles. "When autumn comes, we can take it somewhere."
14 years ago
forces in as much as the trousers can take. 'Maybe he can make his way around the world and have his own blog.'
14 years ago
laughs out loud, bringing his hands up to his mouth. That is one of the dumbest things he has ever heard.
14 years ago
... looks hurt :c. 'There was a teddybear that made it's way all over the country in Great Britain, a radio station followed it's progress_
14 years ago
and the people who found it posted it online.'
14 years ago
shakes his head. "Teddybears are lighter and cuter, so I think there is a slight difference."
14 years ago
huffs, although he's not all that upset really. 'This guy could be cute if he was looked after well...'
Matthew says
14 years ago
, "Well, I'll think about. Canada is a big place."
14 years ago
smiles, leaning over to press a light kiss to his cheek. 'Thank you~'
14 years ago
smiles upon being kissed. "I think the shirt is done.
William says
14 years ago
, 'The trousers have been done too.'
14 years ago
"Okay, um, we need to join them on the wood."
14 years ago
nods, 'Rope or nails?'
14 years ago
replies, "Rope."
14 years ago
ties the legs to the wood then, tongue sticking out slightly in concentration.
14 years ago
Pushes gloves onto the sleeves of the jacket, tying down the torso.
William thinks
14 years ago
he looks rather dashing, if he can say so himself. 'I'd rather like to see you in one of these once...'
14 years ago
would agree. "I can put it on after we're done." he says.
14 years ago
blinks, 'Seriously...?' Because he wouldn't be willing to put on his digger uniform :|
14 years ago
nods. "Yes...?" He has no shame in the mountie uniform.
14 years ago
smiles, 'Great, then lets get this guy finished...' He pauses to look at the scarecrow... 'Miles.'
14 years ago
echoes the name, grabbing the head that had a scary face drawn on it with marker.
14 years ago
smiles brightly, 'You like the name?'
14 years ago
nods to confirm this, pressing the head down at the neck hole of the jacket and begins to tie it down.
14 years ago
helps as much as he can.
14 years ago
pulls a pair of old boots over the ends of the scarecrow's pants, stepping back to look at it fondly. He makes a soft sound, pulling out a
14 years ago
worn out hat to give to Will. "You may do the honours."
14 years ago
turns at the soft sound, taking the hat with a determined nod. He places the hat on top, squint at first until he stands back a bit and then
14 years ago
fixes it. He must say for some reason this makes him... emotional in a good way. It's something they've made together.
14 years ago
beams. "Mr. Miles looks very nice."
14 years ago
looks over his shoulder, smiling when he sees the beam. 'He does that mate, worrying you might run off with him now.'
William is
14 years ago
obviously joking... \
14 years ago
shakes his head, "Don't be silly. I love you. So we'll run off together."
14 years ago
fakes a sad face.. 'But what about Miles mate? We have to look after him, we made him.'
14 years ago
"I said we're going to run off together. We'll be with Miles, too."
14 years ago
blinks before giving a small laugh, 'Oh alright, then lets go, eh?' He steps back some more to look at the scarecrow, a small sigh escaping.
14 years ago
Sometimes it would be nice to be able to even consider doing the things they joke about.
14 years ago
nods, "Okay." He then grabs for Will's hand, faking a large step. It is then he lets go with a little chuckle.
William is
14 years ago
confused. He does laugh, smiling. 'So... you're turn to dress up now, right?
14 years ago
nods. "Yeah." It is then he goes inside to do that.
14 years ago
hovers, fixing up Miles while he waits to just make sure he's perfect
14 years ago
returns twenty or so minutes later, walking upright in dress uniform.
14 years ago
... wolf whistles, admiring Matthew's get-up and how he looks in it. 'I can see why the ladies get excited over Canadian Mounties now.'
14 years ago
lightly pulls at his hat to straighten it. "I did not know they did get excited."
14 years ago
... nods, 'All girls want a strong, manly Canadian Mountie...' He steps forward to straighten it for him.
14 years ago
"What about you?"
14 years ago
blinks, 'I like you however you come Matt.'
14 years ago
lightly smiles. "Thank you. I'm going to get changed again."
