huiyan wonders
14 years ago
where is chunyu??
latest #17
Sherman says
14 years ago
sleeping liao bah .
huiyan says
14 years ago
so fast !! no wonder so quiet!!
Sherman says
14 years ago
she's a piggy mah .. don't you know .
JunHong O_O says
14 years ago
huiyan says
14 years ago
orh hor !!! tomorrow she see this u cfm die !
Sherman says
14 years ago
don't tell her ..
huiyan says
14 years ago
i will :-D
Sherman says
14 years ago
don't lehh ...
huiyan says
14 years ago
hehe... i wan to watch "movie" !
Sherman says
14 years ago
haiz.. don't wish to "fight" with her ...
huiyan says
14 years ago
haha..cos u always lose !
Sherman says
14 years ago
not about that ...
Sherman says
14 years ago
no mood to fight with her..
huiyan says
14 years ago
O.O? fight also need mood de arh?
Sherman says
14 years ago
yup ..
huiyan says
14 years ago
okok... but i cant help u though.. she will read this tomorrow
Sherman says
14 years ago
let her read bah .. i can do nothing about it ..
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