14 years ago
...blinks, 'Why?'
14 years ago
blinks as well. "You said you wanted to know what I looked like in it, so I put it on."
14 years ago
hums, 'I suppose...' He straightens out Matthew's jacket mainly out of habit of doing it to himself, 'Thank you for accommodating my selfish
14 years ago
requests then.'
14 years ago
"If you want a lap dance from me while wearing this, I expect you to get me some Chinese take out."
14 years ago
blinks before grinning. He pats Matthew's chest, 'Not worth it mate.' He would love a lap dance though and is joking ;;
14 years ago
looks up at him. "I don't care what you get me. But I like egg rolls, okay?"
14 years ago
blinks, amused. 'I can just get you chinese, you don't need to do this for me.' He'll get lots of egg rolls then
14 years ago
pouts. "But it would be fun. I also have the uniform on."
14 years ago
hums, 'Well...' He blushes brightly, 'It'd be better than imagining it.' He slides his hands up to Matthew's shoulders and squeezes them.
14 years ago
leans in to lightly kiss one of Will's cheeks. "Then lemme take you inside, eh?"
14 years ago
laughs lightly, 'You're definitely the perve in the relationship.' He takes Matthew's hand and tugs him in, shutting the door behind them.
14 years ago
follows him in, using his free hand to keep hold of his hat. "Learning it from you."
14 years ago
laughs, 'Then you've surpassed the Teacher mate
14 years ago
.' He squeezes his hand, 'It's always the quiet ones.'
14 years ago
kisses him quickly once more, leading him to one of the chairs out into the living room.
William will
14 years ago
proceed to tease him once he's seated, 'So what have I done wrong to warrant a Mountie's attention?'
14 years ago
tilts his hat upward. "You've been running from the law for too long."
14 years ago
throws him a cocky grin, a spark of defiance sparkling in his eyes. Playing this role is probably too easy for him, 'Oh... didn't even _
14 years ago
realise they were after me.'
14 years ago
puts his hands on the arms of the chair. "You have no idea."
14 years ago
leans in closer with a sharp grin, looking Matthew up and down, 'I'm sure you'd enjoy telling me, since it seems you're the only one chasing
14 years ago
14 years ago
(/has egg roll 8D)
14 years ago
(( Hyuu hyuu /jealous ))
14 years ago
pushes away from the chair to go turn on the stereo. "You know it."
14 years ago
... bites his lip to stop from laughing at the slight cheesiness. His expression is soon hard again though, falling back into his chair with
14 years ago
an uninterested expression.
14 years ago
(it does not taste too good.)
14 years ago
(( Ooh, sorry hun. I would buy you some if I could ;; ))
14 years ago
returns, a song beginning to play. "You're not allowed to touch me during this song. After, you can get up and leave if you want."
14 years ago
(even the rice kinda sucks.)
14 years ago
((Undercooked :c? ))
14 years ago
nods, 'I think I can do that Mr. Mountie, sir~'
14 years ago
(idk) begins to slowly move his hips, hands going up to undo some buttons.
14 years ago
... crosses his legs because if the drop of his stomach is any indication, he's going to have to hide something. His eyes follow the path of
14 years ago
Matthew's hands, gaze flickering up to his face occassionally.
14 years ago
stops, pulling his hands back as his hips move in circles. He brings up one of his hands to his mouth to pull his glove off with his teeth.
14 years ago
licks his lips, staring at Matthew's mouth. 'R-rather unorthodox punishment, sir.'
14 years ago
does the same with his other glove, letting both fall to the floor. He steps closer to where his legs are touching Will's knees, rolling his
14 years ago
hips. He leans into Will slightly, beginning to undo more buttons.
14 years ago
fingers flex, moving as though to tug Matthew closer. He holds onto his jean leg, taking a deep and shuddering breath, as his eyes take in_
14 years ago
now visible expanse of skin. The fact that Matthew had told him not to makes him want to touch the other more...
14 years ago
's hands completely unbutton the jacket, revealing a light shirt underneath. His hands only move up to take off his hat and place it down
14 years ago
nicely on the coffee table. He moves closer in on Will, hips rolling against his as he holds onto the arms of the chair for support.
William gives
14 years ago
a strangled groan, grip on his own jeans tightening. He breaths in the scent of Matthew in lue of not being able to touch him.
14 years ago
pulls away from him, hands traveling down Will's torso and then his own as he begins to simply swing his hips. He then bends his knees
14 years ago
slightly, hands running down Will's legs.
14 years ago
bites his lips, an air of defiance... or perhaps challenge settling in his heavy gaze. He was determined not to make anymore noises until he
14 years ago
could pin Matthew against a couch and... pound him senseless. This carnal desire of his... somewhat scared him but he had realised recently_
14 years ago
that Matthew would probably cope better with the pain than him.
14 years ago
his hands went back up as he slowly straightened up, turning his back to Will as he leans over slightly and moves his hips. He feels sort of
14 years ago
dirty, but as long as Will does not go tell anyone, he should be okay.
William will
14 years ago
not be telling anyone. This is for him to see and him alone. His eyes stick glued to Matthew's rear and he has to shift in his seat to ease_
14 years ago
... some tension. His knuckles are white now with effort.
14 years ago
turns back around, moving so he could put his hands on Will's knees, but the song ends.
14 years ago
tugs him by the collar when the song ends and ends up giving him a bruising kiss. Ahh, inexperience and horny-ness. He pushes himself off_
14 years ago
the chair to try and maneuver Matthew to the floor.
14 years ago
grabs onto his shoulders in response, almost bumping his teeth into the other's lip as he messily kisses back.
William is
14 years ago
already trying to maneuver Matthew's shirt off, straddling his hips as he responds just as messily to this kiss.
14 years ago
(whoops. Damn mobile.)
14 years ago
((It's okay =D ))
14 years ago
helps him by shrugging off his unbuttoned jacket and then pulls the shirt off over his head, breaking the kiss.
14 years ago
(/kicks plurk)
14 years ago
((/pats ;; ))
14 years ago
(It sent, right? OTL /sob)
14 years ago
(( Now it is =D ))
14 years ago
( OTL )
14 years ago
kisses where his collar bones meet, hands gliding up his sides. He rubs one of Matthew's nipples... remembering the last time and murmurs,_
14 years ago
'I want you Matt.' He grinds his hips into Matthew's for emphasis.
14 years ago
makes an odd high pitched noise, hands in Will's hair. He arches his hips and groans, "Will...you can have me."
14 years ago
groans in response to the high pitched nose, dipping his tongue into the dip. He grinds again, eyes on Matthew's face, 'I'll be careful.'
14 years ago
makes another noise, hands tightening in the other's hair. "Careful?" he asks.
14 years ago
nods, 'Careful.' He repeats to confirm it before he settles on ravishing Matthew's neck, hand sliding down in between their bodies to undo_
14 years ago
Matthew's trousers.
14 years ago
groans, "Oh, oh...." His hips move lightly from side to side, tent rather obvious in his pants.
14 years ago
never knew Matthew could be so Vocal. He bites on his neck as the hand skims back up to tease and taunt his nipple. He murmurs against his_
14 years ago
neck, 'That lap dance was really hot.'
14 years ago
's eyes are half lidded, hips continuing to move against the floor. His hands go under Will's shirt, fingers digging into his back. "Did you
14 years ago
really like it...?"
14 years ago
nods against his neck, presses his prominent erection against Matthews. 'Fucking love it mate, can't you tell?' He pinches Matthew's nipple,
14 years ago
giving it a tug.
14 years ago
groans again, toes curling in his boots. "Oh...I got horny while I was doing that to you," he thoughtlessly confesses.
14 years ago
swallows with this admission, eyes full of lust and fire as he pulls back to look Matthew in the eye. 'You were really good.' His free hand_
14 years ago
attempts top push Matt's trousers and boxers down far enough to get some accesss.
14 years ago
looks back into his eyes, biting his lip out of anticipation. "You want more?"
14 years ago
nods, 'I wan-like no need to be inside you Matt.' He presses a kiss to his lips, 'I love you.'
14 years ago
's eyes widen as he quickly hugs onto Will's neck for a short moment. "I love you too," he murmurs.
14 years ago
((And private xD;;; /forgot ))
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